
Penulis: king macachor



Hindu hermitage, Himalayas, Nepal. John Carlos Martin had long been wishing to learn Astral travel. This is a unique experience going back in time. Also, he wanted some personal questions answered by the masters of the unknown mystical world which he could not find in his city. So during his one-week vacation from work, he took the liberty to fly to India and visit one of the Ashrams. It was a long trip but he knew that what he was going to experience was worth the expense and the hassle. 

Once there, he immediately had a session with a Raj guru. The place was like nothing he had visited before. He felt the deafening silence that echoed all over.  On the edge of the sacred river Ganges, he only heard the dribbling of the water. The sound of the flowing current could hold anyone under its spell, so much so that he swore he would be able to find inner peace and solace. 

In its indoor garden rested a life-sized statue of Buddha sitting in the lotus position. He was seated similarly in one of the sacred chambers, with his legs folded together as in yoga. He was having his last session. He was totally immersed in deep concentration and soul searching. After the last session, the master, a wizened Raj guru, bald and wearing a traditional monk´s robe stood and showed the way toward the garden. Below a poplar tree, on a stone bench, they found a good place to carry on with his teachings. Spring unfolded and the fragrance of budding blue poppies, cinquefoils, and cobra lilies danced around the place. John Carlos Martin filled his lungs to feel them, to let them be part of his experience.

"Thank you, master...for everything. It was such a unique experience in a lifetime, " he said.

The guru eyed him kindly. "You don´t have to be so thankful Mr. Martin. Thank yourself for having the interest, without which you wouldn´t have been here in the first place. I am at your disposal for anything that you want to learn. Is there anything else in your mind?" he asked in a voice so well-paced that it rhymed with the current of the river. 

John Carlos hesitated, speaking slowly and deliberately to consider his words before uttering them. He found himself saying, "I want to learn astral travel, master." Not sure if he asked the right question, he was nevertheless glad to say it. On asking this, he could hear his voice echoing in the stillness of the ashram. 

There was a pause in blessed silence. Then the guru said, "Astral travel? Hmm... it's not easy for a beginner, but I will tell you how it is done. You should follow several rigid steps, Mr. Martin."

"Hmm ... I expect that. Would you teach me the secret, Master?"

"It´s free to those who want to learn. As guardians of this knowledge, we are here to impart this to whosoever wants to learn it."

"My intention is true, master. I do want to learn."

“The Akashic records are opened to those who are ready to receive it, Mr. Martin.”

His eyes widened with excitement at the revelation. He said, “I've heard of that, master."

The master continued explaining in his sibylline way. “The Akashic record is central to theosophist writings. It's like an immense photographic film registering all the desires and experiences of human beings since time began. The evolution of man and the disappearance of Atlantis and all the mysteries of the universe are recorded in it. It is a compendium of mystical knowledge supposedly encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane."

For a moment JC ruminated on the guru's cabbalistic statement by deeply considering each word. “In simple terms, is it a vast library, with tomes and volumes of books filled with knowledge?” he asked timidly.

“You're right, but let me explain it in this way . . . It's nonphysical storage of all human experience accessible only to the guardians. There are no voluminous papers and books that you can touch and flip through the pages.”

The guru moved to ease himself up. “I have told you that the infinite intelligence is transformed to intelligent energy from beyond the eighth density or octave. That one sound vibration up beyond the scale used this doorway to view the present, which is not the earthly continuum you experience but the potential library of memory merged in this astral field. Our people call it the Akashic Record.”

JC accepted the fact as readily as it flowed “Hmm, the Akashic Record sounds mystical. It will be a new experience for me. This is one of the reasons I came here, master, to know its secret.”

After a while, they sprang up, the guru first then JC followed. They ambled toward the backdoor exit that led them out to the river. There was a small path that snaked toward the woods. Beyond was the snow-capped mountain. Walking single file by the riverside, the guru went on explaining.“Astral projection or out-of-body experience is verifiably true.  It is not alien to all religions. Some have claimed that even the Bible mentions some astral projections.” They slowed down a bit and the guru looked at the heavens. White clouds flitted by. Then he said, “Likewise, in Islam, it is known that Muhammad performed nightly levitations. This is interpreted to be an out-of-body experience through spiritual environments. Mystics call them the Isra and Mi'raj. They said that in a single night around the year six hundred twenty-one Muhammad with other prophets traveled to the farthest mosque to lead them in prayer.” They continued on the path. Birds twitted.

“I haven't given much thought about it,” commented John Carlos. Nothing in his experience gave him any reason to doubt the guru. Then the guru's gaze shifted far away to the southern sky.

“Another example is performed by the medicine man of the A****n who was believed to be able to perform several functions such as flying to the sky to consult astrophysical beings, soaring up into caves to ask for abundance of game, penetrating a river deep down to the bottom in order to get the help of other beings and for healings, of course.” He paused, while JC listened with adoration. The guru moved with an air of conveying a fact of great wisdom to an admiring student. Then he continued saying, “Astral travel gained popularity during the nineteenth century. Stage magicians employed mediums to contact the dead which dated back to early human history. This practice started to lose credibility when investigations proved widespread misrepresentation and fraud in the trade.”

They slowed down when they approached a birch tree. Below it was another bench made of stone, a perfect place to be nearer to nature, to hear the rushing of the water. The guru seated himself first. Then John Carlos followed.

“Hmm, it's interesting. Is there any risk for a neophyte to do it?” JC asked. He sought balance in his already mystified mind. “What I mean is for a beginner who might make an irreversible mistake."

There is always a risk for a beginner to trip. One should not go too far from the physical body until he's sure of his destiny. You should always look back and be mindful of where you are going.”

“I heard there's a likelihood for the subject to be stuck in the nonphysical world.”The guru made his point with his finger. “If the subject chose to stay there, he loses his physical body and dies. This typically happens in comatose subjects when the physical body is badly damaged in accidents.”

“What I'm interested in is to go to another time and sphere.”

“Yes. This is what we call 'etheric' travel.”

“Etheric travel sounds like flying through the atmosphere. Will you differentiate it with the normal astral projection, please,” JC urged further.

“In the first stage of the out-of-body experience, the astral body goes out of the physical body and travels. The subject could see himself lying on his bed. He may see other places like heaven. In 'etheric' travel the subject visits different times and/or places. He could travel to some other time zones and to other faraway places.”

“How can it be done? I suppose by meditation and lots of practice.”

“Rightfully so, and the subject can come back at will.”

“Will our astral body undergo some changes? I mean if we project ourselves back to a previous time, will our body become young?"

“No. There won't be any changes in your astral body,” the guru pointed out. “You will keep your present age: If you travel back thirty years your astral body will not be transformed into a child.

It’s as if you are in a different time zone, but having a present body.”

"By the way, when Are you leaving?"

My plane schedule is tomorrow. I have enough time to go around and see the place.

"Will you be coming back, Mr. Martin?"

"I´m sure I will, master. I promise that to myself."

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