


Kalan? What was he doing here? There was a basket of food in his hand. Was it for me?

He stood by the entrance hesitantly, as if he wasn't sure of what to do. Empathy flickered in his eyes but I saw it as clear as day, enraging me further. Has he come here to mock me? To look at his girlfriend's handiwork and feel satisfied? Deep down, through my anger, I was actually glad he came, but rage clouded it all.

“What are you doing here?” I managed to ask, peering at his shocked features. He opened his mouth to talk, but was interrupted by a screeching voice.

“Kalan!” Kalan and I looked over to the direction of the voice.

“How could you be so reckless and selfish?! I didn't train you up like this!” Lady Vieva came in, scolding Kalan right off the bat.

She was dressed in a checkered pink cashmere jacket, with a matching skirt and silver pump shoes, I would say she looked dashingly elegant.

Nevan was right behind her, looking sheepish and sending Kalan an apologetic look behind Lady
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