
Chapter 94

Adrien drew her closer, and as their bodies pressed together in a delicate embrace, the world around them seemed to fade away. His touch, gentle yet filled with longing, ignited a spark within Lisa that she had thought extinguished. The warmth of his fingers caressing her skin awakened dormant desires, erasing the pain of their fractured connection, if only for a moment.

In this intimate dance, their bodies moved in sync, guided by an unspoken understanding of the past they shared. The air crackled with anticipation, each breath a verification to the longing that pulsed between them. The barriers that had once separated them now blurred, their souls yearning for solace in the familiarity of their touch.

Amidst this raw vulnerability, Adrien's voice trembled as he uttered apologies, his words laced with a sincerity that resonated deep within Lisa's core.

“Listen carefully, Lisa. I swear that everything I did was not in purpose. I really didn’t know what was going on, I was so confused.
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