
Crescent Pack Chronicles: The Lost Triplets
Crescent Pack Chronicles: The Lost Triplets
Penulis: Naya Peters


My feet pounded aggressively on the broken branches in the dense forest, tearing through the undergrowth with each stride. Despite the pain and discomfort, I cared little for the cuts and bruises that littered my skin. All that mattered was escaping.

My wolf-like strength had carried me far, but even that was failing me now. My body was giving out, gasping for breath, and pleading for respite. Yet I refused to yield. I couldn't stop now. Not when that monstrous creature was hot on my heels.

Every fiber in my being screamed in protest as my legs threatened to buckle beneath me. But I pressed on, determined to outrun the beast that hunted me. It was using its own inhuman strength, fueled by an unyielding hatred for my kind. I knew this all too well, having lived my entire life in a constant state of flight and evasion.

My family had been mercilessly slaughtered by the same merciless hunters who now pursued me. Their thirst for blood knew no bounds, their hatred for our kind beyond comprehension. But why? Why were we such a threat to them? Why did they seek to wipe us from the face of the earth?

My thoughts were cut short as the creature closed in on me, raising its axe to deliver the final blow. My legs gave out, and I collapsed to the ground, breathless and beaten.

I fumbled for the emblem my mother had given me, the last line of defense against these hunters. But it was too late. The weapon was already upon me, ready to strike. And then, darkness consumed me.

* * * *

I woke up to my body feeling as light as a feather. My head hammered hard in response as I tried to make out why I was laid on a bed and in a room. I shifted my weight on the bed to survey my environment properly. And however, they were heavy, I let my eyelids drift around the miniscule, antiquated room. 

It had a wooden window which was left ajar to let the sunlight seep in, freely. There was a old and stale couch sitting right beside the bed, where I laid and that was all. A wardrobe with damaged woden door, attached to the wall was by my left and that was all. Nothing to see again. Nothing that could help me reclaim my memory. 

The room reeked of ancient clothes - which I trusted was from the wardrobe - and something else that threatened nausea up my throat. I couldn't patch up what it was but, it was a rotten smell and I would have dotted out of the room to throw everything that I had in the pit of my stomach, up, if I wasn't too weak to even lift a finger. 

I tried to speak but, a pain and sour in my throat answered. 

What exactly happened? I last remembered getting attacked by that hunter. What happened after that? Was I rescued? 

That would be a load of bullshit because I knew that hunter couldn't have left me still breathing. 

Abruptly, the wooden door creaked open and a young lady let herself in. 

Auburn hair. Pale skin. Cracked lips. Bags underneath her eyes. Pointy nose but still very beautiful face. 

She froze when she saw me staring back at her and instantly casted aside the bowl of water that was secured in her hand, walking closer to me. 

"You are awake."

Clean british accent. 

Who was she? 

I was ready to speak up, start asking the questions that had being hanging at the tip of my tongue since I woke up but, my weak body protested otherwise. 

I could hardly move my lips and my eyelids were still heavy like I was going to drift back to sleep any moment from now. 

So, I just watched as she dug a face towel into the bowl of water, sucking it, brought it out and squeezed the water out of it till it was left with only few drops. 

She brought the towel to my forehead and let it stay there. Then, I detected a scar peeking at the corner of her neck. 

A vampire's bite.

Were they vampires?  

As if the lady could read the questions from my face, she began to speak. 

"The hunter almost got you. If we hadn't been there on time, they would have"

Certainly, that answered most of my questions but, I was still not contented. I needed more details. 

Who they were? Why they had chosen to help me? Why didn't they think I was danger?  

And the lady was spewed them out as if she read my thoughts in an handwriting form. 

"We are werewolves like you. We saw you where we went hunting for dinner, last night. Though, Jake thought it a wise decision to abandon you but, then I remembered Jake forced me to climb a 20 ft mountain when we were little and had me break my wisdom tooth. He is heartless."

There was amusement in her voice and she rolled her grey orbs dramatically as she shared her ridiculous story with me. I didn't know who Jake was - my guess should be her brother or friend - but, I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my dry lips. 

"W-why?" I managed the choked word out of my lips. 

"Because we had been in such situation. The hunters. They got our parents. We are hiding from them."

Her tone was dark and I read the sorrow behind every word she let out. 

"You too?"

"Yes." Her head dropped low, hiding the pain written all over her face. 

She continued her sad story on how she survived from the hunters but, I hear none of it. I'm slowly shutting down from the world as my eyelids grows heavier each passing seconds. 

I heard her mumble something about once killing an hunter when my eyelids gave up the fight and I drifted back into sleep. 

* * * * *

My head was lighter when I slid my eyes open the second time. The beautiful orange color of the sun caught my eyes as it drifted into the depth of the sky, giving way for the dark clouds. 

I lifted myself off the mattress to a sitting position and let myself out, the door making a loud creaking noise. 

The wooden house stood between a forest and it was bigger than I imagined. An old truck is packed outside, behind a familiar tree. 

My eyes hadn't adjusted to it vision yet but, I could recognize that tree and the infamous fruit that hung low on each branch even in my sleep. 

The hunters. 

My breath hitched, heart hammered against my ribcage. I forgot how to breath and I began to tremble. 

That was the fruit the hunters liked to eat. And that tree was in every hunter's home. All tall and dainty. 

What was I doing here? How did I fall in the hands of an hunter? 

That auburn lady. Had she deceived me all along? She was part of the hunters. 

As I looked around for an escape route in panic, I felt a shadow looming over me and someone gripped my arm from behind. 

I let out a shrill scream. 

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