


Currently its 5 am.

I woke up early to eat some breakfast and get ready.

I prepared myself and some others who also have to wake up early to train some breakfast.

"good morning" I said as Pam got into the kitchen

"good morning" I said as Pam got into the kitchen.

"morning, your the newbie right?"

"yeah, why?"

"your fighting stance. It's just like bosses,why?"

"when you have earned my trust I'll tell you"

"I like you" she said. Just when the others Walked in with Mr mystery in them.

"well well who did all this." said Mr ego.

"I did"

"hmm, why?"

"because I joined the group, and knowing you, you guys are like I family I can tell. You all are relaxed around each other. All 6 of you. But the rest they are scared of you, so I'm guessing you built the mafia with them." I said looking at Luca.

I said. You see, when you are a street fighter /assassin. You learn how to study pe
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