
Chapter Nineteen


The following morning, precisely at nine am and a few minutes after breakfast, I shared with them my plan to take a walk. Despite Evelyn's suggestion to accompany me, I politely declined, keeping my intentions confidential. Without informing Cyril about the acquired money, I left the house discreetly.

After some time, I reached the urban area where I encountered the kind woman the day before, finding her in the same spot. Considering it a coincidence, I approached her, expressing gratitude for yesterday and requesting her phone, which she willingly handed over.

Dialing Lucas's number, I put the phone to my ear, but he didn't answer, prompting me to end the call. Just as I was about to try again, a gentle tap on my shoulder made me whirl around, and there stood Lucas himself.

"Um... Good morning, Your..." He started to say.

I interrupted him, asserting, "I don't want anyone to know who I am. My name here is Justice."

"Oh, alright." Lucas nodded and shared, "I was just driv
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