
Chapter 4: Rylan and Rohan

Sophie's POV

Jumping into my Ford Explorer from 2010 I start the engine and back out of the driveway. My house is at the edge of a small neighborhood just outside of Missoula so it takes me about 20 minutes to drive to my usual Walmart. Even though there are convenience stores closer I always choose this one. On my way I drive past the university where I study, though I have most courses online right now I used to go to uni almost daily for lectures. 

Pulling up in the parking lot I choose a parking spot as close to the entrance as possible, knowing I’ll be carrying a whole lot of bags to the car. After checking the car is locked behind me I grab a cart and head inside the store, taking my time in each section.

By the time I head for the register the entire cart is filled to the brim with food, a lot of meat in particular, for my guests should they stay. I don’t really know anything about dogs so I decided that before I manage to read up I’ll just make them normal meat for now or I’ll just end up buying the wrong kind of dog food anyway. Caring for animals is not my strongest forte, seeing as I’ve never even had a hamster when I was small, so this is a learning process for me.

It takes forever to load everything on the checkout line but finally I finish. Thankfully an employee from the staff helps me pack my groceries while I pay. Otherwise I’d just stop the entire line of customers for a good long while. 

“498 dollars and 15 cents.” The cashier gives me a total and I can hear my wallet cry as I pay with a smile.

After paying I head over to my bags, twelve of them filled to the max. Oh boy.

With a sigh I start grabbing bags until I have six in each hand and lift them. It takes all the strength I have to keep them above the floor and not just drag them to the car. Maybe a few damaged items would be worth it to spare my arms though…

“Do you want help getting the bags to your car?” A husky voice asks from my right just as I exit the store.

Sweet baby Jesus. What is an underwear model doing here at 6pm? He’s so tall I have to crane my neck to look at him in his silvery eyes. His raven black hair is short on the sides and a little longer on top of his head and his chest and biceps seem like they’ll rip through his grey t-shirt at any moment.

Suddenly remembering he asked me a question I do my best to avert my wide eyes to something else as I clear my throat.

“That would be amazing, thank you.” I sigh in relief as he takes the bags in my right hand with ease.

I jump in fright when another muscular arm reaches for the bags on my left and I look over only to find an exact replica from the first man taking the rest of my bags. 

“Oh god, there’s two of you.” I exclaim in surprise before slapping a hand over my mouth.

“There is.” The second man says, wearing an amused smirk as I look between the two.

Everything from the black hair and silvery eyes to the well defined muscles and tattoos on their arms and peeking out of the collar of their shirts is the same. They appear to be in their late twenties at most. The only real difference between them is the color shirt they’re wearing. Man 1 is wearing light grey while Man 2 is wearing navy blue.

“Where’s your car?” The first man asks in amusement and I face-palm as I snap out of it.

“This way.” I say, leading the way so as to hide my bright red blush from their view.

“My name’s Rohan, by the way.” The first man introduces himself, enabling me to stop calling him Man 1.

“And I’m Rylan.” The second man adds. “What’s your name, precious?” He continues, making my blush reappear just as it had started to go down.

“I’m Sophie, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you so much for your help.” I say honestly in appreciation as I unlock my car and they start loading my groceries in the trunk.

“No problem.” Rohan says as he finishes putting his share of groceries in the car.

“Hey, I know we just met but how about we exchange numbers so we can go out sometime? I heard this restaurant in town is supposed to have the world’s best steak.” Rylan asks, making me stumble upon my words as I try to find a reply.

He wants to go out? With me? …Is he high?

“Oh sure I guess, if you want to.” I reply in a flustered voice.

Handing him my unlocked phone he adds his number before sending a text to himself.

“By the way, me and my brother share a phone so don’t be surprised if either one of us decides to text you.” He says as he hands me my phone back.

“Really?” I ask in surprise.

“Really. We’re very close and share everything.” Rohan explains with a smirk as he puts the emphasis on the last word.

I can feel how I’m blushing so brightly even my neck and shoulders must be the color of a well cooked lobster.

“That’s… interesting? Hmm, yeah. Thank you again for helping me. I guess I’ll see you later. Bye!” I ramble, before quickly jumping into my car and starting the engine.

As I pull out of the parking space I can see them both in the rearview mirror wearing identical smirks as they’re watching me drive away. What did I just get myself into?

The whole way back to my house I keep thinking back on the encounter. Two devilishly handsome men just asked me out, I think. What on earth did they even see in me? I count myself on the average side of pretty but they could probably get anyone and everyone they’d like. Maybe it’s a joke. I’ll have to call Mia later to make sure she didn’t pay actors to punk me.

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