

My body lightly trembled beneath his, caged in between those muscly arms, deep dread slowly creeping up my veins with every passing second, widely staring up at those pitch black eyes.

“Logan?” I weakly tried yet again, only to receive the same response; silence.

His audible, ragged breaths heavily fanned over my face, my heart slamming wildly inside my chest as I laid frozen, too scared to even dare make a move.

“Go and hide,” He muttered between gritted teeth, my eyelids fluttering for the fraction of a second as I tried to process what he just said, also noticing how he momentarily closed those pitch black eyes, seemingly holding his breath, seconds before he forcefully roared,


Without even wasting another moment, I clumsily scrambled from underneath him, quickly bolting straight towards the bathroom, then slammed and locked the door behind me.

Anxiously looking around for anything I could use to defend myself, I ultimately noticed how every single object in that bathroom wa
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