
Angels Love Demons
Angels Love Demons
Penulis: RadiowaveGaming

Chapter 1 Childhood

It was by far the coldest day in heaven that year, the first snowfall they'd had in centuries. A boy no older than eight was trampling through the fresh powder. "Matt, did you see that!" he called out excitedly to the nearby guard who only gave him a soft chuckle. The boy had built a poor excuse for a snowman, but he was happy nonetheless. He had been training day in and day out since he had turned four. The boy's father pressuring him into a life of royalty and responsibility.

"Ashton, be careful not to fall." The guard chuckled, his coal-black hair falling just in front of hazel eyes. The little boy shook off beads of snow that clung to his silvery white hair, now messy and wet. "I'll be okay, I promise!" he called back, before pushing a larger snowball onto an icy pond. Ashton giggled ecstatically as it rolled across the surface, soon to stop in the middle. With a few courageous steps, he carefully slid across the surface himself, pushing the snowball the rest of the way. However, he would quickly find that standing was causing the relatively thin ice to crack.

With a tongue out in concentration, he carefully started his way back, slowing at each crackle below his feet. Ashton fearlessly scooted his way further and further, the shore not far from his sight. It wasn't until he let his confidence get the best of him as he took a step less gracefully, causing what was a small crack, to splinter into a rooted pattern on the ice. With a loud crack, the flat surface below him gave way, spilling the small boy into the freezing water. The world grew cold around him, the water stinging his exposed hands and face. When he tried to open his eyes, he panicked at the darkness and flood of ice around him. The boy strained to push himself off the rocky bottom of the pond, only to find his boots slipping on the moss covered surface. He gasped for air every time his small head broke the surface of the water, but his panicked state only made the struggle all that more difficult. Ashton was starting to lose hope as he grew weaker, hypothermia gripping at his lungs. What was only a few seconds felt like minutes before he was swiftly pulled out of the water by a guard, already being wrapped up in a warm jacket. With a sigh he was brought indoors, only to be set down again in front of the family hearth.

"You're alright. Maybe no more snow today.” the guard soothed, wrapping the boy in blankets. With a tiny nod and shivering lips, he took off the soaked jacket and boots, curling up with the warm blanket in front of the crackling fire. The older male sat close by, being sure he was alright before leaving to clean up the water droplets that coated the light marble flooring.

Ashton stared blankly at the fire for some time, and this wouldn't be the first time the angel was lost in thought. This was his best chance to have fun, but his carelessness ended it earlier than he would've liked. The soft glimmer of happiness slowly left the crystal blue of his eyes, knowing he wouldn't be continuing his play time.

It was time to focus on responsibilities.

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