
Contract Marriage

Helen's POV

My mind whirled with thoughts as I pondered the strange man's offer. The proposition seemed too good to be true, fostering a sense of hesitation within me. However, upon reflection, I acknowledged the potential benefits of the stranger's offer. Despite my lingering affection for Jonah, the notion of living with him no longer appealed to me. He had transformed into a different person, and the prospect of being his wife now seemed perilous.

I yearned to uncover the reasons behind his abrupt shift from a loving partner to a beast. It became paramount to understand the catalyst for his assault mere hours after our marriage. Jonah had never exhibited violent tendencies before, leaving me with a gnawing suspicion that my twin sister, Helena, played a pivotal role in triggering this drastic change.

Determined to unravel the mystery, I resolved to accept the stranger's offer. Grateful for his intervention during Jonah's assault, I saw this opportunity as a means to secure the resources required to investigate Helena's involvement in my shattered relationship with Jonah. Becoming the stranger's wife held the promise of unveiling the secrets hidden behind Jonah's transformation, shedding light on what Helena had revealed to him at the wedding venue.

"It seems like you need some time to think about this, so I'll give you some time," the man said, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Actually, I've thought about it already, but how do you know that you'll fulfill your promises?" I asked.

"Don't you know who I am?" the man replied.

"No," I shook my head.

"Oh, I see. Well, my name is Xander Hemsworth," the man introduced himself with a smile, and my eyes widened with shock as that name sounded very familiar.

"Wait a minute, you mean you're the CEO of Hemsworth's group?" I asked in disbelief.

"Obviously," he replied with a smirk, and I scoffed.

"Even though you're one of the richest men in the world, how am I supposed to trust that you'll fulfill your end of the bargain if I agree to be your wife for six months?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What's your bank account number?" he asked as he brought out his phone from his pocket.

I provided my account details, watching as he operated his phone.

"Check your account balance. I just transferred a little amount of money to you," he said as he dipped his phone in his pocket.

"Hold on a second," I said as I went to get my phone from Jonah's car. My eyes widened in shock as I saw a credit alert of fifty million dollars, but I kept a straight face. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was marveled by the amount of money he transferred.

"Have you confirmed the transfer?" he asked, the smirk on his lips widening.

"Yeah," I replied with a nod as I walked back to meet him.

"So, what's your decision?" he inquired.

Accepting the stranger's offer seemed like my best chance at unraveling the mysteries surrounding Jonah's sudden transformation and the turmoil that engulfed my wedding day. As I nodded in agreement, a mix of relief and trepidation washed over me.

"Okay, I'll accept your offer," I uttered, my voice carrying the weight of uncertainty.

A subtle satisfaction flickered across the stranger's face as he acknowledged my decision. Little did he know that money wasn't the reason why I agreed to be his temporary wife.

"That's good. Follow me." He said, and I casted a last glance at Jonah's unconscious body on the ground before following the stranger to his car.

The transition from the street to the stranger's car was swift, and as we departed from the unsettling backdrop of my recent assault, a newfound sense of security settled over me. The car cruised through the city streets, and my thoughts churned with the weight of the choice I had just made.

"Why are you helping me?" I finally mustered the courage to ask, breaking the silence that hung between us.

The stranger, now revealed as Xander, glanced at me with a cold expression on his face. "I'm not really helping you. This is an agreement, and we are both helping each other. I need a temporary wife, and you need... money or whatever it is you need."

His words hinted at a deeper conviction, and I found a sliver of solace in the idea that, perhaps, I had found an ally in this unexpected twist of fate.

"I should be heading to the hospital to meet my grandpa, and you must follow me so I can introduce you to him. But you can't follow me looking like this." Xander said with a disgusted look on his face, prompting me to arch a brow at him.

"And what do I look like?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You look like shit, and you also stink. You need to take a bath before you can accompany me to the hospital to meet my grandpa." He replied coldly, and a frown appeared on my face as I became a bit infuriated by his words.

"Hey, don't you dare speak to me like that. How dare you say that I look like shit?" I spat angrily, and he smirked.

"I wish you had spoken to your coward ex-husband this way; then maybe he might have been scared to lay a finger on you." He replied callously, his smirk widening.

Xander's callous words struck a nerve, and an indignant fire ignited within me. Despite the unsettling circumstances, I couldn't let his blatant disregard for my feelings go unchallenged.

"How dare you speak to me like that. I won't tolerate being insulted," I retorted, my frustration bubbling to the surface.

He remained unfazed, a stoic expression defining his features. "Save your outrage for situations that truly warrant it. Right now, you need to freshen up if you're accompanying me. We both have our roles in this agreement, and maintaining appearances is part of the deal."

Reluctantly, I kept quiet, recognizing that compliance might be my best course of action, at least for now. As the car continued heading to an unknown destination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment at the unyielding nature of our arrangement.

As we reached a luxurious mansion, I couldn't help but marvel at the opulence that surrounded me. This was a far cry from the life I had envisioned with Jonah. The mansion spoke of wealth and influence, which was a stark contrast to the turmoil I had left behind.

The car pulled up in the driveway, and two hefty men dressed in black tailored suits rushed to open the door for us. I stepped out of the car, and I was surprised by the number of guards in the compound. They were up to thirty, and they were all looking mean and dangerous.

Xander guided me inside the living room, and I was awed by the beauty and luxury. The maids bowed as I was led to what would now be my room—a room filled with lavish furnishings that spoke of a life vastly different from the one I had known.

"I'll give you some time to freshen up. The maids would order for a new dress, and make sure you don't waste time dressing up," Xander said sternly before walking out of the large bedroom.

As I stood there, the weight of Xander's words lingered in the air, leaving me with a sense of unease. The opulent room seemed to close in on me as I contemplated his sudden change in demeanor. The way he was now speaking to me was different and cold. Was this the same Xander I had known a few minutes ago? The one who once smiled at me back when he saved me from Jonah's assault?

I decided to shake the thought off my head and freshen up like he instructed. I stripped off my dirty wedding gown and walked to the bathroom. The bath, though luxurious, served as a stark reminder of the abrupt shift in my life. As I washed away the physical remnants of Jonah's assault, the emotional scars lingered, unresolved and festering beneath the surface.

Emerging from the bathroom minutes later, clad in a white towel, I saw five knee-length gowns lying on the bed with five pairs of heels on the tiled ground. There were also five Chanel bags of different colours.

I walked to the bed and checked out the gowns. To my surprise, the gowns were the latest and most expensive gowns which were released a week ago by a popular clothing company. The gowns were of the same brand but were of different colours. I remembered asking Jonah to purchase the gown for me a few days before our wedding, but it was too expensive, and it'd cost him a quarter of his networth.

But this mysterious individual not only acquired a single gown but an astonishing five of them in one go. It's hardly astonishing, considering the individual in question is none other than Xander Hemsworth, the third wealthiest individual on the planet. Despite the lack of any genuine marital ties between us, his decision to purchase those gowns gave me a profound sense of being cherished and looked after.

Swiftly, I dried my body with a towel and applied lotion to my skin before carefully selecting one of the gowns. To my amazement, it draped over me flawlessly, as if it was exclusively made for me. A smile naturally formed on my face as I admired my reflection in the full-length mirror.

From the assortment of heels scattered on the floor, I opted for a sleek black pair, slipping them on effortlessly. But the smile on my face suddenly vanished when I saw the bruises on my face, caused by Jonah's assault.

The bruises brought back memories of the joyful life I had envisioned with Jonah after our wedding. They also stirred up recollections of our fractured relationship and the distressing moments when he assaulted me. Tears filled my eyes as I recalled us getting married just hours ago. Lost in thought while gazing at my reflection in the mirror, a subtle knock resonated through the room.

"Come in," I declared as I swiftly wiped away the tears that threatened to escape from my eyes.

The door creaked open, revealing a maid who entered with a hushed closure behind her.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Master Xander assigned me as your personal maid, instructing me to ensure you look good," the maid conveyed, her head respectfully bowed.

"There's no need to bow or address me as 'ma'am.' Just call me Helen," I insisted, prompting the maid to slowly lift her gaze to meet mine.

"I apologize, ma'am, but I can't comply. I cannot address you by your name," the maid responded.

Curious, I raised an inquisitive brow, asking, "Why is that?"

"Because you're Master Xander's wife, and if he discovers that I refer to you by your name, he will undoubtedly terminate my employment, or perhaps take even more severe actions," the maid explained.

"Don't worry about Xander, okay? I'm his wife, and he won't terminate your employment if I tell him that I'm the one who instructed you to address me by my name," I said, and she nodded.

"By the way, what's your name?" I inquired.

"My name is Olivia," she answered.

"So, Olivia, can you help me apply makeup on my face to cover up the bruises?"

"Yes, ma'am... I mean, Helen," she replied, and I smiled before sitting down in front of the cosmetic table.

Olivia began applying some makeup on the bruises on my face, and within a few minutes, she was done. A "wow" escaped my lips as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. She did a really good job on my face, and I couldn't believe I was looking more beautiful than before.

As I continued observing the transformation in the mirror, a surge of gratitude welled up within me. "Thank you, Olivia. You've done a remarkable job." I said with a smile.

Olivia met my gaze in the mirror with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "I'm glad you're pleased, Helen. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"Yeah, there's one more thing I'd like you to do for me." I replied as I stood up.

"What's that?" she inquired.

"Help me discard the wedding gown over there." I said, pointing at my dirty wedding gown which was lying on the floor.

"Alright," she nodded.

"Thanks, Olivia. Gotta go now," I said, grabbing a Chanel bag from the bed and stashing my phone in it before making my way out of the room.

Stepping into the hallway, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing me to stagger. Luckily, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, preventing me from falling. I looked up to see Xander with a slight frown on his face.

"Didn't I tell you not to waste time dressing up?" he asked coldly, unwrapping his arm from my waist.

Nervously adjusting my gown, I tried to explain, "I didn't mean to—"

"Helen, or whatever your name is, I told you we're going to the hospital. You wasted almost thirty minutes getting ready," he interrupted rudely, frustrating me.

"Xander, I'll accompany you to the hospital, but I won't be treated like a pawn in your games. I have my own reasons for agreeing to this, and I expect respect." I said with a stern voice which kind of surprised him.

Xander's steely gaze met mine, and for a moment, an unspoken understanding passed between us.

"The contract documents will arrive tomorrow. Let's go to the hospital," he said with a cold tone, turning around and walking off.

"That guy is so rude. Didn't even compliment my outfit," I muttered as I followed him, and we exited the house to the car shed. The cars parked there were the latest expensive models, and I found myself admiring Xander. Achieving all this at such a young age is worth admiring.

"Are you gonna keep standing there or get inside the car?" Xander's cold voice snapped me from my thoughts. I rolled my eyes before joining him in the backseat of a Rolls-Royce Phantom. The driver closed the door and took his place behind the wheel, zooming out of the compound.

As we drove to the hospital, the car was silent and awkward. Being Xander's temporary wife felt like a secret mission, going beyond living a fancy and lavish lifestyle. I sought answers not only for myself but to unravel the forces that strained my relationship with Jonah.

As we kept heading to the hospital, my mind was buzzing with questions. I couldn't stop wondering about what Helena had revealed to Jonah. What on earth did she say to make him switch from being a calm guy to suddenly attacking someone?

I made up my mind to untangle this confusing mess. It wasn't just about saving myself; I was determined to uncover the hidden truths that had eluded me ever since my life took an unexpected turn on what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

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