
Chapter Three

“I think what If one of us gets attached then what are we going to do, everything is going to go haywire from there”

“Well I won’t be getting attached, but I don’t know about you, I can be arrestable he stated smirking. But if that does happen then one has to tell the other, and we handle it together”

“OK, so I ask again, are you up for it?

“No, sorry, I can’t do it:”

“What? Why?”

“Because I don’t need this drama that rich people have in their lives, I managed to escape it once will not be going back there

“what?, realizing I have said too much, “that not important, all you need to know is that I can’t do it. We will probably get caught before we get to the altar, I talk a lot when I am under pressure.

“OK, why don’t think about and tell me your decision in three days”

“Alright” I was about to get up when he stopped me.

“I’m yet to know your name.” he said curiously.

“Oh, I almost forgot. My name’s Isabella Summers.” I said and finally stood up, “I need to get going.”

“Wait”, he stopped me again, “let’s exchange numbers, you know to keep in contact” I nodded and gave him me phone as he gave me his. We exchanged our numbers and bid good luck.

Walking up the stairs of my flat building, I noticed Sarah waiting in front of my door, as soon she saw me approach her she started grinning like a mad man.

“I’m starting to reconsider my friendship with you.” I shook my head.

“Spare me the lecture, now tell me what he wanted to talk to you about.” She said, still smiling like an idiot.

“Come in, and I’ll tell you”, I said and opened the door, “but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this, OK?”

“How could you think so little of me?” she said with mock hurt.

“Shut up. I’m serious about it” 

“OK, I promise”

“Alright”, I sighed, “he asked me to marry him.” As I said that, she looked at me like I had gone mad.

“What?” I asked.

“You expect me to believe that famous billionaire, Noah Knight, asked you to marry?” she gave me a look of disbelief.

“I’m serious, he did, but it’s going to be a contract marriage.” She still looked at me like she did not believe me. I brought out my phone and went to my contacts and searched for Noah’s contact, and I found it. I showed her the name and she looked shocked like I did not just tell her that he asked me to marry him.

“Oh my God. I’m going to be the best friend to Noah Knight’s wife, I knew I would make one day.” She started smiling like crazy again.

“Don’t get your hopes up, I didn’t agree to it yet.” She looked at me like I had grown an extra head.

“I always knew you were the dumber friend. Why would you refuse his request, huh?”

“Are you kidding me? How could I have accepted? We had just met like some minutes ago, and it’s not a normal marriage, you know.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

I explained to her everything that went down in the café, from the proposal till the end.

“Wow, but I still don’t get why you refused.”

“What do mean you don’t get why I refused”

“It’s a great deal. You both gain from the contract, and you need this boost now that you have missed the curator today. So I don’t get why you refused.”

“Didn’t you hear the part where I said he said I would pretend to be pregnant?”

“Key word ‘pretend’, you wouldn’t really be pregnant, and he said you guys would think of something later, just go for it. It’s a good deal and again, no attachments, so you go your separate ways. If you ask, I’ll tell you to go ahead.

“Are you serious?” I asked, still feeling unsure, “yeah, I’m sure. Now what are you going to do”

“We exchanged numbers for when I’ve made up my mind”

“Then go ahead and tell him” she urged me.

“OK, OK. I’ll text him now.” I brought out my phone and sent Noah a text.

Me: Hey.

He responded almost immediately

Noah: Hi, have you made your decision already?

Me: Yes, I have

Noah: That was fast

Me: I just had to think clearly

Noah: Why don’t we discuss this further, maybe over dinner?

I looked at Sarah. “What?”

“He asked me out for dinner.” I whispered like I was on a call.

“Then go on and accept.” I just nodded and went back to texting.

Me: Why not 

Noah: That’s great. Send me your address and I’ll pick you up at 8

Me: OK

I sent him my address and faced Sarah again. “So, what’s happening?”

“I guess I’m going out for dinner tonight,” I shrugged.

“Oh my God, my best friend is going out with the Noah Knight”

“It’s not a big deal. We’re just going to discuss the deal clearly.”

“Whatever you say. Oh, I have to help you get ready for tonight. Do you even have a good dress to wear?”

“Of course, I have a good dress”

“I wouldn’t take your word. Don’t worry, I’ll find you something good enough” she said and rushed to my room.

I followed after her and when I reached my room I saw my closet open.

“OK, so you need something sexy. Since you are going to be a billionaire’s wife you need to start looking the part” she commented, throwing all my clothes out trying to find whatever she was looking for, she must think I’m her doll now.

This went on until she found the dress she was looking for, and now my closet is a total mess, we just an hour till Noah gets here, which is in one hour, and we still haven’t done my hair and makeup 

“Sarah hurry up he will here very soon, and I’m not ready yet, I yelled in the hall wondering where she went to, and what is taking her so long?

“I’m here sorry I had to borrow a hair straightener from your neighbour since someone here doesn’t have one and prefers to carry a messy bun all day, claiming it’s cute when she looks like a raccoon instead”

“Hey leave my hair alone and to work maid do my hair, I said in a British voice, and we burst into laughter

“OK now have had our laughs, we have don’t time any more. She does my hair and a little Smokey eye make - up to make the black dress she picked out. As soon she was done, Noah texted that he was here, took my purse and went down to meet him

“Well hello, you look really beautiful tonight, he commented as he opened the door of the car for me

“Thank you very much. You look good yourself, I returned the compliment as he seated in too and started driving.

“So, where are we going for dinner?

“A private restaurant down town, I know the owner, so I was able to get a secluded space to talk and eat, he said while nodding my head in agreement. When we got there, we lead towards the area away from the crowd and ordered dinner.

“I had my lawyer draw up the contract, so we could discuss everything here, here have a look and tell me if you want to change anything, he hands me the file and I go through it then I spot something I didn’t like

“OK here it says I will move into the house and room immediately the contract is signed by the two parties, I can’t share a room with you, we just met each other.

“You have to, if not people are going to suspect us thinking how did you get pregnant if we sleep separated. 

“Fine, I said, annoyed having no choice in the matter

“is there any other thing not to your liking or can we go ahead and sign it, he asked, giving me the pen to sign, and he does the same then takes out the ring and start the acting from now and went back to our dinner.

Once we were with our food we agreed to meet again at his house to discuss our backstory whenever people asked questions, on our way to his car the paparazzi surrounded us and bombarded us with different question, blocking our way, I started to panic as this brings back buried memories and I start to have a panic attack squeezing Noah’s hands in the process as he tries pushing them away to gain access to his car.

“Bella, what’s wrong, he asked when he realized I was struggling to breath

“I need to go ple

ase let me go then, I start to feel light-headed until I loss consciousness.

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