
Billionaire's Revenge
Billionaire's Revenge
Автор: Sunshine


I am in love, i mean I was more than in love, I was obsessed, I was so intrigued by the thought of tying the knot with him and I waited for that day. But when that day comes would i still be able to do it?


  Finally its the day we all wanted the day we all waited for, our wedding, my wedding which i prepared so hard for but wouldn't be attending because of a tiny little mistake but i still forced myself to smile and look at the beautiful wedding decoration and say thanks to the congratulations greetings i received while doing my bridal make up.. 

Young Marceaux pov.. 

I am so happy, it's the day we finally expected, the day i will be marrying the woman of my dreams. I stood beside the altar and wait for my soon to be wedded wife to walk the aisle to wed me:; Heaven knows I can't stop smiling right now as I watch guests and family fill the hall. 

Zen, why are you still here and not on your way to meet your groom: she asked.

I can't do this bae, i really can't go through with this wedding; said Zendaya. But you love him and he loves you! Do you really wanna do this and break the union between the both of you? I don't know but all i know is I am leaving this place and you break the news to them~ she said while screaming. 

It's been four hours now and the guests are tired of waiting and I am already getting so anxious as time goes by. Suddenly we hear footsteps of someone running and we turn to see the bridesmaid and listen as she breaks the news to us that she left and there is no wedding. I sat on the ground in dismay as tears dropped from my eyes, WHY DID SHE DO THIS?? I asked no one in particular. 

Four years later…….

Marceaux Fredrigo glared at the television, his eyes fixed on the news report of Zendaya Ivorida’s return to town. It had been years since he laid eyes on her, but the anger he felt towards her hasn't subsided. He couldn’t believe she had the audacity to come back into his life after what she’d done to him. And she became so stupid as times went that she came back openly knowing fully well the media and paparazzi wouldn't miss a chance to start a gossip, i already got a call from my assistant telling me some reporters got into the company and asked for an interview concerning my past with Zendaya if i have any plans of be together with her. Marceaux scoffs she better stay out of my way or else~

Marceaux had once been madly in love with Zendaya. They’d been together since their teenage years, planning to spend the rest of their lives together. However, their relationship took a turn for the worse when she left him at the altar, without any explanation.

He’d been devastated, heartbroken. The news of her return to town had stirred up a storm of emotions within him. It was almost as if he was living through the betrayal once again.

However, Marceaux’s anger was far too strong to simply ignore her return. He knew what he wanted, he wanted revenge. But how would he get it?

Lexi pov

 Hey bestie, did you apply for the company I sent you? I asked Zendaya.

Yes i did babe and i don't know but the receptionist kept looking at me in a funny way, still can't figure it out though; zendaya said inwardly. Anyways I was told to come for the interview tomorrow and get interviewed by their boss and am a little bit nervous; Don't worry girl you are gonna get it as long as the boss sees you, anyways talk to you later because I am busy……bye sweets 

Dang! I hung off as fast as possible.

Zendaya, this is the only thing I can do to help you for now as your friend. I know you still love him and he does but it's gonna take time to move his heart again.

  The next day I arrived face to face at the interview spot and was surprised to see someone I never thought I would meet so fast……

Zendaya was called for an interview for the application she made. Walking down to the boss's office only to see her ex-finance Marceaux. In the first instance, she'd thought she was dreaming till she looked around and saw it was Marceaux. The man she'd left at the alter on their wedding day.

Zendaya Ivorida had returned to town with a heavy heart. Her search for a good job had brought her back to the place where she had hurt the man she once loved. She knew it was going to be difficult seeing Marceaux again, but she had no other choice.

Zendaya had left him on their wedding day because of a mistake she'd made in the past. She knew it was a cowardly thing to do, but she couldn't bear the thought of telling him the truth. It was a betrayal he didn't deserve. Now, she stood in front of Marceaux, her heart racing as she tried not to look guilty. His piercing stare was intense, but for the first time, she saw something else in his eyes. Was it forgiveness, or hope? She couldn't tell.

  Hey, Miss are you here for the interview or did you simply come here to stare into the air and waste our time!! She was snapped back to reality by the harshness and rudeness of his voice and she was shocked to the core because this was the first time she had ever seen this side.

 ~I am so sorry sir Please can I visit the restroom I will be back; Yes you can he said, I ran to the restroom feeling a little bit shy and guilty~i thought about him still being rude and nothing like the man I remembered"scoffs" who am i kidding, that he should nice and all sweet to a woman who left him on the altar... I said in my head as I stare at my face in the mirror and sprinkle water on myself, You can do this Zen, you need this job.

 'Five minutes later' the interview started Although I was surprised that Marceaux was gonna be doing the testing I tried my best to be confident and didn't let my level of education go to waste.

I was asked so many questions that I didn't fail to answer and I saw the praises and admiration in their eyes the interview finally became over as everyone was leaving I was told to wait with him in the quiet office alone, and I was so scared that I could hear the sound of my heartbeat.

"Why did you leave me?" Marceaux asked, his voice firm.

Zendaya trembled as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "I made a mistake. I was scared, a coward."

Marceaux let out a dark chuckle. "A coward, huh? That's what coming from the woman who left me at the altar without an explanation."

Zendaya lowered her gaze, feeling guilty and ashamed. "I know I hurt you. I will never be able to make up for that." Good thing you know and you must know that if you're going to work here then expect the hell I bring.`` Marceaux grinned viciously. Zendaya ran away in tears into the elevator and bumped into someone, She muttered an apology and tried to close the door when someone stopped her actions with his hand and she gasped when she saw him the man who had been haunting her dreams continuously for years;

 " Rick what are you doing here" Zendaya managed to mutter those words in shock.

    Why can't I be here? Oh i see you are finally ready to stop hiding and continue what we started right. I remember that night Zen…. pakkkk…..A loud sound was heard and Rick realized he was slapped by Zendaya he forcefully pushed her to the wall trapped her and dipped his hand in her blouse;

  You wanna slap me then go on and I swear to God am gonna make you scream my name so louder than four years ago.~

'fuck " they snapped back and let go of each other quickly, Zendaya saw this as her chance and ran away out of the company's building, she called for a ride that drove her to Lexi's place.

lexis pov.


who is it

am coming just stop ringing the gooddamm bell

Hey babe, you didn't tell me you were going to come to visit and oh besides how's the interview?

Zendaya: I met Marceaux today and he's the owner of the company you Introduced to me.

Lexi: Ohhh I see you guys finally met, so tell me how was it?

Wait you knew that it was his company and you are saying you sent me there to him on purpose right; Zendaya shouted in tears"

Hey babe relax, I didn't mean it in a harmful way why don't you tell me what ruined your day?

Zendaya: I met him Lexis and he assaulted me again in the company, the pain of losing it came back again and that far, and my stomach hurts badly as I remember it…..sush…..hey please calm down and have a glass of water, try to relax okay I'm here for you. That was the last word Zendaya heard before she drifted to sleep……..

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