

The mid-day sun shone through the glass door, basking the tall and upright figure of a man in aureate light, as he resolutely and calmly strode in.

He possessed a remarkable bearing, noble yet arrogant, which made one unable to look him directly in the eye.

Several pairs of eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Heavens! Were they hallucinating?!

Gabriel York…

The man who had just walked in was really him. The world’s most outstanding man was inconceivably standing in front of them.

“I’m looking for a woman working here who has a child.” A deep, alluring voice inquired.

Several of the front desk employees were feeling light-headed. Starry-eyed with infatuation, they failed to reply him.

Narrowing his eyes, Gabriel rapped his knuckles on the counter somewhat displeased.

One of them immediately answered, “Mr. Gabriel, the person you may be looking for is our chief designer, Ms. Cynthia. She’s the only one here who brings her child to work.”

“Is she here?” With eyes narrowed, Gabriel questioned.

Was this woman so irresponsible in caring for his child? Leaving his son to run around unchecked while she worked?

Darn it, this woman was completely unworthy of having his child.

“You’re looking for Designer Cynthia? I’m sorry, she’s not here. She’s away on business today. ”

“What about her child?” Gabriel knitted his brows in a frown.

“From what we’ve heard, he’s probably at home!” Another employee quickly answered.

“Give me her home address! That’s an order.”

Divulging an employee’s home address was a violation of the company’s regulations. In the ordinary course of events, the front desk employees were absolutely not permitted to do so.

But this man was Gabriel York! The women were not impervious to his irresistible charm.

At this time, one of them hurriedly jotted down Cynthia's address and her unit number on a piece of Post-it note.

“This is her home address.”

Taking it from her, he gave it a quick scan before responding politely, “Thank you.”

In an instant, the four front desk employees clung to each other, overwhelmed with excitement.

Not only did they manage to see him, they also received a thank you from him that was conveyed in his deep, magnetic voice. How could they not be thrilled?

Gabriel and his assistant exited the building of the jewelry company. He immediately strode to his car — an exclusive, one-of-a-kind supercar. Assistant Sandra was lucky enough to be able to ride in its passenger seat.

“Boss, are you really going to look for this kid? How is he related to you?” Sandra asked curiously. Although she had already long known the truth, she could not make it obvious.

“He’s my son.” Gabriel did not conceal the truth from her.

“My goodness! He’s your son? No wonder he resembles you so much. He’s a carbon copy of you.”

This sentence was pleasing to Gabriel’s ears. Smirking, he hit the gas pedal.

He was eager to see his son. It filled him with an inexpressible joy.

In Cynthia’s home, Tania and the little boy were trying to complete some jigsaw puzzles. It was pathetic that the twenty-four-year-old her could not compare to a three-year-old child. If word got out, she would become the butt of everyone’s joke!

“Alright, Aunt Tania, why are you still not done with yours?’ The little boy asked in surprise.

“Little bean, you must be a genius! How can you be so smart? It’s an intolerable injustice.” Tania was on the verge of tears.

“Aunt Tania, you can do it, you’ll definitely be able to complete it. Do you want me to teach you?”

Tania shook her head and replied, “Forget it, let’s move on. ”

The little boy grew excited. “Okay"

The luxury supercar pulled up in the parking lot of a residential area. Sandra was holding a GPS navigation device. She had a good sense of direction. Pointing towards the side of the road, she said, “Boss, over here.”

Cynthia’s unit was situated on the fifteenth floor. Arriving just after a few seconds, they got off the elevator. Stepping into the corridor, Sandra glanced at the numbers on the doors. Pointing to the innermost unit, she said, “This is the place. Should we knock?”

“Knock.” The authoritative and sonorous tone in his voice brooked no argument.

Sandra stretched out her hand and rapped the door with her knuckle.

The two people in the unit who were playing together immediately glanced at each other. Tania said, “It couldn’t be that your mommy has returned! That was fast? Let me have a look.”

The little boy hurried after her. Stepping up to the door, Tania glanced through the peephole. And saw that the person outside wasn’t Cynthia.

Instead, it was a smartly-dressed woman. And behind her, stood a man.

“Little bean, I’ll carry you up. Take a look and see if it’s anyone you know.” Tania thought that they might be relatives of the little bean.

The little boy was then lifted up by her. He stuck his large eyes to the peephole and saw Sandra’s face. He was pleasantly surprised. “Aunt Tania, I know her.”

Tania lowered him to the ground. Looking at him, she asked, “Then I’ll open the door now?”

“Open it! Quickly!” The little boy was bubbling with excitement. Wasn’t this woman that richest man's assistant?

The door was opened.

Tania’s gaze landed not only on Sandra, but also on a man…

And this man appeared to be…

Round-eyed with shock, she stared at the handsome face of the charming man who carried a distinguished bearing. She felt dizzy.

Gabriel York?

How did such a legendary figure appear here?

The little boy was delighted. Looking at the tall and handsome man standing outside the door, he raised his small face and smiled, “Uncle Gabriel, are you here to see me?”

Gabriel gazed at him with deep affection. He sat on his haunches and looked at his son. The corners of his lips rose, displaying a tender smile. “Yes, I came specifically to see you.”

“Uncle Gabriel, why are you looking for me?” The little fellow asked inquisitively.

“Don’t call me uncle. I’m not your uncle.” He corrected the kid.

The little boy blinked his huge eyes. “Then what should I call you?”

“You should call me daddy.” With a deep voice, void of any doubt, he answered.

The little boy widened his eyes. A pair of huge eyes stared fixedly at Gabriel which were filled with pleasant surprise. “You’re my daddy? You’re really my daddy?”

Gabriel returned the little boy’s stare with a deep, penetrating look of his own and replied with absolute certainty, “Yes, I’m your father and you’re my son.”

At the side, Tania was about to faint. Heavens! This little munchkin was his son? No wonder he had such a terrifying IQ.

Gabriel gathered the little boy into his arms and carried him. He fixed Tania with a sharp look. “When my son’s mother returns, tell her to find me directly at my office. I’m leaving with my son.”

After saying this, he turned away and left with the little boy in his embrace without waiting for Tania’s response.

Worried that Tania had been scared out of her wits and had not heard the words that were said, Sandra clarified with a laugh, “What the president meant is that he wants to meet Ms. Cynthia. When she returns, just tell her to find him directly at the Gabriel's Corporation. I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with my boss’ name!”

“I… I’m aware. He’s Mr. Gabriel.” Tania stammered.

“That’s right.” Giving her a smile, she then hurried after Gabriel.

Tania stood at the door, stunned. 

How was she supposed to explain this to Cynthia?

Moreover, she was now in a meeting with an important client. Would she be able to pick up her phone?

No matter how dense she was, Tania knew how to get her priorities straight. She had to make the call.

What if he had been abducted by Gabriel? Goodness, why was she having such an absurd thought?

This little boy was well-loved by everyone. Anyone who took a look at him would want to carry him off.

She picked up her phone and put in a call to Cynthia. On the other end of the line, Cynthia answered with her voice lowered, “Hey, is anything the matter?”

“Cynthia, there’s something I need to tell you. Your son was carried off by a man.” Tania said hastily.

Cynthia promptly cried out in alarm. “What?”

“Don’t be anxious. I know the person who has carried off your son. Are you done with work? If you are done with work, hurry up and go to the Gabriel's Corporation to find him and get your son back.”

In a cafe next to the Leonards Group, Cynthia grabbed her bag and hurried to the door. Raising her voice, she urgently asked Tania, “Who is this Gabriel York? Why did he take my son?”

“He said your son is his son. He asked you to find him.” Tania was somewhat perplexed.

At this moment, Cynthia who was walking out the door with her bag, grew anxious to the point where she was about to go mad. “Where is him?”

“His company is right across ours. That pyramid-like skyscraper.”

Cynthia’s mind went blank. That skyscraper? After she hailed a cab outside the cafe, she spoke to the driver in a rush. “Head to the Gabriel's Corporation, please hurry up.”

The driver immediately stepped on the gas pedal and the cab picked up speed. Cynthia ended the phone call and then dialed Linda’s number. “Linda, head upstairs to wait for Angela. I have to leave now.”

“Alright.” Linda answered without prodding further.

Cynthia then hung up her phone. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her son. Darn it, who was this Gabriel York? Why did he take her son away? Why did this little boy fail to maintain his vigilance?

As soon as she managed to find him, she must spank his little butt.

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