
Work work

Episode 4&5 

Alyssa's pov .

I woke 6:45 with alot of excitement .

I brush my teeth ,took a warm soothing bath , changed into something official and comfortable.

I wore a blue flowered shirt with a black blazer ontop and a pencil trousers with my black heels that wasn't  too visible that made me inch taller than I was and lastly I grabbed my black Louis Vuitton fake bag . Applied little makeup on and made my hair in losed bun .

I just wanted to give a good impression on my first day so I decided to look very good as usual.

I took an uber to Benson's enterprise as I was walked into the reception everyone was really busy . some were coming and going with files in their hands while some were on the phone .it felt like my last job .

"Hey " the receptionist smiled at me .

Maybe she recognised me .

"Mr Benson visitors are gone now so he asked you to see him first  and just so you don't know  ,Mr Benson dispises lateness and clumsiness " She explained and I nodded

I waited for the elevator to come back at the first floor and when it did i pressed the buttons and it went opened with like millions of people in it . That was exaggerated though . They were like 10 people in it so I joined in .

It was a little sophocating but i didn't mind because I knew if i wanted to work here for a long time I needed to get used to this .

We eventually got to the 5th floor in like forever and I walked as fast as I could to get his office in time .

I placed a soft knock on his huge door again and it went opened itself .

Huh ?Quite fancy that I didn't know .

"You can walk in now " I heard a voice .

Is the rude guy again I know but like Carly said I need these more than they need me .

I inhaled and exhaled before I walked in .

"Good morning sir " I said with  shyness I didn't know where it came from .

"Good morning to you !  We meet again" He said and dropped his pen and looked up at me

"Sit " he rested his back at his swivel chair and I sat

"So I wanted us to have a minute before you resume at your post .

I hope by now you know the do's and don't of this company especially you being a personal assistant to me " he stated .

"Yes ... I do sir " I stuttered .

"You seem not to have so much confident mrs aurora "he said in a judgemental tone .

Ouch ,of course I know my confident level is pretty bad .

" it's the worst I've seen " he seethed .

"But it's fine ,you seem attractive enough for this company " he stood up .

Excuse me .

"I hope you know ,this is an official ground that will not tolerate those with flying collars and fake lashes " he said as he went over to his shelf .

"I'm not wearing ...fake lashes " I bat my lashes rapidly as I adjusted my collars .

My lashes are just naturally long .

He dropped a small book  at the front of me .

"There are simple rules and regulations of this company ,dress code ,colour code ,how to not bring rough bun hair to work to sway our male workers  ... All those stuff you need to know are in the company's handout " he said and sat down .

I didn't know what to say so I said

"Thank you... sir "

"Don't thank me "he wore on a straight face ..

Someone came in .

"Sir, the files we were working on . ...

"Get out " he almost yelled at the guy as the files the guy held all fell to the ground .

"I'm so sorry " he bowed a little apologising as he pick up the files .

He was tall ,good face and his tuxedo fitted well  ,he could be 10 years older than this kid here .

"I'm so sorry sir "he apologized again before he left .

Obviously he didn't know his boss had someone at the office .


I was taken to my space by the receptionist as she explained how Mr Benson liked his coffee so I made that , delivered it and he liked it  and i beginned work . I worked with some gigantic files and to my surprise I was all done in four hours .earlier than I thought it would take .

I begin to wonder where to submit it because I wasn't told where too .

So I looked around our shared office to see anyone that was less busy that I could ask until I decided to go to the man who was at our bosses office earlier .

"Umm . Excuse me sir ,I was wondering where files are been submitted at" I asked politely .

"Actually I am ...the one who handles worked on files  " he said as I handed him the files about to go back to my desk

"Miss "he called my attention and I faced back .

" About earlier . Im really sorry I didn't mean to badge in I didn't know where my manners ran too "

"No no no I didn't think about it . Its totally fine by me and besides who am I " I shrugged .

He doesn't need to apologize to anyone . anybody can do what he did .I just pray I don't fall victim that's it .

"Okayy I just ...thought you felt really arkward about it because you felt I was humiliated by our boss but it's fine he acts like that to everyone" he mushed his lips together in slight embarrassment .

"I get you " I made a small smile before I left for my desk .

After two hours of working non stop It was time for break finally .

"Do you mind " the man earlier asked me after he noticed how lonely i was as per being new here .

Everyone paired with someone . I don't know why that a thing in shared office but we did it  at my previous work place too .

We paired together at the cafeteria and got to know eachother too. I would say he was alot nicer than I thought and even younger too .

We talked about our experiences in our previous work places and it even got personal that we laughed at our most  arkward high school teen experiences .

His was way more hilarious .


"Tomorrow's meeting is going to be with our most competitive .

So you better buckle up those confidence and trash bin all the clumsiness " Mr Ben  spoke .

"I don't want any slight stupidity or foolishness from you .. understood " he added .

"Yes sir " I said straight up .

"You can leave  " he said and I left for home that day .

**Episode 5 **

I can't believe I was the same person miserably crying about this one job I didn't get and here I am done with my first day .

"I just wanted to check up on you , it's good to know that you are okay  " Felix said .

"I'm fine " I smiled ,

Sitting on my couch .

"Thank you for caring about me to be honest nobody cares about me " I smiled .

Except Carly .

At first I thought Felix wanted more than friendship as a married man who was always in my space but I was wrong after all .his just nice to me because of my kind gestures towards his family which I understand .

His phone buzzed .

"Umm I have to go now ,my wife should be home from work 20 minutes from now " he said and stood up .

I didn't even offer him anything, selfish me

"You still don't want soda ? " I said .

"I'm fine Alyssa "he stated and places his hand on my shoulder .

"I will see you soon " he seethed

"Thanks "I smiled .

"You welcome " he yelled and exited my place .

I binged, watching new episodes of the Simpsons but I couldn't still get my mind off the fact that  Mr Ben  freaking motivates me .the way he handles his dad's company is freaking amazing.

I know it sounds weird but I just get overwhelmed seeing someone that young and sucessful  .I would do anything to have that kind of life .

Maybe then my mom will respect me and if I had a boyfriend too .

Life sulks for me .ugh  .

I switched the TV off and went upstairs to get my sleep .


"Good morning ,good morning "

" Nd good morning to you miss sleeping beauty "Mr  Aaron said as he dropped bunch of files on my table.

" Arrghh not again " I groaned tiredly.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into " he laughed and I hit his hand jokenly as we all noticed Mr Ben walk in .

" Alyssa my office now !" mr Ben said

Did I do something .I panicked .

"Just be calm  " Aaron whispered to me with a smile and I nod .

As I followed Mr Ben from behind .

"Close the door " he ordered as I swallowed my Silva .

"Sit down " he ordered again .

"Sir ...

" I said sit " he voice was stern and I  just did what he said .

"What did I tell you about today "he said .

"That they is a meeting and ...that ... .

Shit ! I was so nervous .

I couldnt afford to lose this job .

"You said we are going out today for a meeting with some people you referred to as competitors and have gotten the files ready sir " I said straight then he smirked and rested his back on his desk

" I thought you forgot " he seethed .

How could I forget . This is my job

What's his problem.


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