
119 | "Do I even have to spell it out?”

Jasper looked like he was ready for a war.

His brows were furrowed, his lips were thinned and his eyes were sleepy, even though he was nursing a hot mug of coffee.

Willow and Dan sat in the living room, across from Jasper himself. Next to him sat his beautiful yet equally furrowed wife, although she looked partly worried if that made the whole situation any better.

“So,” Jasper started, letting out a deep breath. “You came here, at this hour,” he checked the time on the wall as if his expression hadn’t already given away his much-felt annoyance. “…because Ronin and Carmen’s life is in danger.”

As if on cue, Molly grabbed her phone for the hundredth time since they shared the reason for their arrival and dialled for Carmen. Probably. She shook her head when no one answered. “No one’s answering. Jasper I’m starting to get worried now. Maybe it’s not a prank like you think.”

“You think we are playing a prank?” Willow blurted out, not able to believe the two of them would translate their
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