First day of the new semester and Cory was sitting on the hood of his F250 pick up watching all the newbie chaos when a black motorbike cruised up next to him and the rider got off, removing his helmet and then leaned on the side of his truck. It was Reese, the one guy in this whole damn college he felt awkward talking to, they had been best mates up until high school and had drifted apart because their dads were on opposing sides of the law, as well as other reasons. Reese was a gangsters son, while Cory, his dad had just become New York Police Commissioner two years ago, hence the breakup of their friendship.
“Hey.” Reese said, sweeping his dark hair back from those pale golden hazel eyes that the girl’s all went nuts about.
“Hey.” Cory answered nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off the people walking back and forth.
“Babe watching?” Reese asked amused.
“New talent observing…” Cory corrected with a smirk.
They both heard a rumble of a nice V8 engine pull up on the other side of Cory’s truck, he turned with interest as a platinum grey Mustang pulled into the car park two down from him.
“Nice car…” He muttered to himself.
He sat up as he saw a girl with long chestnut colored hair tied up in a high ponytail, dressed in khaki cargo pants with the bottoms rolled up, chuck tailors and a singlet top with a large white hoodie unzipped halfway down making it slip off one shoulder to expose golden skin.
Cory whacked Reese on the shoulder and indicated over to the hot chick as she closed her car door and lifted her head to look around the campus getting her bearings, revealing amazing pale green eyes set into long dark lashes.
“Dibs.” Reese called it.
“What the fuck? I saw her first.” Cory exclaimed.
“I called dibs first.” Reese chuckled. They watched as she pulled a lollipop out of her pocket, unwrapped it and stuck it in her mouth then took her phone out. Her calm attitude screamed confident with a tinge of ‘don’t talk to me’ moody angst.
“Oh? You think you have a better shot at her than me, is that it?” Cory huffed. He was quarter back in the football team for the Lions over at the main campus of Columbia University and was basically the most popular guy in this college campus and a player who thrived on it. His dirty blond hair and blue eyes, athletic build and roguish smile helped out a lot of course.
Reese shrugged. “You’re just a fuck boy…she looks like she would see you coming and eat you alive.”
“Ha! You think you’re ‘oh so Alpha dominant male’ huh? To what…get her to submit to you and your weird kinks?” Cory said sourly, Reese was the other popular guy on campus, known as the Prince on campus due to his tall, lean, MMA fighter’s body, black hair that fell into those pale eyes and his ability to stare into ones soul with them. He was also President of the Student Executive as much as the school hated the fact a gangster was in control of representing students for any disciplinary offenses, it was voted by the students and Reese loved the power it gave him.
Reese chuckled a deep sexy rumble. “It’s Sigma…I dominated you, didn’t I?”
“Once, asshole! You took advantage of my drunken ass. I should report you!”
“Yeah, except you’ve simped for me ever since.”
“In your dreams, asshole…you know I’m the best fuck you ever had!” Cory teased back, sliding off the hood of his truck and facing Reese.
Reese laughed. “In your dreams, Curry…but if you let me I’ll show you how to improve.” His eyes seemed to brighten into a golden glow.
“Fuck off, Rice! Stay the fuck away from me!” Cory shuddered and Reese’s smirk widened.
They noticed the girl start to walk towards the main entrance of the administration building joining the small crowd of freshmen from around the world that made it in to this special campus for the rich and infamous.
Reese laughed, dropping his arm around Cory’s neck and walked off dragging Cory along with him. Cory grinned and elbowed Reese in the side.
“So does this mean we’re going to compete?”
“Fuck yes.” Reese thrummed deeply.
“She’s hot, huh?” Cory said watching her ass.
“She looks fucking gangster…” Reese confirmed in his own way, licking his tongue over his teeth. She oozed sex appeal but looked sweet and demure under a hard shell that Reese really wanted to crack and expose the real her. It was obvious to him she had a mask up, not wanting to draw too much attention to herself.
“Oooo, exciting…I haven’t had no gangster chick before. Hey, do you think she could really be into that weird shit you are?”
Reese smirked and licked his lips as they followed her up the stairs, looking at her perfectly round yet toned ass in those cargos. Reese’s eyes dipped to her muscular calves as she flexed them going up the stairs on her toes.
“Oh, I hope so…but I can teach her.”
Cory chuckled and broke away from Reese’s arm. “Game on, bro.” He held his fist out.
“Game on.” Reese fist bumped him as the girl disappeared inside.
“Reese!” A voice called out making him stop and look back as Cory grinned at the opportunity to get the jump on him and went inside.
Reese saw it was his mate Jacob and turned back, moving swiftly down the steps and approaching him, cursing for being seen with Cory. They greeted each other with a quick manly hug and pat on the back.
“Hey, how was it over the break?” Reese asked.
“Not too bad…” Jacob sighed.
“Yeah, I fucking hate it when I have to go back for the holidays.” Reese chuckled.
“But, good news, it means we have our first party up this Saturday, welcome back party!”
Reese shook his head. ”Let me guess…the jocks?”
“Yeah, did Cory not mention it to you, I guessed that’s why he was talking to you.”
“Nah…” Reese said cautiously.
Jacob shrugged. “Anyway, guess what the theme is?”
Reese gave him a look to just say it.
“Bring a freshman.”
“Oh, fuck…hazing party? Seriously, they still do that shit?”
“Looks like it, so will you be going?”
“Not sure, depends if I can wrangle a freshman…” Reese commented, his gaze going back to the admin building.
“What? You going to join in?” Jacob seemed surprised.
“Well, it doesn’t say the freshman has to be the same sex, right?”
“The hell!? You already eyeing up new meat?”
“Maybe…” Reese answered with a coy smirk.
“Do tell…what did I miss?” Jacob laughed, looking up at the admin building knowing the new students to this college would all be special in some way. Genius, connected, rich, only the children of special families around the world got to be here, usually their parents signed them up here if they were famous in some way or at risk of kidnapping and extortion.
“Nah, I’ll keep it to myself for now…catch up later.” Reese side-stepped and walked off across the lawn and around the side of the admin building heading to his locker on the other side, easier to avoid the crowd and go in the side doors.
Quinn made it up to the desk and got her class info and campus map including her locker code then was filed into a large auditorium to listen to the welcoming address. She noticed the security was high at this campus, but the students seemed relaxed and quite nonchalant about it. No individual security was allowed on campus, certainly no weapons so she guessed everyone felt safe within the closed gates.When Augusto had told her that this special college was off the map but formally a branch of Columbia University, an Ivy League college it had made her happy to attend this forced enrolment. It also meant students had an opportunity to compete as normal in any sports or activities as long as their own parents were aware and allowed them to attend team practice over at the actual university grounds. It was featured that the football team, the Lions and their cheerleader squad would both be speaking today for any freshmen interested in joining up.She looked around the auditorium with cu
Reese wandered over to Cory’s truck after his classes had finished for the day to find him already there and waiting for the new girl to appear.Reese collected his bike helmet from the back of Cory’s pickup and came up to lean on the driver’s door to talk through the window.“So how did you go today, Curry?” He called his rival by his old nickname.Cory rolled his eyes. “Apart from a glimpse across the cafeteria for like twenty seconds I didn’t manage to see her again, what about you?”Reese smirked lopsided and cocky. “I found out her name is Quinn and get this, she’s supposedly something to do with Zortex…”“Zortex? Fuck, that’s a serious family, my dad is all up in contracts with the Ferrante’s…all sorts of dodgy waste management, garbage collection, construction, real estate…they’re a serious no go zone.”“But only a son, right?” Reese asked.“I’ll do some research.” Cory grinned and did a little head flick in the buildings direction.Reese turned to see Quinn walking back to her
As Quinn pulled into campus on day two she noticed Cory’s truck had a black Camero parked next to it rather than the motorbike of that guy that pestered her. The one with the sexy bangs and intense gaze, she hadn’t ever seen anyone with eyes like those before, they certainly stuck in one’s memory. Hopefully that meant he wasn’t there today as she looked around and couldn’t see the bike in the carpark.She walked around the side of the main building heading straight to the easiest entrance to the lockers. She looked up the stairs to the stoop and paused in her tracks as there he was. He was wearing a different black leather jacket, one with a white strip down the sleeves, dark blue denim jeans and a crisp white t-shirt. He really was amazing to look at, he had a great body, that was obvious and his confident swagger was sexy and alluring. However, he was surrounded by girls at this precise moment all vying for his attention. He was leaning on the
As Quinn walked to the café on campus to get a coffee during a break in her class schedule she received a message and pulled her phone out.She saw it was from Antonio and felt her stomach drop and roil in uneasiness as she opened and read the message.I’ve bought a dress for you for Saturday night. You will come here to get ready. Danny will pick you up at 4, make sure to book into Patricia’s Beauty Salon.She sighed out a heavy breath, feeling sick as she wandered into the café. She didn’t feel right about going to some high society event with Antonio, he had never taken her out anywhere, ever, now suddenly he wanted to show her off in a fancy dress that cost thousands…she was uncomfortable about it given everything that had happened over the weekend together in that room of his. He had turned things up a notch and quite frankly she was scared by it all.“Quinn! Over here…”She looked to see a couple of girls in her classes. She smiled at them and stepped over.“Hey…” She replied aw
The very next day as Quinn approached the side entrance of the main building to go to her locker she saw Vanessa and her gaggle of rich girls standing on the stoop like they were waiting for her.Quinn never really cared about brands or fashion and just wore what she wanted, mainly based around comfort and now hiding the rope burns and bruises from spending her weekend with Antonio. So today she was wearing jean tights and an oversized t-shirt from an energy drink company, as well as her favorite grey and black striped arm warmers with the thumb holes that kept them covering her wrists. Her hair was up in her usual ponytail with the front few strands free to frame her face but usually ended up being tucked behind her ears. She knew her look was edgy, but she really didn’t care.As she passed the girls on the step Vanessa gave her a little twisted smirk and Quinn just knew something was going on even before one other girl spoke out in a shrill voice.“Oh my god! You look so trashy toda
Quinn pulled into the parking lot to find her usual space taken up with a white BMW. She cursed as she saw the blond haired Mila get out of it and look back with a shit-eating grin and wave at her before she flounced over to Cory’s truck as he was sitting in it still. He met Quinn’s eyes as she drove past and his expression seemed flat before he looked away to Mila and gave her his usual roguish smile.“Is everyone here fake as shit?” Quinn muttered to herself as she went further down and parked her car. She couldn’t believe the crap she had to put up with for the last few days, did they not know she had bigger problems in life than if they liked her or not?She knew Antonio tracked her phone and her movements and could at any random moment send someone to check up on her. There was no way in hell she was going to take any risk of being caught in a compromising situation with any guy. No matter how damn cute or hot they were. Not that she wasn’t flattered to have the interest of two a
Quinn had offered to pick up a couple of the other freshman girls from the business faculty and take them to the ten pin bowling arcade so she didn’t have to turn up alone. She knew she probably wouldn’t have gone if that was the case, she hated having to turn up to social events alone and awkward.Emma had insisted on going with Quinn as she really wanted a chance to ride in her Mustang and the other girl, Tania, somehow managed to get dragged in by Emma as well.It was good and had Quinn relaxed and smiling as she pulled into the parking lot. She looked up at the building and couldn’t help but laugh.“What’s so funny?” Emma asked, taking off her seatbelt and checking her makeup in her compact mirror.“Strike Palace? It’s a bit 60’s isn’t it?”“That’s the fun of it…this place is decked out retro style, like you’re actually back there…&rd
Quinn frowned. “My what?”“How many people you’ve slept with.” Lizzy cooed, amused. Quinn thought she looked like she was enjoying this far too much, had she been in on this?She frowned deeper and more serious. “I’ve only slept with one guy.”“Really?” They all sounded surprised and Quinn gave them all a strange curious look.“Why is that so shocking? What’s all yours?”Reese chuckled. “Get a strike and then you can ask…it’s your turn.”She huffed and stood up, grabbing the pink ball she had chosen to play with and walked to the alley.“You think that was actually the truth?” Mac asked Reese as Quinn played her shot.“She didn’t look like she was lying.” Reese shrugged, watching Quinn.“She seems strangely innocent of a lot of things…was she home schooled or something?”
Five years later.Quinn got out of the taxi in front of the apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. She glanced up at the twenty story building with a whimsical smile on her lips. She had just arrived back in the US after spending fashion week in Paris modelling for a new fashion designer under a new brand called Eval Logic, edgy clothing that she loved to wear so much she had invested in it. After investing she inadvertently became the face of the brand so when the designer got invited to join fashion week in Paris as one of their featured young up and comers of course Quinn had to go as the model. It had been a blast and a whirlwind, but now she was nervous. Even though the planning had taken a month and she had spoken of it to her boys, she had just left in the end without them because they were busy. She had pissed them off and now she was back to face the consequences.She glanced at her bodyguard, Trent, as he glared at her for pausi
“If you are all serious about this throuple relationship, then Cory and Quinn will marry in a spectacular wedding covered by the press…you, my boy, will have to play the third in the shadows…”Cory and Quinn looked horrified but Reese nodded solemnly. “Got it….yeah, it makes sense.”“How the hell does that make sense to you, Rice?” Cory yelled.Reese turned in his seat to face Quinn and Cory. “To be honest I was going to suggest something pretty similar anyway…you’re going to be a lawyer, you’re son of the Police Commissioner, you’re record is clean and Quinn is going to pass her college degree and get a good job…meanwhile I am about to take over from Dad when I graduate…I’ll have eyes on me wherever I go.”“I don’t care about that…” Quinn piped up. “I’ve lived with the mafia, I know how these things work&h
Michael and Wendy were waiting at the airport as they got off the plane. Cory went up to his dad and they embraced as Reese and Quinn watched. Wendy came up to Quinn and took her into her arms for a hug.“We’re so glad you’re all safe and sound…”“Let’s make sure this is the end of all the drama.” Michael said, glancing at Reese.Reese sucked his teeth and looked away, not giving any promises. He saw a group of men wearing black making their way over. He stiffened as he saw his father in the middle of them.“Wait here.” He said and walked off to meet with him.“Dad, what are you doing here?” Reese asked.“I’ve come to take you home.” Cillian’s eyes lifted to where Quinn was standing with the McMillan family. “I need to talk to her.”Reese’s eyes clouded and narrowed. “Why right now?”“Reese,
Warning - sex scenesAs Reese led Quinn and Cory into a hotel room back on mainland Italy in the city of Genoa Quinn wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his back and squeezing him tightly.He grimaced, grabbing her hands and pulling them apart. “Jesus, take it easy, baby…”“He’s got fractured ribs, bunny…” Cory came up behind her and took her arms, making her step back away from Reese as Reese smiled down at her and pinched her chin.“I’m sorry, I just…I missed you so much…”“We both missed you too, babe…” Reese said before turning away and clearing his pockets of his phone, wallet and passport, taking off his jacket and dropping down into the small couch in the room.Quinn could see they had already been staying here before going over to Sicily as their suitcases were still on the floor by the bureau.&ldq
Quinn was sitting on a garden seat under a pergola, guarded by four armed men. She had seen Augusto standing in the doorway smoking and something told her that something was going on. She had been led out here in her white chemise and matching robe – still the only clothing she had been allowed to wear for two weeks, not including underwear - and told to sit quietly and wait.Wait for what?She looked up at a commotion over at Augusto’s study and saw Reese stumble out the door and lift his head to look in her direction. She stood up in surprise. “Reese?” She breathed.One of the men guarding her growled. “Go!”She blinked up at him thinking he was ordering her back to her room but he was pointing towards Reese. She was scared it was a trap and not Reese at all.“Quinn!” His voice rang out and she wailed as she was running.He went to run towards her but Augusto clamped a hand on his shoulder pr
Ten days later Reese and Cory got out of the Fiat taxi in front of the gates of a villa a mile from the main city of Palermo. They had arrived in Italy the day before catching a boat across that morning and now they stood before the house of the man that had Quinn, Don Augusto Ferrante.The fact that there were several armed guards standing on the other side of the gates told them their visit had already been informed to Augusto. It had been obvious when they told the taxi driver the address it was well known and the taxi driver had spoken to his comrades at the ferry terminal park in Italian, they had all bristled and shouted at them. Reese had pulled a wallet full of cash and told the driver he could have it all. One had made a phone call as the driver herded them into his car laughing and nodding. He probably thought to just drop them off to their deaths and go about his day.Reese looked through the wrought iron gate at the guards and sucked his teeth. He was still
That night Reese walked up the front steps of a nice house in the Hamptons, as he approached the door it opened to reveal Cory standing there, his lower leg in a cast with a hospital moonboot over it.“Reese! What the fuck, man!?”Reese enveloped him in a huge embrace, dropping his face into the side of Cory’s neck and breathing in deeply. Cory reached around him and embraced him too, clinging on to fistfuls of Reese’s jacket. That made Reese gasp in pain and Cory dropped his arms, retreating a step as he gripped Reese’s shoulders and looked into his eyes.“What the fuck have you done to yourself? You better come in.”Cory helped Reese into the main living area and down onto the couch. He looked up as Michael walked in looking not very pleased.Reese looked up through his hair at the Police Commissioner and smirked as Cory sat beside him and grabbed his hand. Cory looked up with a grimace at his father.
Antonio drove them to an old disused warehouse that he owned the land of and sometimes used the warehouse to store pallets of goods he would rather authorities didn’t see. He stepped out of the back of the car with an air of confidence as Matteo went into the trunk and pulled out a briefcase, he placed it down on the bonnet of the car and opened it up, pulling out a document and placing it next to the briefcase.Reese got out of his car and looked at Matteo and Antonio dubiously.“You already have a contract?”“No, that is a standard NDA contract, we can write on the back of it.” Matteo explained.“Huh…” Reese snorted. “Alright then…conditions.”“Winner gets the girl…it’s his responsibility to go and pick her up.” Antonio sneered.Matteo gave him a raised eyebrow, smirking while he wrote it down.Reese clucked his tongue, not getting the amuse
Reese was just getting out of his car with Tank and Bulletproof in the carpark of his condo when a Bentley raced up behind his car and blocked him in. He stood up, looking over at the Bentley knowing exactly who it was.“Stay here.” He said to Bulletproof and Tank, putting his hands in his jacket pockets and leaning on the back of his car, staring at the back of the Bentley as the driver got out and opened the door.Matteo got out of the passenger side quickly coming around as Antonio barreled out of the back storming up to Reese and getting in his face as Matteo tried to hold him back.“You fucking little shit, what the hell do you think you’re doing? We’ve had years of peace that you’ve managed to ruin in a matter of days! Who is going to compensate me for business losses! And now your father has executed Sean Flanagan? Have you Irish dogs all gone rabid?”Reese sucked his teeth at the verbal onslaught, side eye