
Chapter 2

As Elaine faced James straight and got questioning about the ownership of the company and the mansion, Evana stood there taken aback.

She had no idea the company and as well as their Mansion belonged to Elaine’s father, not hers. Not that she felt sorry though remembering their ill-treatment for Elaine.

"Do you think you will be able to handle the business thing? You will mess it up and the company, your father built with his hard work will kiss the destruction in a very short time." James spoke up whatever his mind supported him with.

Elaine knew it would be pointed out against her and it was true. She had no confidence in her to handle the business nor she wished to ruin it. She would have given it a try but now the situation was not in her favour.

Besides she did not have anyone with her who would help her with the company work. Cannon could have been of great help but with the situation between them, there was no way he would help her nor she was going to ask for help from him.

Sometimes to live is the most courageous thing to do. Not begging, not fighting, not winning, just living. She had always taken that just as a quote until today. Until she got to realize that she had to stand bereft of her love now as he had sought someone or something else always.

She decided something better than that. She would go away and have a new life of her own. She would go away so that she wouldn’t have to see them around, not throwing any disgusted look at her way, not throwing any pitiful or angry look.

She didn’t just want to see them around her anymore.

Not her so-called family.

Not Cannon.

But Hina.

She was confused about Hina, the friend who had always supported her, with whom Elaine had started a boutique shop and handling it together all happily until she was forced to get married to Cannon. Nothing had been the same since then for her.

But Elaine did not want to drag Hina along with her now. Her life had always been full of problems and Hina was there supporting her. But how long?

Hina also had her life and she should not bother her anymore. Though Elaine would become all alone, it would be okay. She would manage. Elaine thought to herself and spoke up all casually, "Who told you I am going to run the company?"

"Then?" James asked and knitted his brows. Many thoughts were coming to his mind and nothing was pleasant.

"I am going to sell it." Elaine said confidently.

Though James got shaken from the core, he had to stand straight to get control over the situation, "And you think you will be able to do it with me around? No one is going to buy it from you if they.."

Elaine interrupted his track, "What about uncle, Noah Moore? I am thinking of talking to him."

James did not even know Elaine knew Noah. Noah loved his brother, Mathew Marshall, Elaine's father very dearly. They were best friends.

If Elaine went to him and said to him everything about them, Noah was bound to help her out.

He might not buy the company but there was a big possibility that he would encourage Elaine to give it a try under his utmost care until she couldn’t help but agree to do it.

Not only that he might press charges on them too and not to mention he had the power to give them a tour behind the cell.

He mentally shook his head and turned to Elaine, "What do you want to do actually?" There might be a reason Elaine did not go to Noah yet, rather she thought of visiting him.

Elaine counted again how much she needed and then set her demand, "20 million dollars."

James and Evana asked in unison, "What?"

"Yes. And I am sure it is not even the 1/10th percent of the company’s worth." Elaine said looking straight at James.

Well, that's true. James thought and tried to sort it out immediately but he had to confirm before getting happy, "If I give you 20 million dollars now, are you going to sign the legal documents and make me the owner of the company and this mansion?"

"Yes." Elaine answered shortly.

Yes, 15 million dollars was the price of the place where their boutique shop was and 5 million for her. She needed to leave after all. She would try to get a living as she liked. She really wished her parents would not mind much for her doing this. Elaine thought to herself.

James was more than happy. Though he thought of asking Elaine what actually happened to get her this insane to sign the documents just for 20 million dollars, he knew better not to utter something like that.

He was just thankful for whatever be the reason behind Elaine's insane decision. His thought was all over his face and that did not go unnoticed by Elaine also but she did not bother that.

James' PA entered the Mansion after almost half an hour with a briefcase and handed over the briefcase to James, "Sir, 20 million dollars."

Opening the briefcase on the table in front of Elaine, James gave her the paper.

Elaine took a glance at the money before turning to James, "I hope there is nothing less."

Without saying anything, James turned to his PA who didn’t waste another moment before answering, "It is exactly the amount you asked for, Sir."

James really did not think of doing anything else. He was not exactly in a mind to think of doing something like this. Provoking Elaine was the last thing he wanted to do now that might compel her to change her mind. He said confidently, "Count if you want."

Elaine stared at his face for a few moments and then turned to the paper. As she stared at the legal documents, her eyes got filled with tears because she knew. Whatever be the reason, she was failing her parents, failing her father.

She stopped for a moment to reconsider but nothing else came to his mind. She let out a sigh and then put her signature bracing herself and uttered softly, "Dad, Mom, I am sorry."

When she was done, she got to leave without wasting any moment but Evana stopped her.

"I do not know Elaine with what plan you are going on but just remember Cannon.." at this point cutting Evana off, Elaine uttered coldly, "Is yours. Go, get him."

Evana was dumbfounded and before her mind got supporting her with a reply, Elaine made her way out of the Mansion mentally wishing not to step in there ever whereas three pairs of eyes stayed rooted on her with utter confusion.

Hours later Bella saw Elaine entering the Mansion but could not get to say anything seeing her all blank face.

After some time when she was about to go to check on her, the ringing sound of the intercom halted her in her track. It was Cannon.

She answered the call as she was staring at the room of Elaine where she just entered.


Getting back to the room, Elaine took out her bag and started putting her clothes into it. She did not take anything that she bought when she was here. It did not feel like hers anymore.

Not the dress not even the colour, purple. Before she used to think it gave a feeling of warmth, comfort but now nothing but coldness which she did not want to take anymore.

She took out the divorce papers that Evana once gave her. If she had signed it back then and left, would she have been happier now? She considered for a moment as she stared at the papers.

It was for the second time when she had to put her signature on papers as Elaine Marshall today. Her hand got trembling but she did not get to stop as Cannon’s words from last night echoed in her mind. She was still Ms. Marshall to him.

A drop of tear slipped out of her eye and fell on the paper, right there where she had just put her signature. She didn’t know what was the reason behind it nor she bothered to know now. She still had many things to do other than this.

She kept the amount she had decided to take with her and then with the rest, she closed the briefcase. Taking a white paper, she wrote her words on it and then stared at her finger where her wedding ring was still shining.

She still didn’t take it off! Why? She wondered for a moment and then took out the ring. If their vows meant nothing to Cannon, she should think the same. Taking all the things when she forwarded towards Cannon’s room, Bella was on her way to her room.

Seeing Elaine going towards Cannon’s room, she stopped and was about to ask her something but didn’t get the chance. Elaine walked past her.

Though her plan was just to drop all the things in Cannon's room and get out of there immediately, she found herself standing there and staring all around.

Nothing changed from her first time entering there but when her eyes got the sight of the bed, they got stuck there as the memory from that night made its way to her mind.

Did she still regret that night? She wondered for moments as her hand effortlessly got placed where a life was growing inside her.

Placing all the things on the bed, Elaine made her way out of the room as her eyes threatened her to let tears flow out any moment.

When she entered her room, Bella was standing there with a confused look on her face. When she caught the sight of Elaine, she spoke up, "Elaine, you didn't tell me that you two are going somewhere again. Anyways where to this time?"

Elaine stared at Bella, considering what to say to her. Neither she could say her reason nor..

Bella sensed something and interrupted her thinking process, "Elaine, is everything okay?"

"Everything is okay, Bell. It’s just I don’t intend to keep the words, I gave you once." Elaine answered with a forced smile.

Like the speed of light, the realization dawned upon Bella, she spoke up immediately with a worried face, "What are you saying? What happened?"

Lately, Cannon wasn’t behaving rudely with her, taking her prepared foods without throwing tantrums, letting her go on her boutique as per her wish. So, she had thought everything was going well between Elaine and Cannon. And she was very happy with that.

Then what happened all of a sudden? She didn’t get to understand a thing. She was still standing confused as Elaine was already walking out of the room.

Giving her thought a break, Bella tried to stop her but giving her a sad smile, Elaine walked out of the apartment which was her accommodation for the last three months but now as she was leaving, she didn’t wish to get here back for any second time.


It was late at night and the bus was still going forward. Elaine was sitting on her seat without having any specific destination in her mind as the memory of the last twenty-four hours started playing in her mind over and over.

Her eyes were out of the window and fixed on the sky where she didn’t find the moon today not even any star. It was dark all around just like her life...

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather W
So the female lead is willing to undersell her family's legacy because a man she's been married to for less than 6 months hurt her fee fees? Pathetic

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