
Contracted To The Playboy Billionaire
Contracted To The Playboy Billionaire
Author: Krystal Write

Chapter 1

Amelia was busy taking the orders of a customer when someone yelled.

"Order for table sixteen!"

"Coming!" Amelia yell back. She hurriedly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a tray of food, then she took it to the said table.

"Enjoy your meal Ma'am." She smiled, then she left after giving the customer a slight bow.

Amelia looked around, the whole place was filled up, yet they were still getting more customers, she was literally so tired and exhausted, but she had no choice than to keep working.

She wiped off the sweat from her forehead, she would want nothing more than to collapse on a bed and sleep for hours!

She was actually meant to be at home right now since she was done with her shift, but then her boss asked her to work overtime tonight since they were having much customers than usual. Amelia wanted to turn down the offer, but after her boss promised to pay her a huge amount of money for it, she gladly accepted. The thing is she's badly in need of money to help her mother who isn't well.

Ever since her father left them, it's been one problem or the other. All of a sudden, her mother slumped one day and after taking her to the hospital, she was told her mother has a heart disease. They used all the savings they had to treat her then, and she has been on life preserving drugs since then.

The drugs will soon run out and she needed money to get new ones, so she had to work nonstop.

Amelia used her left hand to massage her right shoulder, her whole body was aching so bad, it's like pain and tiredness suddenly became her companion tonight.

"What are you doing standing there Amelia?" Her colleague Rose said. "We have so much customers tonight and you think this is the perfect time for you to stand here doing nothing!"

Amelia scoffed in disbelief. "What!?"

"Just get to work and stop lazing around!" Rose scolded before leaving.

Amelia could only stare at her in annoyance, she ran her hand through her hair, feeling so angry. All day she's been running around and working nonstop, she didn't even take a break for a second, and now when she decides to just rest for a few minutes, some annoying bitch walks up to her and tell her she's lazing around!

Rose never liked Amelia ever since she started working here and she never misses the opportunity to bully her every time. If it hadn't been that Amelia wanted to keep her job here due to her urgent need for money, she would have taught her a lesson she would never forget. But then Amelia can't afford to loose her job at this restaurant because this is the only place she's worked that pays so much and getting another job won't be so easy, that's the only reason she takes every insult being showered on her by everybody.

She heaved a deep calming breath before going to see to customers orders.

While she was serving, her boss suddenly came and told her to serve the VIP guests on the last floor.

Amelia obeyed and went to the last floor using the elevator. When she got there, the first thing she did was to cough, the room reeked of cigarettes and alcohol, Amelia really hates the smell, but what choice does she have.

She started working immediately, making sure to serve them. She also noticed that ever since she walked in, there's this particular man that had his eyes on her, but Amelia doesn't even care, she's only here to do her work and she needs to get things done really quick and get the hell out of here.

Amelia got to the man's table and began serving him his dish.

The man had this lustful look in his eyes as he watched her work, he ran his tongue across his lips, having this urge to just smack her butt.

Amelia was done serving him and was about taking her leave when he held her hand and pulled her to sit on his laps.

"Excuse me! What the hell are you doing!?" She half yelled, struggling to free herself from him, but the man suddenly wrapped his other hand around her waist, trapping her.

"Shh..." He drawled. "No need pretending you don't like this, you're just like the others, you all are the same and there's no need hiding it." He leaned closer to her and kissed her neck.

"Let go of me you bastard! I only came here to serve you!" Amelia yelled.

The other VIP guest who were with him could only laugh as they watched the drama in front of them.

"Come on, stop putting on a tough act already. Why don't you come with me to my lodge and spend the night with me huh."

Amelia scoffed in disbelief, then she slapped him so hard, causing him to let go of her, she then took the opportunity and stood up.

"What is wrong with you huh?" She yelled in anger.

The man held his cheek, his eyes wide open in shock as he stared at her in rage.

"You're nothing but a shameless man who wasn't brought up right! How dare you think of me like that? Do you think I'm one of those cheap slut who will shamelessly throw themselves at you?"

"I should do more than just slap you, I should report you to the authorities for sexual harassment." She threatened. "The next time you lay those filthy hands of yours on me again, I won't let it slide so easily."

"You rich folks really do think you're some kind of a god don't you." She hissed at him, grabbed the empty tray on the table and left in anger.

Amelia really had no idea whom she just embarrassed.

Everyone present could only stare at her in awe, but the man she just slapped, he wasn't going to let this go, no one has ever laid their hands on him or even dare to speak to him in such a way.

He's marked her face and vowed to make her pay for this humiliation.

She's not only the first woman to ever hit him, she's also the first person to turn him down and embarrass him in such a way.

A few minutes after that incident, Amelia was in the kitchen doing the dishes when Rose came to her and told her that their boss wanted to see her in her office. Amelia instantly left what she was doing, she took off her gloves, rinsed her hands with clean water before heading to her boss office.

When she got there she placed a gentle knock on the door and was ushered in afterwards.

Her boss was standing in front of the window with her back facing Amelia.

"You sent for me Ma'am.'' Amelia said softly.

Her boss sharply turned around, walked up to her and threw a white envelope at her.

Amelia caught the envelope before it could drop to the floor, then she stared at it in confusion.

"What's this for Ma'am?" She asked. The next word she heard was something she wasn't expecting.

"You're fired Amelia!" Her boss said with a straight face.

At first, Amelia was at loss for words, it's like she didn't hear her clearly the first time and it took a while for her brain to process those words again.

"You're fired!" Her boss repeated.

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