
Don't Leave

"Brother Langit....," Cherry called out to Langit at front the door of the man's room, Langit who had just managed to shut his eyes darted in shock at her sister's Shouting.

 "Why?"asked him in panic, afraid of anything happened to Cherry.

 "It doesn't matter," she answered with a quiet chuckle.

 "What's wrong?" again, Langit asked, convinced she had something to say, or she wouldn't shout.

"Hehe Kak, let me out." Cherry said it in a bad tone, though she was sure Langit wouldn't allow it, but there's nothing wrong with trying, right?


 Cherry sure enough, even her brother said no before she gave the reason. Langit was ready to close the door of the room and was about to continue his  disturbed sleep, seeing that Cherry immediately said her reason why she excused to go out.

"I'm going to go pick Green up, brother, she's going to stay here, please can I?" Cherry begged Langit to let her come out to pick Green up at work.


 "Yes she is, she's still at work."

 After seeing Green last time teaching homeless kids, Langit discovered a new fact about Green who turned out to be a working student at the same time, Langit was all the more impressed with that figure.

 "Brother...," Cherry shook the arms of her brother, waiting for the man to make a decision.

"You stay home, I'll pick Green up."


 "No more Buts, Cherry, it's been late night!" Langit command was undisputed.

 Cherry's shoulder was cave, even though she was so desperate to pick Green up, but nothing to do to against her brother, he'd get angry and drive her to Kalila and Jerry if she fought back, she wouldn't want that to happen.

 "Okay, but does Green want to get picked up by you, Brother?"

 "Send me the address, I'm on the road now."

Langit went to his room, took his car key and switched his sleeping pajamas with a navy hoodie and black jeans.


Langit and Green were already in their seats, Langit was driving calmly, next to him there was Green who looked like trying to stay awake, and it wasn't out of Langit's sight. Langit smiled slightly seeing that, then gave Cherry's neck pillow to Green.

 "Put this on and your neck won't hurt."

 Green looked over, not immediately taking the neck pillow. "Use it, you're sleepy, right?" Langit handed it to Green in order she received it. Again, Green remained silent, even in this situation, Green was still thinking of Alta's feelings and her suspicion of Langit.

"The distance from here to my house is about 40 minutes away, so you can have a brief nap when we arrived I'll wake you up." Listening what Langit said, Green's gaze grew deeper. She pulled back her hand that previously would take the pillow, her suspicion of Langit went deeper and deeper..

 "I'm not gonna try anything, Green, you just take it easy." Langit changed his language into a more relaxed one, hoping that Green would be able to take it easy on him, not all the time with her suspicious and negative thinking.

"I'm not sleepy," Green said as he yawned.

 "You see, your gestures and your talks are contradictive, Green."

 Langit attached the pillow to Green's neck, instantly Green's gaze became sharper. "I told you so—"

 "I didn't touch you, Green."

 "You're doing that again!" Green said as she looked away, looking out at the window.

 Langit chose not to respond, he refocused on the steering wheel.

Less than 5 minutes after the incident, Langit could hear a faint grunt emanating from the figure beside him. The figure leaned to the left side, using the neck pillow attached by Langit.

 "Oh Green, she said she wasn't sleepy" said him staring at Green with a smile.

 The way to his house took 40 minutes, as the man had told Green earlier, but a traffic accident took their way more slowly. Patiently, Langit waited and once in a while looking at Green.

"I'm so sorry, Green, I touched you. Your position should be fixed, If it doesn't, you'll hurt your neck when you wake up." Langit spoke as if Green were opening her eyes, but the object was in asleep or perhaps even in the dream. Langit fixed Green's position invirder not to lean too far to the left side.

 Police vehicles and ambulances were appeared evacuating victims who seemed more than one. Green was still closing her eyes, totally undisturbed by the deafening sound of sirens.

 "Green, I adore you," said Langit as Green closed her eyes.

 "I hope being your friend will help my sister appreciate life even more." He continued to speak, until the traffic slowly returned to normal.


When it arrived at home, the time was 11:15 p.m. Langit gazed at Green, calling her name as he patted Green's cheek slowly, hoping Green would open her eyes and wake up

 "Green, we're home." Langit whispered in her ear, but she was unresponsive, Green was still shut-eyed. Until the fifth attempt, Green had not responded, not even a hint of the woman opening her eyes, her eyes perfectly closed.

"If I carry her, she'll get angry, if I leave her, she will absolutely be more angry," Langit said to himself. After a quick thought, finally he took Green, carrying the woman to Cherry's room.

 "Cher..," called Langit when he had already in front of the door of his sister's room.

 "Come in, brother," answered Cherry from inside with a husky voice, like she had fallen asleep.

 Langit rose into a room of yellow, carrying Green who didn't feel any distirbances. "Green has been asleep?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

“sure, already.”

Langit placed Green next to Cherry with full of care. "Put Green shoes off, please, Cher," said Langit after lied Green down.

 "Just you, I'm so sleepy."

Willy-nilly, he took off Green's shoes and the pink socks that the woman wore, after he put a backpack that has the same color too on Cherry learning table.

"If you leave, please turn the light off, bro!" said Cherry.

 Before Langit actually went out, he looked at Green's innocent sleeping face once again, the tired face was so obvious, Langit ventured to stroke Green's cheek gently. "Good night."

 Cherry who hadn't closed her eyes perfectly saw uncommon thing her brother was doing, actially she was desperate to tempt Langit but sleepiness overcame her intent.

Langit quickly left Cherry's room after turning off the light, Green said something that stopped his step. "Alta, don't leave me."

 "Who is alta? And where is that man? Why does green always say his name?" Langit asked himself, eager to ask Green directly, but will Green give an answer? Not likely, the woman was hard to approach and seemed to be very private, especially when it came to personal matters.

"Alta, don't leave...."

 That name again, Green mentioned it again before Langit completely left the room. Finally he turned, came closer to see Green who had been perspiring with her eyes closed, like she was in a nightmare, he gently took and clutched Green's fingers. "I'm here green."

"Don't leave..."

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