
the power of an alpha


I enjoyed my time with Arlo today, it was fun and I didn't want it to end. Even though someone had to go out of their way to ruin our time, I had to try and let it go because I didn't want to seem like a monster in front of Arlo. Once we got home he fell asleep right as his head hits the pillow and I could tell how tired he was so I left him to sleep so I could go and check on my parents. Mom was going to be in charge of the omegas until they can get someone else to take over. They wanted to come up with a different name, other than the red forest pack so dad suggested the omega verse pack. I didn't like it so I told them omega Ville instead which they all agreed on so from now on it was going to be known as the omega ville pack.

I went back to bed after I was done talking to them and fell asleep next to my mate. Now here I am sitting at the dining table with Arlo in my lap making sure he had some of the green smoothies that I made for him. It had spinach, coconut water, bana
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