
Episode 6

I immediately pulled out my phone and recorded the scene. At that point, the people in the room were begging. It was my sister’s husband. The same man we called severally to come pick his wife up. Is that how he usually behaved with her? Has my sister been hiding how shitty her husband is too?

“Lying bastards,” I spat to him, the lady who was with him and my husband, Rick. Oh, how I wasn’t even moved by seeing my husband there. It was very normal and usual to see him. He wasn’t even begging. But I was indeed shocked to my marrows to see Vincent, my sister’s husband.

“Wait, wait, Jane, don’t tell Sheba please,” he pleaded and I let out a very loud cackle.

“What do you take me for? Like who exactly do you think I am? Not to tell my sister about how shitty you are? You must be mad,” I scoffed, still holding my phone up, recording.

“It’s the work of the alcohol, I was drunk. I’m still drowsy from all the drinking and partying, it’s just an honest mistake, Jane please, don’t,” he pleaded, holding the sheets up to his private parts so I wouldn’t see but I laughed at the scene.

“So you’re still drunk, yet you know that I am recording you now and you don’t want to get in trouble with my sister? So you are drunk and you realize you’re naked and that’s why you’re covering yourself up? So you’re drunk and you drove yourself all the way to my house, parked carefully at my garage!” I snapped at him while he started sobbing.

“Jane, please. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” he pleaded with my phone still in my hand.

“Oh come of it! But why my house? My house of all places and with my husband? You have the full loaded audacity to come to my house to have a threesome with my husband?” I yelled and he was already whimpering, while I could notice the lady from the corner of my eye getting bored of the drama already.

“I’m sorry Jane,” he muttered amidst sobs.

“I thought you were on my side Vincent! Always acting like you’re a fucking saint! Always there to console me alongside my sister whenever my shit hole husband here hit me!” I yelled, crossing my arms under my breasts, taking time to have a good look at the three of them one by one.

“What a shame,” I muttered, more to myself but I didn’t care if they heard me.

I was embarrassed to say the least. I was embarrassed at what my household was turning into. My husband would bring in ladies at his leisure and embarrass me in my own house and now, Vincent?

I made to leave the room and no body moved an inch, it was as though they were waiting for my next line of action. I just shook my head and left the room. I walked out to the living room and found my sister sleeping peacefully on the couch. She was snoring. Of course. I decided to let her lay on the couch while I went upstairs to get a duvet and a pillow for her. While I made sure she was comfortable, I looked at my beautiful sister’s face.

“No body deserves these kind of husbands Sheba,” I whispered, caressing her head while tears rolled down freely from my face.

I hadn’t noticed any movement coming from the room and none of them had left so I ran upstairs to my drawer and brought out my pistol.

“These people really think I’m playing or that old Jane. I’ll blow some heads off tonight!” I said, angrily flying down the stairs till I got to the guest room.

I caught them at it again. “Do you people ever learn?!” I yelled corking the gun and pointing it at them.

“I’m sorry! We’ll leave now!” The lady spoke up, shaking and trying hard to put on her clothes as quickly as she could.

“Get out!” I yelled, the gun still pointing at them.

“Jane, calm down. Put the gun down,” Rick spoke up and those were the first words he said to me since I got back.

“You wouldn’t want to hurt anyone so put the gun down,” he said slowly while he wore his own clothes looking at me as though he was trying to prevent me from harming him.

“Oh come on Rick, if I were to pull this trigger, I would pull it in your direction and guess where I would aim for huh? You guessed right! I would aim for your fucking balls you fucking idiot!” I snapped and first, the girl ran as fast as she could past me and through the living room to get to the door while my husband and Vincent were still looking at me.

“It doesn’t have to be this way Jane,” he said, with his hands up in the air. I was sure I looked very pissed and would actually pull the trigger but I wasn’t about to enter a case with the police so I held back as much as I wanted to ruin his manhood.

“Rick! Look at what you do to me! The disrespect, the hitting! The cheating! I know I’m a contract wife but at least show some fucking respect! But no, you were a complete idiot before I even married you! I should have seen that. But I ignored those red flags!” I put the gun down slowly, putting it in my back pocket.

“You, get out out!” I pointed at Vincent asking him to leave and he whimpered, running out like a little child, into the living room, then a while after, I heard the entrance door close up.

I took one last long glare at Rick and all I could do was to shake my head. Maybe he needed therapy or deliverance from his extreme obsession with stupidity. I walked carefully out of the room, checked on my sister on the couch and she was good then walked up the stairs and into my bed room.

As I lay on my bed, flashbacks of the union between Rick and I, started to hunt me.


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