
The journey home


When I woke up in the car alone I was way beyond pissed.

I was even more pissed when I saw Percy talking with Emanuel. I couldn’t believe that the person that was the closest thing to family, just betrayed me with the man that I hated most in this world.

I wanted to lift my hands up and open the doors, but my hands refused to move. 

I wanted to shout, but no sounds came out.

So I was left there frozen, staring at the betrayal of a lifetime.

I stared at the two of them talking and all I could think about was how hurt I felt. Why was Emanueal talking to him, why is he letting this man take me somewhere?

Isn’t he supposed to be on my side and arrive at my rescue?

I felt defeated and fuzziness clouded my brain as my consciousness started to slip.

Slipping into a dreamless blackness I could only think of the man sitting next to me.

I resurfaced a while later, my eyes trying to get used to the darkness as I carefully looked around with my eyes only. 

I was still in a car, but we no longer were in Emanuels territory. 

This time feeling a lot stronger I tried to move my fingers and I felt them move. I felt so happy with the fact that I was no longer paralized, but I had to keep my advantage that he thought that I was still unconscious. 

I could sneak up on him, my blade was still strapped to my belt and if I can only get it without being noticed.

I tried to breathe without moving my chest, it’s harder than you think.

My right hand moved inch by inch and as I gripped the handle I felt a little sense of accomplishment. 

Okay, now I have to move fast.

When I felt the car slow down, I knew that it was the right moment to move.

In one swift move I reached Percy, pressing my sharp blade into his neck. To my surprise he didn’t freeze or jump, or actually react in any way. He continued to drive at the same speed as he did before.

“Where are you taking me?”

His eyes met mine for a moment and then returned back to the roade.

“Sit back down Madeline, before you kill both of us. There is no need to use violence, I will answer all your questions.”

I refused to move, so I kept kneeling on the seat, with the blade pressed into his neck.


When it was clear that I wouldn’t step down, in one swift move he pulled the knife out of my hand and pushed me back into the car seat.

“I said sit down.”

To shock to answer or to even react in any other way I stared at him.

He placed the knife in the door pocket, way out of my reach and continued to drive.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence he started to talk.

“We are going home as I said to you before.”

“Where you are taking me was never and will never be home to me.”

“IT is your home, just like it always was.”

His calm sharp tone sounded a little more forced than before.

“No. So stop fooling yourself and if you want to take me home, then you can return me to Emanuels pack. Or you can just release me anywhere. I will find my way.”

I could see that my words were hitting sore places for him, because his knuckles turned even whiter.


His no had more force then his any other words and I could see his anger boiling. I was sure that he was going to pop and wreck the car or at least hit the steering wheel, but to my surprise he took a deep breath and his whole body stilled.

After a few deep breaths like that he continued to talk.

“My pack is your pack and it is your home, so you can whine all you want, but this is the reality.”

I didn’t answer him, because there really isn't anything I could say to him that would change his mind. 

“And even if I would release you Emanuel would send you back to me.”

“What are you talking about? He would never send me away like this.”

“He has no choice. The council is knocking on his doorsteps, demanding information about the alpha killer and he has no more ways to hide you and you have been doing. They are pressuring him to give up the killer and he has no way of stopping you or keeping you out of their grasp, but I do.”

His words sent a shiver down my back for some reason. 

“And why would he send me back to you then? and not just hide me or lock me up?”

“Because, no matter how much you deny it, you are still my mate and he knows that I am the only one that could control you. And for looking you up, he is pretty sure that you will break out in a matter of days if not hours.”

I sat there angry, because he was right.

No matter how much we care about each other, he could never control me or make me do shit he thinks is right. 

And if he locked me up I would be out in a few hours, breaking away and going loose and crazy probably. 

I curled up to my side, turning away from him and staring out the window.

My anger faded in a few moments and was replaced by sadness… and longing for the man sitting next to me.

I stared at the familiar landscape as anger for my own weakness filled me.

As I stared at the door a crazy idea popped into my mind and I reached for the door handle and pulled it to open the door.

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