
Chapter 7: An Unforgettable Night

After we all sobered up a bit, we left the diner. Emi, Joan and Terry headed home while Callen took me home. I was feeling a bit out of my element after finding out that Callen had no intention of leaving tomorrow. I didn’t really care on one hand because his business isn’t my business, but just knowing he was still lurking around kind of bothered me for some reason. 

As we passed by the main buildings in town, Callen pulled into the park parking lot on the outskirts of town on the way back to the pack house and my parent’s house.

“Why are we stopping?” I hiccupped as I noticed.

“I need to check something out around here. Besides, I wanted to take you out for a walk and talk since your friends didn’t give us much opportunity to talk more…privately.”

‘RUN HOME!’ Bree shouts in my mind.

‘You know I can’t Bree. It’s a walk. It’s not like he’s going to turn into his wolf and tear me to shreds. Maybe he wants my opinion about something? Who knows? Give the damn wolf the benefit of the doubt you hussy.’ I growl back at her, fully tired of her worry and panic over him. 

She didn’t say anything else, but I could tell she is mad at me. She went so far back in my mind, I barely feel her anymore.

“Oookay…so what did you want to talk about?” I ask as he parks.

“Let’s go for a walk,” He smiles and gets out of the car, waiting for me to get out as well before locking the doors.

I walk over towards him to follow him and he takes my hand in his, guiding me towards the path that goes into the woods.

“Where do you see yourself in ten years Celeste?”

That caught me off guard. I was just focused on getting the hell out of here, let alone what I was doing in ten years! 

“Uh…I guess finish college, get an awesome career…be bad ass…the usual…” I respond somewhat sarcastically. Why is he trying to talk so seriously after a night of clubbing with some gamma’s daughter? 

He smiles and nods, “I suppose you have been accepted to college? Where have you looked?”

“Yeeeahhh…I was accepted to UT and Rice…where I applied. What about you Callen? Did you go to college or are you just this genius all on your own?” I smirk trying to shift the focus to him.

“I have my degree from UCLA. I didn’t really need it since I’m obviously running my own company, but it’s nice to say I have it.” 

Wow. I didn’t expect that. He actually might get me more than I thought. 

“That’s cool!” Now I begin to feel a bit awkward but he quickly distracts me.

“You were amazing tonight,” We slow to a stop near a huge oak tree that had several rose bushes around it. I look down and blush a bit.

“My friends really know how to put me on the spot. They can be a bit much in large doses,” I chuckle while blushing.

He tilts my chin up to meet his gaze with a smirk on his face, “If it would mean you doing that dance in my lap again, I’d do it all over again with you,” he says as he leans in to kiss my lips.

I’m flattered by his comment, but I start to feel like he’s getting too close, too quick. I don’t know how to respond to his advances so I just return his kiss hesitantly. 

When we came apart, he smiled, “I’ve been wanting to do that all weekend!”

I blushed and looked down, “I really don’t know what to say.”

“Well…you don’t really need to say much to do this for a few seconds…” Callen joked, leaning in to kiss me again, only this time running the tip of his tongue along my lips asking for entrance.

I slowly opened my mouth, granting him access. He quickly deepened the kiss, taking my mouth as if he were starving for air. I lost my balance and stumbled back into the tree. I wrapped my arms around Callen’s neck to grab onto something so I didn’t fall on my ass. At this motion to maintain my balance, Callen wrapped his hands around my waist and slowly slid one hand under my halter top. I let out a soft moan. I was beginning to feel like I was playing with fire quite literally. 

“Mmm…you’re so fucking hot!” Callen growled as he trailed his forceful kisses down my neck and ran his other hand down to my ass.

“Ohh…” I moan out holding onto his neck trying to catch my breath from the intensity of the kiss.

Callen quickly moves his hands to cup my ass and hoist me in the air, pressing me into the tree. He continues kissing my neck and forces my legs to wrap around his waist.

I let out a loud moan as he pressed his hard member into my center over my panties. This was getting too carried away. 

“Umm…C..Callen, we should….we…should…s..stop…” I stutter out breathlessly.

He didn’t like hearing that and let out a low growl before trailing his kisses back to my lips, but still not releasing me from his embrace with the tree. 

“Why would…we ever… stop?” He kisses my neck asking me seductively.

“Umm…b…because I…I’m not your mate. This is wrong. My alpha…he will….be furious…” I try to reason with the alpha and then start grasping at straws knowing damn good and well that my Alpha looked the other way when things like this happened.

“You can be for the night,” He said seriously glaring into my eyes.

I knew immediately this was not what I wanted. He just wanted me for the night. He didn’t care about me at all. We were supposed to have fun, go have a great night out on the town; not turn this into something else! 

I thought this through in my mind and this could go one of two ways, so I had to be careful. This was one of the most brutal alphas in the country and if I insult him, he will have every right to kill me. 

I look down and bat my eyes to blush, “You flatter me Callen, but…I’m just not that kind of girl.” The minute I say it, is the minute I realize I screwed up. I appeared the perfect amount of innocent in that moment and I could feel how much more that aroused Callen.

“Oh goddess, you’re so fuckin hot!” He growled out as I felt my panties rip and fall off. 

“Callen!” I shout trying to get his attention. I’m afraid Callen is not in control and Xerxes is having free reign right now. I shove him a little as I repeat myself, “Callen!”

This only angered him more and he came back up to trap my lips in such a deep embrace to shut me up as he quickly undid his belt and pants, pulling his thick cock out to quickly shove it inside me before I even registered what he was doing and it caused my whole body to jolt as I screamed out in pain.

“CALLEN STOP!” I cried, grasping for breath from his aggressive kisses. 

As he abruptly thrust inside of me, he growled, “You. Are. Mine. NOW!” 

I realized there was nothing I could do at this point but let him have what he wanted. If I fought him, he would hurt me, if not, kill me. I just needed to survive this moment.


I hoped she would help me through this, but I barely felt her. She wasn’t speaking to me and the realization of why struck me down in my core. Everything inside me began to tighten and that’s when I snapped back to reality where I realized Callen was rubbing my clit and I was about to cum.

“Cum for me baby…” Callen groaned in my ear continuing to rub my clit pounding harder and harder inside my tight and sore cunt.

“N…N…NOOO!!!” I screamed as I came completely undone around his throbbing member as he emptied inside me at the same time. 

He let me down and pulled out of me quickly, watching as all his cum began dripping down between my thighs. He pulled his pants back up and walked further into the woods towards the pond while I stood, shaking, terrified and in tears. 

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