
Chapter 3


I stumble, my body finally giving in to the unbearable strain. I collapse to the ground, my knees sinking into the damp earth as I clutch at my chest, desperately trying to catch my breath. The pain is relentless, a constant reminder of the bond that was ripped from me, the love and support that I had once relied on, are now gone.

Tears well up in my eyes once more, but this time they're not just for the betrayal I've suffered. They're for the loss of my strength, the seemingly insurmountable challenge that lies ahead of me as I try to rebuild my life without Callum.

As I lie there, my body wracked with pain and my heart aching with grief, I feel a flicker of fear. What if I'm not strong enough to face this new reality? What if the burden of this pain is too much for me to bear?

But even as these thoughts threaten to consume me, I refuse to give in to despair. I've come too far and fought too hard to let this pain define me. With a trembling hand, I wipe away my tears, gritting my teeth as I force myself to sit up.

I take a deep, shuddering breath, my resolve hardening with each passing moment. I will not let this defeat me. I will not let Callum's betrayal be the end of my story.

Slowly, painfully, I rise to my feet, my legs shaking beneath me as I take the first tentative steps toward my new life. The path ahead may be uncertain, filled with pain and heartache, but I'm determined to face it head-on, to find the strength within me to overcome this trial.

With each step, I feel the pain in my body beginning to recede, replaced by a newfound determination. I may be weakened, but I am not broken.

I need comfort and support, and there's only one place I can think of where I might find it. So I run, tears streaming down my face, to the home, I've always known, where my adoptive parents live.

As I reach their familiar doorstep, I burst inside, my vision blurred by tears. "Mom!" I sob, as I collapse onto the floor, my body wracked with sobs.

My mother, always so attentive and caring, rushes to my side, her face etched with worry. She kneels on the floor beside me, her arms wrapping around me as I cry out my heartache.

"What happened, Aria?" she asks, her voice gentle but insistent, urging me to share my burden.

Through my sobs, I tell her everything – how I saw Callum with Tamara, how their whispered conversation left me feeling betrayed, and how I couldn't bear it any longer. I tell her how I rejected Callum as my mate and how the pain of the severed bond now claws at my insides.

As I share my story, my mother holds me, her arms a comforting presence against the storm of emotions raging inside me. When I finish, she strokes my hair, her touch soothing, and I can see the pain in her eyes as she takes in what I've told her.

"Aria, my dear," she says softly, "I know this is hard, but you're strong. You've always been strong. You can get through this."

Her words offer some comfort, but as I cling to her, I think about the secret I'm carrying inside me – a secret that could change everything. And as I sit there, wrapped in my mother's embrace, I know that I need to find the strength to face the truth, whatever it may be, and to make the decision that will shape not only my future but also the future of my unborn child.

After what seems like an eternity of tears and comfort, I finally find the strength to pull away from my mother's embrace. I wipe away the remaining tears from my face, and take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision I'm about to make.

"Mom," I say, my voice shaky but resolute, "I have to leave the pack. I can't stay here, not after what happened with Callum. I can never look at him again."

My mother's eyes widen with concern, but she doesn't try to stop me. She knows that I must do what feels right for me, even if it's hard. "Are you sure about this, Aria?" she asks gently, her hand still resting on my shoulder.

"Yes," I reply, my voice steadying. "I need to leave, and I need to do it now. I can't bear to stay here any longer."

My mother nods, her expression filled with understanding and love. "Alright, my dear. We'll support you, no matter what. You know that, right?"

I nod, grateful for her unwavering support. Together, we pack a few essential belongings, and I say my goodbyes to my adoptive father, who hugs me tightly and whispers words of encouragement in my ear.

As I sit on the edge of my bed, my heart heavy with the decision I'm about to make, my thoughts fly to Callum – the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. The man whom I believed was my soulmate, my other half. But now, after everything that's happened between us, I can't bear the thought of staying in the Moonshadow Pack any longer. Too much has changed, and too much has been lost.

With a deep, steadying breath, I make up my mind. I will leave Crescent Valley, the pack, and Callum behind – forever. I won't tell him about the child I carry, his heir. The thought of my unborn child growing up without knowing their father breaks my heart, but I can't risk the pain and betrayal. He’s made his choice… and I’m not it.

I know that leaving will be an uphill battle – both emotionally and physically – but I'm determined to protect my child and myself from the heartache that has consumed me. The journey ahead won't be easy, but I must be strong for the sake of my unborn child and my well-being.

As I make my way out, I think about the life I'm leaving behind – the friendships, the love, the familiarity of my pack. It's a life I never thought I would have to let go of, but now, it feels like a distant dream, slipping through my fingers like sand.

With one last glance at the room that has been my sanctuary for so long, I pick up my bag and walk out the door, my heart heavy but my resolve unwavering. I know that leaving Callum and the Moonshadow Pack behind will be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I also know that it's the only way I can truly protect myself and my child.

As I step into the cool night air, the moon casting a soft glow on the world around me, I take the first step toward my new life – a life away from Crescent Valley, away from the Moonshadow Pack, and away from Callum. It's a journey into the unknown, filled with both hope and fear, but I know that I must face it with courage and determination, for the sake of my child and for the chance at a brighter future.

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