
Show no fear.


I like to claim that I have gone through a lot and have suffered. I had sold my father’s house only to have the money stolen from me. I had lost a mother that had been everything to my father, I had lost my father the night my mom died. I had spent everything I had trying to bring him back. Education had failed for me, and I just wanted to make ends meet. To make my father happy again but when things seemed to be getting bright, he had an accident and was now unable to fight out of come.

But never, never had I been at the mercy of a man like I now was at Alexandro King. At first, it had been humiliating. Going down on my knees for him, undoing his belt. But when my hand scraped over his hard-on, I couldn’t believe it turned me on.

It was my first time coming face to face with a man’s member and I hated how my mouth had watered at the sight. I was scared he would somehow figure out how wet I was down there!

And when he finally came in my mouth? I understood what it was to be a woman. Would I have remained a virgin all this while if I had known about suck experience?

The only thing I hated was how he had been in control the whole time. I also hated how my body quickly adjusted to him. First, it was how comfortable my fingers had become in his, loving the heat of his arms and not minding the sweat that remained in my palm when he let it go. Second now, was my mouth, the picture of him staring down at me like that would never leave my head.

So, I decided to harden my heart to him. He would break me if I let him. I wouldn’t. I didn’t sign up for demoralization. I just wanted my father back.

I took my bath with cold water, icing my heart as well as cooling my body. I expected Chloe to come to check on me but when she didn’t, I opened the closet and found lots of dresses in it. I didn’t think they were there before because Chloe probably wasn’t aware.

The note I found is the shelve explained.

“To Mrs. King.

Courtesy… The Hotel Management.”


At least there were some perks to being Alexandro King’s wife.

I chose the shortest dress I could find. Chloe had said I should pick my style.

 I choose to begin with daring and bold.                                        

I’ll also try as much as possible to avoid punishments, I wouldn’t question Alexandro King.

But I would dare him.

I picked up my phone, and my guess was right, Alexandro King’s, Chloe’s, and Baxter’s contacts were in it.

“Mrs. King,” Chloe answered at the first ring. I couldn’t help smiling and wondering how she knew it was me and if she had been expecting my call. I guessed she knew she was the only one I had.

“Did you know there were other clothes in the closet?” I asked her,

“No, I didn’t. But that’s good. You wouldn’t have to go shopping for now.”

“Okay. But I wanted to ask. Is there anything against me wearing short dresses? There’s this very classy dress here but it’s a bit short. Do you think Alexandro King would mind?” I asked.

“You should always refer to your Mr. King as your husband but no, as much as I know people like you can wear the most revealing things and not be criticized, Mr. King has also never shown any disinterest in revealing clothes.”

“Thank you,” I said, in my heart, I nodded in satisfaction.

“Call me if you need anything.” She said at last before the call disconnected.

The dress I held wasn’t even revealing, it was just the shortest piece I could claim to have worn.

There was a full-length mirror at one side of the closet, and I got to see myself fully in it. I liked it. Luckily, there was a little box near the mirror. A make-up kit.

I used to love to do makeup. My mother had been so good in it, with it. She had been beautiful. Her death had been devastating. I shook the bad thoughts off my head.

I applied some smoky effect to my eyes; it was something my mother used to do a lot. She had purple eyes like mine, and it always seemed to enhance them. I didn’t apply any color lipstick, just a shiny lip gloss that seemed a bit sticky on my lips was looked wonderful in the mirror.

I admired my nails and looks. From what Alexandro King implied, we would be going out. Today, I was going to see the world, not at Emily Fitz, but as Alexandro King’s wife. As Mrs. King.

When he appeared on the show screen, I was ready, I stood straight, my hair packed up to not overshadow or take attention away from my makeup. The tip of my hair, which hung down did well to complement my eyes, and my nails were well-rested on my dress, one hand holding my phone. There was no bag or purse but then, I didn’t need any.

I wore the other shoes Chloe had brought in earlier, they were black heels and it seemed like she had chosen a style for me for shoes, and they were tiny heels. I didn’t mind though.

By now, I knew that my husband had the key to unlock my room door and wouldn’t knock, I also didn’t make any attempt to open the door.

It was extremely satisfying when the door slid open, and he saw me standing boldly behind it.

All my effort was rewarded by the look on his face when his eyes touched my face, then raked down my body to come back and settle on my face.

He did well to set his expression back to default, but I had already gotten my reward.

I smiled, “Is that for me?” he was holding a box. It was surprisingly wrapped like it was a present. Who would it be for if not me?

Something cold and dark came over his eyes and for a moment, I feared I had done wrong again, would it have been better if I had played scaredy cat and hid? Should it be better for me to bow my head and avoid his eyes when I saw him again?

No, this wasn’t the time to doubt.

I took it from his hands without waiting for his reply and turned to the table to open it. I didn’t turn but I heard him come in.

The box was wrapped in black foil but was knotted with red ribbons.

Regard Awe

Who else approves of Emily's act of bravery? It would be impossible to stand as Mrs. King if she kept bowing in fear. Not that fear envelops her heart, but she chooses not to show it. Dear readers, there's nothing wrong with being scared, just don't let that fear rule you, instead, use it to win.

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