
Chapter 89: Grant pov

I hang up and glance out of my office window at the city below. Could it really be possible that I’m about to become a father?

I think about my own father and the strained relationship I have with him and my brother now. I won’t let that happen to my family. No matter what happens I always want my children to know that they can come to me for anything and that I will be there to help and support them.

Two hours later I message Simon to check in on things back at the house.

G- “Are the girls home yet?”

S- “Not yet but they are due shortly. I had a message from Anya recently saying they are en route.”

G- “Good. I will get ready here at the office then head over to collect Angel in time for when she should be ready. Don’t let her be late, we have a schedule to keep.”

S- “Don’t worry I’ve got everything organised.”

G- “Thanks.”

I put my phone away and try to focus on work, but I just can’t do it so instead I check the itinerary for the evening to make sure everything will go smoothly.

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