
Chapter 5

The sun had officially risen and Rose was more than ready for her first day at work. Last night, after breaking the news to her husband, who was proud of her, they both went to sleep in each other's arms.

As the light spread across the city, Rose's alarm went off causing a groan to escape from her dry morning mouth. The alarm continued to go off as it began to irritate Rose, who only groaned louder before the sound of a faint chuckled was heard.

The sweet nectar of sleep caused Rose to forget who, she had fallen asleep next to last night. Her eyebrows furrowed before she opened one of her heavy lids. The sight of her smiling boyfriend was seen as he was propped up on one of his arms while admiring his sleepy girlfriend with an amused look. 

"Good morning, baby," she greeted as he ran his free hand through her messy bed hair earning a moan of satisfaction, "Morning, my love, aren't you going to get up for your first day at work?" He asked as Rose laid there

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