


In a frenzy, I scoured my office, turning over papers and rifling through drawers in a desperate search for my signet ring. Its absence was a growing concern – the documents I had just approved were sitting on my desk, demanding the ring's unique imprint. The deadline was near; they needed to be submitted by tomorrow morning. Finding nothing, I ventured into our bedroom, combing through every corner with equal fervour. Yet, the ring remained elusive. I stood, defeated, in the middle of the room, eyes closed, straining my memory for the last time I had used it. But my thoughts were a tangled mess, muddled by the whirlwind of recent events.

Lila's sudden interest in Aurora's family had left me puzzled. I had secretly set a trap for Drax, a plan I had shared with no one, not even Lila. The recent revelation about Hart potentially being the elusive 'Ghost'. further fuelled my frustration. Why would he target me? I bore no responsibility for his sister's tragic death, and
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