
Ch. 49

As Apollo and Jolene shared their intimate moment, the echoes of footsteps grew louder in the hallway, indicating that someone was approaching. Rora burst through the door, Theo following closely behind, his expression calm but resolute. Rora's eyes were alight with a mixture of anger and glee, clearly relishing the disruption.

"We're ready to have the battle," Rora announced with an air of triumph, her voice slicing through the brief respite Apollo and Jolene had created. "Let's get this over with and see who really deserves the title of champion."

Jolene was caught off guard, her mind still lingering on the kiss and the promise of a peaceful future. She blinked, trying to regain her composure, but Rora's smug grin only fueled her frustration. It was clear that Rora enjoyed throwing her off balance.

Apollo tightened his grip on Jolene's hand, his protective instincts kicking in. "Why the rush?" he asked, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "We agreed on terms. What's the hurry?"

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