
Chapter 64


    The both of us ventured to Coco's quaint and welcoming shop, a place filled with the comforting aroma of incense and the soft tinkling of wind chimes. It was a sanctuary of serenity amid the chaos of our enigmatic quest, a place where we could share our deepest concerns and seek solace in each other's presence.


    Coco greeted us with a warm smile as we entered her shop, sensing the gravity of our visit. We settled into the cozy nook by the window, surrounded by shelves adorned with mystical trinkets and ancient books.


    With a blend of unease, I began to recount the unsettling visions that had plagued me – the spectral girl, the waterlogged bodies, and the nightmarish river. Coco listened attentively, her eyes filled with empathy and understanding, as if she could feel the weight of my experiences.

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