
Chapter 69: Introducing Hades

I didn't have time to process the information Callen just told me before the council chamber doors began to open.

"The council is now in session!" Shouted one of the council men that appeared to be taking notes or like the secretary for the council.

"Ah, Secretary Shadied I see you are still running things just as SHADY as ever!" Callen growled almost immediately upon entering the chambers, holding tight to my hand as we walked in.

The council chambers were grand and intimidating to say the least. Each council member sat high up in a seat at least 5 to 8 feet above where we stood on golden podiums, except for this Secretary Shadied, which sat about three feet above us as he clicked and clacked away on his computer, taking notes of what was happening in the meeting.

I saw the man Callen called Shady roll his eyes as he continued ignoring Callen.

"What is the meaning of your presence in the council chambers? State your business and be gone," bellowed one of the older, chubbier me
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