

Zion immediately retracted his wandering gaze. Turning his head, he caught sight of the imposing figure seated on the sofa. It stands to reason that looking at such a figure would have the little boy quaking in his boots, or that he would be perturbed by that icy demeanor.

However, to the little boy, this man appeared to be amiable. In his eyes, this man was like a daddy figure. While waving at him, the little boy mustered the loveliest smile he could come up with.

The steady gaze of Gabriel dissolved into shock at the sight of the child’s appearance which closely resembled his own. This little boy was the spitting image of his younger self.

His small face was like a finely carved jade. The contours of his face were carved to perfection. He had pink-flushed cheeks. This charming little face was reminiscent of himself when he was still a boy.

While he was still in a state of shock, he saw the little boy turned to Assistant Sandra speaking in a serious tone, “Aunt, can you leave us? I need to discuss something personal with my uncle.”

Assistant Sandra looked to her boss to ascertain that this child was his nephew.

She saw him promptly waved her away.

Sandra inwardly exclaimed, this child was really the boss’ nephew?

Hearing the door shut, Zion stared at the man in front of him with his huge eyes and apologized sincerely, “Mr. Gabriel, I’m sorry. I wanted to see you, so I lied and said that I was your nephew. You won’t blame me right!”

“Why do you want to see me?” Wrinkling his handsome face, the man asked. His husky voice carried with it an urgent undertone.

“I came to see you to hand you my mommy’s résumé.” The little boy then took off his backpack and reached in to take out the résumé which had been folded several times and held it out to him.

With a patience he didn’t even know he had, Gabriel reached out and took the résumé. Glancing at the sheet of paper which could not even pass for a résumé, with a photo of a woman pasted onto it, he instantly raised his eyebrows. “Your mother wants to apply for a position here?”

The little boy nodded earnestly, “Yes! My mommy wants to apply for the position of your girlfriend.”

“Your mommy?” Gabriel smothered a laugh while looking at this bold little fellow. He found this notion inconceivable. The writing on the résumé was clearly his. It was, unexpectedly, quite neat.

“Kid, I’m not interested in your mother. But instead, I’m very interested in you. Tell me, what’s your name? How old are you?” Gabriel felt an inexplicable desire to get to know this little boy.

This was the first time he had ever experienced such a strong curiosity about a particular matter. Where did this little boy spring up from?

Pouting his lips, Zion regarded him disappointedly. “Why are you not interested in my mommy? My mommy is very beautiful.”

“You came here to find me just to deliver this résumé?” Arching his brows, Gabriel let out a small laugh.

“Yes!” The little boy bobbed his head seriously. “My mommy is very pitiful. She works overtime every day and still has to take care of me. I want to find her an outstanding boyfriend. I think you’re well suited to be my mommy’s boyfriend.”

Gabriel inwardly sneered. Women nowadays go to great lengths just to get close to him. Just because this child resembled him, she was planning of using this to her advantage?

“Kid, I’m not interested in being your mommy’s boyfriend. Go back and tell your mommy not to use you to get close to me. It’s pointless.” Restraining his temper, Gabriel admonished.

Zion blinked. Pursing his lips, he said, “It wasn’t my mommy who told me to come over. I came here on my own to see you. ”

Gabriel's brows shot up with curiosity. “Why do you want to see me?”

“Because I think you’re like my daddy!” With his lips compressed in a tight line, the misty-eyed boy stared pitifully at Gabriel as if he was about to cry.

Gabriel gazed at the little boy in shock. He gently asked, “You don’t have a daddy?”

“It’s just my mommy and me in the family. My mommy said she doesn’t know what my daddy looked like. One of the aunts said I looked just like you. So I was wondering if you were my daddy.” With his innocent gaze fixed on him, the little boy asked.

The purest thing in this world was the innocence in a child’s eyes.

This gaze of his broke through Gabriel's guard, crumbling it inch by inch. He thought fiercely, how nice would it be if this child was his.

At a loss, Zion chewed on his lower lip. Evidently, he had failed in his plan to hand over mommy’s résumé.

He was somewhat reluctant to accept this fact. He abruptly raised his little hand to his head and tugged a few strands of his hair out. Placing several strands of his short black hair on the résumé, he said, “Uncle, here’s my hair containing my DNA. If you have the time, can you have it tested? Who knows we could really be father and son! I’ve got to go back, otherwise, mommy would be worried sick once she finds me missing.”

“Where do you stay? I’ll get someone to send you back.”

“There, the building opposite this is my mommy’s workplace. It’s quite close, so there’s no need.” He glanced at his mommy’s résumé and said, “Uncle, think about it again. My mommy is really beautiful and capable! If you don’t marry her, you’ll come to regret it.”

Without waiting for his reply, he’d already run to the door. Pushing the door open, he dashed off.

Gabriel knitted his brows while looking at the strands of short, black hair on that sheet of A4 paper. He began to mull over it.

He was not one who wasted time doing meaningless things. He was absolutely certain that he had no relationship whatsoever with this child.

Looking at these strands of hair, he pondered whether he should toss them into the bin together with the résumé, or to waste his time going through with a DNA paternity testing.

Just then, assistant Sandra knocked on his door and pushed it open while holding onto some files within her crossed arms.

“President Gabriel, here are some documents which require your attention. Please sign them.” After saying that, she intended to leave the room.

“Wait a minute.” Behind her, a low, magnetic voice called out.

She immediately turned around to look at him. “What other instructions do you have, President Gabriel?”

Reaching up to his temple, Gabriel pulled out a few strands of his hair. From the box of tissue on his table, he took out a few to wrap his hair and Zion's separately, then handed them over to her. “Take these to the hospital for a DNA test and give me a detailed report.”

A stunned Sandra swiftly reached out to receive them and nodded. “Okay, I’ll get it done now.”

Zion set off to his mommy’s company at the fastest speed possible. Once he entered it, he heard the murmurs.

“Designer Cynthia's child has gone missing. Have you seen him? She’s anxiously looking around for him.”

“I’ve not! Where could such a small child possibly go? It must be dangerous!”

Listening to them, Zion ran up to the two female staff. “Aunt, is my mommy looking for me?”

“My goodness! Little munchkin, how come you’re here? Hurry up and find your mommy. Your mommy has been worried sick.” The female staff immediately took him by the hand and brought him to Cynthia’s office.

Cynthia was anxious to the point where she was about to call the police. She then heard a sweet, tender voice calling out to her cheerfully, “Mommy, I’m here, I’m here.”

She turned around to look at him. Her face that had whitened with fear immediately turned stern. “Zion, where have you been? Didn’t I warn you not to simply run around? Do you want to frighten mommy to death?” Her eyes were brimming with tears.

“Mommy, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I won’t run around any more.” Heart aching, the little boy began to tear up.

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