
And then… he understood

Although he had spent most of the previous night awake, Carlos was that morning with a very good disposition and even with, a strange, good sense of humor, but as the afternoon fell, his attitude gradually changed.

He wanted to entertain himself by taking care of various things that he had pending, but nothing worked. Annoyed, he returned home, turned off his cell phone so that no one would disturb him, took a couple of drinks lost in thought, and inadvertently, fell asleep sitting on the sofa.

He saw himself running, very scared, behind a moving vehicle, trying to stop him … and as much as he screamed, there was so much noise in the street that they couldn't hear him. At some point, he was no longer running, but he was a passenger in the rear seats of the vehicle, he kept yelling at the driver to stop, but nobody seemed to notice him, not even the boy sitting next to him … it was as if he did not exist.

Suddenly, there was a great roar, a bright and blinding light invaded everything, he could only close his eyes tightly … a truck had just crashed into the car which, in a second, in the blink of an eye, was done shreds. Carlos, out of the vehicle again and panicked, came running as fast as he could, trying to help the passengers. He saw the boy lying on the asphalt, he was conscious although, with a lot of blood on his clothes, he was crying inconsolably.

In his bewilderment, he did not know what to do, nor could he prevent the little one from approaching the vehicle. He heard heartbreaking screams, the boy kept his hands pressing hard on his eyes, he just screamed, they were screams of true terror. For an instant, Carlos hesitated to approach, he saw himself trembling and scared, but he had to, he had to help that little one. He took a deep breath and approached cautiously, until stopping just behind the minor, he looked into the vehicle, unable to believe what he saw … he rubbed his eyes and repeatedly ran his hands over his face, seeking to clarify his senses, he tried again … he returned to look, only to end up realizing that those bodies so lacerated, bloody and lifeless, squeezed by that great mess of irons, were those of Charles and Camila … their parents.


He woke up startled, sweating cold and with tears all over his face, with a bitter taste that ran down his throat and an immense desire to vomit. The same nightmare, the sad story of his life, was repeated frequently, especially during that date. He felt overwhelmed, unhappy, lost … and emptier than ever.

The last few months had been especially difficult since, although he had been separated from Jazmin for years wanting to dissolve the marriage, she refused to the point that she always ended up complicating everything with absurd legal lawsuits. They had finally reached an agreement and the minutes had been signed … they were already divorced. And, it was just what Carlos wanted so much, but deep down, he couldn’t help feeling unsuccessful, his 32nd birthday completed his list of frustrations. Losing his family of origin and so many years later, not having formed his own family was something that bothered him, he hated seeing himself as a bittered and lonely old man.

Why the hell did all the people he loved end up dying or betraying him?

What was your damn sin?

Why was he paying that difficult penance?


It was late, everyone was already at the Mon'tblank, ready to start a new night of work and Carlos still didn't show up, Sara was worried since that being late, or not showing up, was not his custom.

“Jean Pierre, did Carlos call you? Has something happened to him?”

“Nothing has happened, calm down, he will arrive soon.”

“He never comes late, well … at least not since I work here.”

“Trust me, he will come soon.” Jean Pierre had not finished the sentence, when ‘the boss’ was already waving to the staff.

Sara felt calmer, although he did not have the best countenance, at least not the same as he had in the morning, his eyes looked sad and off, his appearance, in general, looked tired and careless … nothing to see with the handsome and elegant man he always used to be, it was very obvious that something bad was happening to him, as soon as he finished giving the staff a pair of instructions, he went up to his office.

It was a quiet night at the Mon’tblank, so the chestnut took advantage of the free time to talk.

“Jean, how long have you been working for Carlos?”

“I have been working here since the Mon’tblank reopened.”

“And how long ago was that?”

“About 7 years ago.”

What no one knew was that Jean Pierre and Charles, Carlos's father, had been great friends since childhood. In fact, the Frenchman knew ‘the boss’ from birth, he was his godfather. One who insisted on being the head chef, even though his godson had been offering him a managerial or administrative position for years, but Jean did not need luxuries, or complicate his life, he was happy doing what he loved … cooking was his life.

“He never has been married? I mean … Never fell in love or had children?”

“Sara, it is a sin to be so curious.” Jean Pierre was very respectful of the lives of others, not in vain, he was the only person in whom Carlos had placed all his trust.

“It’s not curiosity!” Jean Pierre looked at her with a face of circumstance, so Sara had no choice but to resign herself. “Well, yes … maybe just a little bit.” Again, Jean Pierre focused his gaze on her, this time with more intensity. “Okay! Okay! Yes, I accept it, I'm curious, but understand me, Jean … he's always so lonely. His whole world is this place … even I know that the world is much more than these four walls.”

“And he will still be lonely if ‘someone’ continues to use slander to scare away all his conquests!” It was obvious that Jean Pierre was referring to the past situation with Caroline, and he did not consider her appropriate for his godson either, in fact, although he never said anything, he was annoyed by that woman, as much as the rest of the bar staff. He only named her for fun, to see the chestnut's reaction.

“We all know that this woman didn’t suit him,” she answered in a low voice, the least she needed was for Carlos to listen to her, remember that ‘detail’ and get even angrier with her. And that was the only thing that worried her since she did not regret and she would never regret tricking on that hateful woman.

That interested and controlling woman would never understand or value all the goodness behind that stone facade that Carlos was determined to show the world … No, that ill-mannered and capricious ‘girl’ would never be the right woman for anyone … much less for him.

“Why do you care so much about him?” Jean Pierre found it interesting and entertaining to inquire into Sara's intentions.

“I know he is old enough to know what he wants in life. He is also a successful man, with studies,”

She, without realizing it, began to honor the nickname Carlos had given her ‘Parlanchina’, she talked non-stop, looking for the best way to obtain information … without much success.

“Sara … Stop rambling on and get to the point!”

“Jean Pierre! Come on! You just have to look at him, he is always so lonely … Yes, we all know that he is a bittered and a curmudgeon without remedy, that scares everyone, but … deep down, he is a good person. I better than anyone can say it, if it hadn't been for your help, I would still be living on the streets. God only knows what would have become of me!” She stressed this last sentence with the terror painted on her face. “That is why it hurts me to see him so sad, I do not understand why if he has everything, he does not look happy … he is not happy.”

Jean felt that she was sincere in what she said, he had already noticed the friendship and even some complicity between them, although in the last days they had behaved half weird.

In a sense, Renata was right when she said that Carlos had made concessions with Sara that he hadn't made with anyone else. Jean thought that perhaps the time had come for his insufferable godson to put the past aside and start again, so he decided to break his ‘vow of discretion’ and reveal a very important detail to the young woman.

“He always behaves the same way on a day like today.”

“What's different about ‘a day like today’?”

“Tomorrow is your birthday,” he said very quietly.

“I still don't understand.” She looked at the head chef as if he were speaking to her in another language. “Aren’t birthdays supposed to make people happy?”

“Carlos stopped celebrating from the moment he lost his family and even more so since Nonna died … Sara, I hope you are discreet with this information.”

“Don't worry, I'll be discreet … now I understand why he is so sad.” She said the latter more to herself, she paused, lost in thought for several minutes and then, suddenly, as if she had witnessed a divine revelation, she continued. “Jean Pierre, you have to help me!”

“Come on girl, help you with what?!”

“You can prepare one of those delicious mini cakes, that is, one of their favorite flavors. You must know which one is it?” She replied, looking up at him with her bright eyes full of roguery, ready to convince him to support her with the plan that was forming in her mischievous head.

“I don't think it's a good idea. Who would send me to tell you about these things?”

“Come on Jean Pierre! Help me! Look, it's for a good cause, you just get it ready and I'll take care of everything else. Yes?” If at some point, Sara put her ‘abandoned puppy face’ to better use, it was precisely this one. Although, Jean Pierre was complaining, deep down, he had every intention of helping her, otherwise, he would never have told her the truth, so he made sure to leave cake and cookies ready before closing.

That night, the chestnut could hardly sleep, her nerves were consuming her. On the one hand, the excitement caused by brightening the birthday of her boss, but on the other, she thought that maybe she was exceeding herself because things between them had not yet returned to normal.

What if he got upset with her again? What if he felt again that she was invading his privacy?

The truth is that she was regretting carrying out her plans, although … deep down, she felt that nothing would hurt her more than seeing him sad and alone, just when he should be celebrating or at least, feeling grateful and blessed for another year of life.

She was a ‘bundle of nerves’ even so, she went to the Mon'tblank in the morning, made coffee and was waiting for him, although … beyond the usual time, Carlos had not yet appeared. She felt so bad that she went to the dressing room, her old room to continue waiting for him. She thought that it was very likely that he would not come there all day, that perhaps she should find another way to proceed, although the option of showing up at his house was completely out of the question. Maybe she just had to accept that she had wasted her time.

Carlos arrived several minutes later and when he did not see Sara, he thought that she had already left, the truth is that he did not know what the hell he was doing there, he did not even want to count, he thought that he better leave that for another day. His mind kept recreating memory after another, some happy, some painful, others impossible to classify. Unable to do anything else, he ended up sitting on the edge of the stage, quiet, remembering his parents and Nonna … prisoner of his own thoughts, so much so that he ended up depressed and melancholic.

Sara, supposing that he would no longer come, and given the impossibility of carrying out her plan, much to her regret, decided to return to the annex. When she was leaving, she found Carlos so absorbed in his thoughts, that he didn't notice that she was very close to him.

“Hello, good morning,” she greeted without getting an answer, so she insisted, and though she had to speak aloud, beckon and wave her hands effusively to get his attention. Even so, several seconds passed before getting a reaction.

“Sara? I thought you had already gone.”

“I … was in the dressing room, tidying up a bit,” she said to justify her inadvertent presence. Carlos nodded in agreement with her answer, they exchanged glances for a few seconds until an uncomfortable silence slipped between them.

“I made coffee; you want?” She asked begging him to accept since her entire plan depended on it.

“Yes, thanks.”

Quickly, she poured out two cups and brought the cookies that Jean Pierre had prepared. Excited, she tried to sit on the edge of the stage, right next to Carlos, but because she wasn't as tall as him, she had to fight a long time trying to climb … without achieving its purpose

As always, it seemed like so much fun to him, seeing how stubborn Sara was when she wanted to get something, even if all odds were against her, there was no human power to force her to surrender.

“Maybe it would be better to ‘surround the mountain’,” he said with a mocking smile on his lips.

“There are always ways!” Sara replied triumphantly as she climbed the stairs.

A funny moment, which stole a couple of smiles from Carlos and unexpectedly made him focus all his attention on her, and even more, when he realized the type of cookies Sara had on the tray. And although the moment served to ‘break the ice’ between them, while they were having coffee, he kept thinking that something strange was happening.

“I haven't tasted these cookies in a long time,” he said delightedly as he devoured them, but at the same time suspicious, waiting for her to tell him a comment about it … the same one that never came, since Sara chose to ignore it.

Carlos was beginning to understand that this was her ‘modus operandi,’ every time she was plotting or was guilty of something … playing the ignorant waiting for a miracle.

While they ate, there was another long and awkward pause, until he decided to take control of the matter and get the answer he needed.

“Sara, what do you want to know?” He asked, looking her as he continued to delight in the famous cookies.

“Why do you think I want to know something?”

“Because I have come to know you well enough to realize that you are plotted something.” He raised one of his eyebrows. “So, will you tell me or should I ask someone else?” He looked at her amused, but she didn't notice it since she was very busy avoiding his gaze. “I think I should start with whoever helped you make these cookies … Don't you think?” He ended up showing the one it had in his hand, just before it suffered the same cruel fate as the previous ones and ended up perishing inside his mouth.

“What? No! Well … Yes, I wanted to ask something, but I know it's a bit personal.” She answered with many doubts, nervously scratching her temple, thinking of the best way to start.

“Will we still be friends after that question?” Initially, Carlos spoke pretending a very serious attitude, but as soon as he saw Sara’s worried face, he smiled. It was a beautiful smile that showed a little of his white and perfect teeth, accompanied by his captivating eyes narrowed.

The chestnut practically held her breath and with her restless gaze ran all over Carlos's face, his jaw, those provocative lips, his perfect nose … all his striking features. She watched him absorbed, unable to recall any other moment in that her boss looks more adorable than just now. For a few seconds, she was completely silent, enjoying such delicious and contagious joy.

Carlos, realizing the scrutiny to which he was subjected, kept a slight smile, but began to return his gaze, with the same intensity with which Sara watched him. Seeing the change in attitude, she forced herself out of her abstraction, took a deep breath, feeling intimidated and without wasting time, resumed the conversation.

“Why so lonely on your birthday? That is, it is supposed to be a date to be happy and celebrate, but you only lock yourself in your loneliness and sad thoughts.” She begged not to have been imprudent.

Carlos looked at her with interest for a while, until he decided to speak.

“Yes, the presence of those cookies here seemed strange to me. Just today!” He said ironically as if he were talking to himself and then asked: “Jean Pierre involved you in all this. ¿True?”

She didn’t know what to answer, she just uttered some nonsensical monosyllables, nervously clenching her fingers and looking at the ground. She had promised Jean Pierre that she would be discreet, but she was sure that Carlos would not give up until he knew the truth.

“Sara, I remind you that I hate lies—”

“And believe me, I haven’t lied … It’s just that …”

“Did Jean Pierre ask you for discretion?”

Sara was silent and widened her eyes, but seeing that Carlos would not give up, she had no choice but to release the contained air and nod, then feeling defeated, she commented: “Yesterday there was so much sadness in your eyes and I wanted to know why. I’m sorry if I am indiscreet, and even although I know that you are upset with me because I stupidly damaged the trust you had placed in me, it would be very ungrateful of me not to worry about who has helped me so much.”

“I didn't know it was so obvious.” He paused. “It is strange that you ask me that question. That is, you should understand me better than anyone around me, it is difficult to spend birthdays without the people you love … also, after a certain age, there is nothing to celebrate, I am no longer a child to get excited about such nonsense.” He shrugged it off, and Sara's heart wrinkled with sadness as she realized her plan was going straight to the dumpster. “And with respect to the other, it is true that you fractured the trust I placed in you, but …” He thought for a second before saying this, he knew that saying something like that to her was like filling a child's hands with candies and trusting that don't eat them all together. “If it's any consolation, I'm not so mad at you anymore.”

“Not ‘so’ mad anymore?” She emphasized. “Well, I guess that's progress, right?” She replied, drawing a shy and hopeful smile, she was very happy to know that there was the possibility of recovering her friend.

“Well, I guess we can call it that … a progress,” he said, still looking at her. He didn't know since when, but his mischievous eyes, once again, had deviated from hers to focus on her tender and provocative lips. He quickly looked away, he didn't know what the hell was happening to him, but he was sure that whatever it was, none of it was right. He cleared his throat and continued the conversation. “How could I stay angry? I share more hours of my day with you than with anyone else around me.”

“Carlos, I will tell you that” Certainly, his gaze was intense and intimidating for Sara, so she quickly continued the conversation to get out of the awkward moment, “In my case, everything happened to the contrary … that is, when I was little, I suffered a lot for not having a family, but certainly, the surrogate mothers at the orphanage went out of their way to make all the children's birthdays happy and special. So, as we grew up, they made beautiful memories, which I really appreciated because, to be honest, I don't even have a date to celebrate.”

“Why do you say you don't have a date to celebrate?” He looked at her incredulously.

“Because, I only know that I was about 3 years old when they abandoned me. My ‘forgetful parents’ didn't even leave a note with my name, if I ever had one … even my birthday is a mystery to me. At the orphanage, they decided to use the day of my arrival there as my date of birth. You know, they needed that information for identification procedures.”

Carlos, as was his custom, was silent assimilating the information, but he couldn't help but look at Sara without feeling compassion for her.

“No … don't feel bad for me, you're right … we are no longer children, so when I grew up I stopped being distressed by that, on the contrary, I decided that, until I discovered my true date of birth, I would have many more days to celebrate my birthday.”

“Do you keep in touch with your adoptive mother?”

This question automatically created a lump in Sara's throat, which she was unable to answer with words and only gestured to answer negatively, avoiding crying in front of him.

Stupid! You are supposed to cheer him up and not depress him.

“Your parents?”

“No idea about them. As if they never existed.” She cleared her throat and continued. “On the contrary, you do have many memories of your parents and Nonna, in a way, you can consider yourself lucky that at least you had a family that loved you and can treasure so many beautiful moments.”

Carlos now felt like a fool, as he thought about how brave and determined Sara was, who despite all the bad things that had happened in her life, she could still be optimistic and above all positive.

“You are an admirable person. I feel so stupid and I apologize because I misjudged you that day when you came to this place. I was a complete idiot.” Although he had not done so before, Carlos was always tempted to apologize to her for the arrogance and foolishness with which he treated her the day they met.

“No, you don't have to do that. I am aware that I was a real ‘stone in your shoe’, and that my appearance was not my best cover letter.” Sara smiled and for him, her smile was so special, of those that illuminate all the room and make you forget any pain.

“It wasn't your fault, you were the victim of so many situations, you just wanted to change your life … as you told me.” He wanted to comfort her by placing his hand on hers, but he regretted as soon as he felt the softness of her skin and the heat that radiated, so much was his impression that he ended up missing the topic of conversation.

“But, how could you know that? It was impossible to know.”

“No one should be judged.” He responded sternly and in the hope of being consistent since as he moved his hand away from Sara's, he became so confused that it took him a few minutes to focus on the subject again.

“What if you could get your parents back? What if life gave you the opportunity to meet them?”

“Actually, every time I imagine something like that, I can't help but have mixed feelings … obviously yes, I would like to meet them, know who brought me to this world, but I think I would end up being too hurtful with them … as they, hurt me when they abandoned me … when they didn't care about me,” she sighed. “I don't like being the bad girl in the story, I don't hate them, but it's very difficult for me to talk about them.”

“You are not a bad person, the most normal thing is that you have a thousand questions and mixed feelings, anyone in your place would do and feel the same.”

And that ended up being one of those rare moments when they both agreed on an opinion, just before the silence hung over them again. Sara had already abandoned any intention of continuing her silly and childish plan, but she refused to give up doing something to cheer him up.

“Your birthday is just beginning, you should go out, change your mood and celebrate,” she suggested.

“Celebrate?” He smiled bitterly and shook his head. “I have no plans, neither people to celebrate. So—”

“Who better than your girlfriend to accompany you?” Halfway through the question and, especially when seeing the expression on Carlos's face, she was already regretting to open her mouth.

“Girlfriend? Come on Sara, what do you say? There is no such person.” The proposal caused grace in Carlos, but also disappointment in the background, although he did not want to be vulnerable.

“Sorry, I thought she—”

“Her name is Jazmin, and she is not my girlfriend, in fact, she is my ex-wife.”

Carlos was clear to whom Sara was referring, while she, on the other hand, felt sorry for what he was saying her, it seemed that all her attempts to brighten his day and his life were doomed to failure.

“No, you don't have to … I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you.”

“No problem. Jazmin and I got married as soon as we finished college, too young and, as expected when things are taken lightly, the marriage didn't work and, to summarize,” and not kill you from boredom. “We are divorced.”

“Excuse me, I didn’t know that—”

“I know.” Sara was embarrassed and flushed of ‘full body’, for having suggested at that woman. Is that nothing was going to go right? She saw no better way to overcome that mistake, remembering that Jean Pierre had prepared a cake … and yes, she knew it was a risk, but … To hell with all her fears! She got off the stage and went to get it.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll be back! Don’t move! Please.”

Against all odds, and although at first, it seemed a ‘total and complete’ madness, deep down he had to accept that it was fun to see Sara return with a cake, a lit candle, and of course, she couldn't miss … the chestnut singing happy birthday to him.

He loved the spontaneity and all the joy that she radiated, as she approached, he came down from the edge of the stage and, very soon, they were both standing, face to face, he just looked at her and, very discreetly, smiled until that she finished singing.

“It was too much to ask, that you let it pass. Wasn't it?”

“To hell with sadness! Birthdays are to celebrate.” That comment stole some smiles from him.

Sara approached him the cake with the firm intention that he extinguish the candle, in addition, she insisted that he first close his eyes and make a wish, although … as expected, Carlos growled, complained and even tried to flee, of nothing it served him, he ended up doing it reluctantly. He knew she wouldn't leave him alone until she got away with it. Finally, following tradition, she approached to congratulate him and give him a big hug.

“You don't have to do this Sara,” she only wanted to make him relive the joy and comfort of a warm hug, but Carlos's memories again threatened to bring him down, although he didn't say anything, she realized the sadness that suddenly invaded him the look, she wanted to comfort him and hug him tighter, hated the fact that he did not openly show his feelings.

Why do you insist on maintaining that breastplate?

Being so close to each other made both of them shudder. They had already felt the heat from their proximity, that morning when they stumbled, but it was the first time their bodies were so close for so long. Carlos was delirious feeling the softness of her skin and the pleasant perfume of her hair, while for Sara it was the glory of being in Carlos's strong arms, feeling the racing beat as if her heart wanted to leave her chest.

It was a few minutes that, casually, both wanted to convert them into hours, but everything good always ends … only that, after that big hug, both were so excited, with their pulsations as runaway as their hormones, but at the same time, so confused. It was overwhelming what they felt, although none said anything about it.

When they inevitably separated, Sara rushed to serve the cake, as a way of making a parenthesis, and he, for his part, just thought about how gratifying it would be to have someone like her in his life.


That night at the Mon’tblank.

Carlos had not forgotten the ‘recommendations’ that Jean Pierre had made to Sara … which, deep down, he was immensely grateful to, but still, he wanted to make a joke so that his godfather would stop being so indiscreet about his personal life. Not that it had been before, Jean Pierre as well as Nonna, were by far the most correct people he had ever met in his life.

He came to the bar, more serious and unfriendly than ever, and gave the customary instructions to the staff, but this time he didn't go directly to his office, instead he made several rounds between the bar area and the restaurant, before going upstairs.

Jean Pierre, who had noticed the bad attitude, assumed that Sara's plan had failed, began to worry, since Carlos had not gone to the kitchen, and had not supervised the menu, as he always did. Now that he thought about it, more calmly … Sara didn't come with a good face either, just like Carlos, she was also a ‘sampler of bitterness’ that night. They had not talked because she arrived just at the check-in time, and even if she had arrived earlier, he still could not have asked her anything and satiated his curiosity while his godson was present.

Got damn! This happens to me for being a busybody!

Being a weekend, the night had been quite busy, but when the orders finally stopped and he was alone with Sara, without wasting time, Jean Pierre called her to ask her.

“What happened Sara? Why so serious?” She approached defeated and crestfallen.

“What you warned me so much, happened.” She sighed. “At the end, I am a disaster for everything, even for surprises … I am so bad, that the only one surprised, I ended up being myself.”

“Why? What happened?” His voice sounded more anxious and concerned when he saw the young woman's reaction. What the hell had Carlos done to her? Charles, if your son dared to treat her badly … I swear he will listen to me!

“I have until the end of the month to get a new job … but don’t worry, I didn’t mention anything about your help,” she said, placing a hand on Jean Pierre’s shoulder to reassure him.

“What the hell?! Did he dare fire you?!”

Charles, sorry friend … but your son is hopeless!

“It was my fault, you warned me and I didn’t want to listen to you, you were right, I shouldn't have meddled in my boss's private life.” Sara didn't look at his face, she knew she was not going to be able to keep the lie for a long time, she was already feeling remorse at the sight of her lovely chef with such a frown.

If I didn't know how peaceful and friendly, he is. I would swear that he is about to go and kill Carlos. Don't exaggerate Sara! Jean is not a violent man …

… True?

“I don't care!! Carlos is going to listen to me!!” He said as he took off his apron and went upstairs to look for him. Sara had been shocked to see him so angry, nor in a thousand years would she have thought that the Frenchman would have that reaction and even less that he would defend her so hard. She regretted having lent herself to make that joke, she hurried to stop him, but he ignored her, and in the blink of an eye, he had already reached the office.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?!” He said as he entered and closed the door behind him to exclude Sara, who was coming at his heels. “Really? Was it necessary to fire her?”

“Good night Jean. How are you?” Carlos replied as if he ignored the situation.

“And a horn! You know perfectly well that I had to do with the whole plan … So what? Should I collect my pans before the end of the month? At once I tell you if that young woman leaves … Me too!” Sara couldn't help gossiping by listening behind the door.

“I’m still thinking about it” He replied quietly, radiating so much tranquility that the Frenchman started to get angry.

“Is there something to think about? That young lady sincerely cares about you!” Jean Pierre was red with courage.

“I’m thinking … I should leave her a couple of days under your command, maybe you can teach her some tricks to improve those cookies.” He continued thoughtfully, scratching his chin. Sara opened the door and Carlos, seeing her reaction, couldn't stop laughing. Despite all this nonsense, he respected his godfather very much and generally did not concern him that way.

Jean, confused, looked at Sara, but she looked down at the floor, completely anguished and without saying a word. Jean Pierre looked at Carlos and again at Sara, seeing that she was smiling, he could breathe easy.

“Pair of rascals! They are going to kill me of anger!” He breathed a sigh of relief. “You'll never see those cookies in your life again!” He threatened his godson.

“Thanks, I expected nothing less from you,” Carlos replied with amusement, as he approached and hugged him.

“Unhappy liars!” Jean Pierre laughed out loud, incredulous of what he had just done. Sara also reached out to join the hug, on the verge of tears, thanking his for defending her with such passion. Everyone smiled and then Jean Pierre knew that the plan to unite this ‘pair of lovebirds’ had worked perfectly.

Although perhaps not everything Carlos wanted, since, between jokes and laughter, he hated himself for not having had enough courage to go further and face everything he was feeling, still, he was grateful to both for worrying and make his birthday special. After many years finally, in his life, there was a happy birthday.

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