

Austin just stands there, watching every faltering step of the woman who is still technically his wife. There's no intention to apologize from him. In Austin's eyes, Jane is a jinxed woman. This bad luck has been going on for five long years. He's trapped in the marriage he's never wanted.

If it weren't for respect and his father's wish, Austin wouldn't have stood at the altar and uttered their marriage vows.

"Damn it," Austin mutters with his fists clenched. "Why bring up the past at a time like this?" He takes a deep breath, trying to regain control. "Maria," he calls out afterward.

"Yes, Sir." Maria hasn't moved from where she was. If Austin's angry, almost all the servants in this three-story house freeze. She wants to run and help the Mistress, but her fear of facing Austin's wrath is too great.

"Has my mother had dinner and taken her medication?"

"She has, Sir."

Austin nods slowly. "Never let your guard down when watching over my mother, Maria."

"Yes, Sir."

He strides away from the living room, leaving the household staff visibly relieved by his departure. Not wanting to stay under the same roof as Jane, he opts for outside. His goal has been accomplished: to evict Jane from the main residence of the Don William estate. He doesn't want to prolong this trapped marriage.

Moreover... the person who urged him to marry Jane passed away a year ago. At least, he fulfilled his father's greatest wish. Now he can freely end it all. No more thoughts about how his father perceived things or the pain he endured.

He retrieves his phone from his pocket, finding a name he usually calls for handling many things, including personal matters. Richard is the name. The Don William family lawyer who has been loyal to him for a long time.

"Have you prepared everything, Rich?"

There's a slightly long pause before the voice on the other end speaks. "Are you sure?"

Austin sighs irritably. "Have I ever joked about this matter?"

"I'm just considering your mother's condition, Austin. You know, Mrs. Kate cares deeply for your wife. I'm worried she might be upset—"

"I didn't know Richard Honnesha turned into a god. Able to foresee someone's future?"

Richard sighs deeply. "Okay. You can't be held back any longer on this matter."

Austin grins. He ends the call promptly. His black car is already parked in front of his house. Ready for him to drive through the increasingly dark night. Tonight's sky is clear, stars scattered beautifully. Not only that, the shining moon reveals itself in full.

He gazes at the night sky, still wearing a thin smile. He murmurs softly before stepping into his car. "If you knew how tortured I am, Rich, you'd never say these things."


Jane repeatedly wipes away her tears. The tightness in her chest worsens, but she can't do anything except try to calm herself down. Two large suitcases sit beside her, ready to be filled with her clothes and belongings. Since stepping into this white-themed room, she doesn't know what to do.

"Tonight, I made something special for you, Austin," Jane wipes away her tears again. "Isn't there even a tiny bit of you for me? After five years?"

Though she looks gloomy, Jane's gaze fixates on one point. She stares at a portrait hanging grandly on the wall for a while. It draws her nearer, each step weighing heavily on her chest. It hurts so much.

"You're so foolish, Jane," she says softly. Now she's in front of their wedding portrait. Where Jane's smile exuded happiness and held many hopes. Austin's smile remains the same as when they first met; charming. It trapped her in a phony love filled with misery. Eventually, Jane realized that smile was fake. As fake as Austin's sweet demeanor only in front of their father-in-law. What about the rest?

Jane was bombarded with a lot of insults and accusations she couldn't fathom how Austin could say those things to her. How naive Jane was to think that Austin loved her. Like the expectations of their father-in-law after their marriage was concluded.

"I hope my recovery arrives soon, Jane," Charles Don William says, a middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair. Austin's father, Jane's father-in-law, whose face glowed with happiness back then. The Don William family doctor couldn't believe what they saw; Charles was healthy and in top shape just before his son's wedding.

"I'm sure Papa will recover soon," Jane says sincerely. From the start, Jane believed that Charles was a gentle and warm-hearted person. Also, his mother-in-law who was always by Charles' side. Kate's smile, her mother-in-law's, never faded. She said she was lucky to have Jane as a daughter-in-law.

"You're right. Papa has to get better. Don't succumb to the illness. Right, dear?"

Kate smiles widely. "I believe you'll recover soon. Dr. Phillip has scheduled your surgery."

"Don't talk about things that make us sad?" Austin asks with a feigned melancholic look. "We've just finished a joyful event. How about just enjoying this happiness? I believe the effect of this marriage can gradually improve Papa's condition."

He gently squeezes Jane's shoulder. He briefly kisses the side of her head, now that she's officially his wife. "Are you happy, honey?"

Jane blushes. Her face reddens even more as Austin asks her to dance in the available hall.

"Papa always prays for both of your happiness. Papa also tries to get better soon. Can't wait for the arrival of Don William Junior from you guys."

They all laugh in response to Charles' words.

"Be patient, Papa. I'll make Don William Junior show up in Jane's belly soon. You're ready, right, honey?" Austin chuckles as if those words signify the true happiness he feels. Unfortunately... it's all just pure lies.

"Sit down," Austin says as they enter the bridal suite provided by the hotel for the happy couple.

"Austin?" Jane looks puzzled by the change in expression from the man who just a few hours ago became her husband.

"I said sit down!"

Jane flinches, trying to calm her suddenly racing heart at Austin's raised voice. "Okay." She also struggles to drag her quite long bridal gowns train.

"Never think this marriage ends happily, Jane. You need to grasp one thing." Austin moves closer, catching Jane off guard with his arrival. Not because of his presence, but the intimidation Austin exudes. Also, the grip on her face, still adorned with makeup. Jane winces in pain as Austin's fingers press against her face.

"Never expect anything from me. This marriage is just to please my father."

Then... on her wedding night, Jane was just left alone. With many questions and deeper heartaches day by day.

She wipes the tip of her wet nose. She softly pats her cheek, hoping the beginning of her pain won't linger in her memory. Her breathing starts to regulate. Her tears no longer fall. "Without you asking, I also intend to leave. But, honey... I can't bear to leave Mom Kate." She then looks up at the ceiling of her room. "I've thought about a lot before leaving this house, but it seems like no one thought about how I feel." Jane laughs bitterly.

"The damn luck of meeting you, Austin."

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