
Chapter 10: Jacqueline

Mindy was at the designated spot waiting for me. I pulled up next her car and rolled down my windows. "Just follow me Jackie, this is gonna be so much fun." She was way too excited about this if you ask me.

Here I was not sure what my life would hold come morning, because yes the last ten minutes alone in my car I've had time to think about this and...freaking shit I was a goner.

I hadn't thought of how I was getting back into the house without detection, hadn't thought of anything at all except escaping. I followed her cute little roadster that I'm sure her brother had bought for her when she turned twenty-one a few months after me.

I had been green with envy and hurt at the time but I understood. He couldn't contact me in anyway because daddy had threatened his family. It made me wonder how Mindy was so brave to thwart his position and try to be my friend anyway.

Some days I was so mad at Jake for not coming back, especially the night of my twenty first birthday. I'd been so sure he'd be there to get me but no. Instead I'd spent it with daddy and mom at a quiet dinner in a stuffy restaurant.

I couldn't even mourn his absence in peace because as soon as daddy saw me looking anything but upbeat he went on the warpath. That night has been used as an anvil over my head for three damn years.

We pulled into the packed parking lot of the club Mindy has been raving about since she became old enough to drink. She'd let it slip once that Jake had laid down the law about her drinking and partying before she was old enough, and she'd held true to her promise not to.

Those two were so close it was amazing to me that he hadn't returned at least to see her and his mom. Though I knew they'd gone to visit him more than once but because of my stupid rule not to talk about him I hadn't heard any of the details.

I wasn't sure about this place, I've never stepped foot inside of one and this one looked a bit crowded if the number of cars and trucks were anything to go by.

"Come on don't chicken out on me now. You're not going to believe it, let's go inside and get you your first cocktail and then we'll talk." She was jumpier than a bullfrog in a marsh. "What's with you anyway? You and Dylan getting hitched or something?" She grinned and hugged my arm closer to her as she dragged me towards mayhem.

Inside it was loud and crowded and dark. There were people everywhere and I don't know how anyone could see where they were going because there was no space. The music thumped so hard I felt it in my chest, and we had to press through bodies to get to the bar.

As the seconds went by I I actually felt alive in this place for the first time since Jake had left me. There was a sense of excitement in the air, maybe Mindy's was rubbing off on me.

She had to yell our orders at the blonde giant behind the bar who looked like he ate small children and assorted animals for breakfast. I tried to avoid the leering looks from some of the patrons as they checked out my ass. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I have no idea what to do if one of them asked me to dance.

"What did you get me?" She gave me something that looked like coffee with milk in a glass with ice. I sniffed it to make sure and the scent of alcohol hit my nose. "A screaming orgasm." My mouth almost hit the floor even as my cheeks reddened. I can't believe she'd ordered such a thing. "Is that really the name of a

drink?" She rolled her eyes and nodded as she took a sip if her matching beverage. "It's so good you should taste yours." I took a tentative sip and she was right, it was good. Sweet and yummy, my first taste of the forbidden juice.

She was back to dragging me off again and looking around as if searching for someone. There was enough energy jumping off of her to light up the skyline. Probably Dylan, she always acts like that when he's around. We found a corner that was less crowded and stood back to watch the revelers.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I had to shout to be heard above the music. She was still busy looking around and I wondered how she expected to find anyone in this.

"In a minute." She got to her toes and started looking over shoulders. I decided to ignore her crazy and enjoy my drink. I could get used to this. She suddenly screamed like someone was killing her and grabbed onto me while jumping up and down.

I heard a voice say, 憈here she is' one second before I was crushed up against a hard chest and lips covered mine. I know that mouth, sweet merciful heavens...everything inside me went south and I held on tight after dropping my forgotten drink on the floor. It was a while before my lips were freed and I looked up into the most beautiful face I'd ever seen.

"Jake?" My voice was barely above a whisper, it's all I could muster right now, but somehow he heard me.

"It's me baby." He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back, staring down at me for the longest while. And then a smile broke out across his gorgeous face.

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