Exhaustion assisted me in sleeping that night.
The chemicals from the cream have sunk deep into my brand like sharpened claws, scrapping away at the magical bond slowly and surely. It’s excruciating, which is why I’m grateful for the lack of sleep I’ve had earlier. Unconsciousness carried me from the pain until morning, where I opened my eyes to see something questionably more excruciating.
Alden stands at the
~KeziExtremely cautious hardly summoned up my demeanour, as I slip out of my room.This could be a trap. Some way for Alden to pin something on me, that would eventually lead to my confession. And that I would lead to Alden seeing the mark on my back, which is currently the only thing I have against him. As long as he never sees it, I have time to escape. I’m unsure of what he will do with me once he has what he wants.The corridor is empty, the time of morning unknown. It’s earlier enough that Sermon isn’t out harassing patients here. So I make my way quickly toward the elevator. Alden mentioned something about the top f
~KeziI returned to my room just in time. Sermon burst in five minutes later.“You’re up early,” she notices, as two woman wearing white face masks follow her in. The girl with the pale green eyes, sleek black hair pulled into a bun behind her head, is one of them. She’s the only one of Alden’s staff - aside from Sermon - that I still remember. “You’re dressed, even.”I shrug nonchalantly, not saying anything. The last thing I want is for Sermon to become suspicious of my escape. The word would surely spread like wildfire.“You’ve taken a
~KeziI was hardly concentrating on my sandwich at lunch.Etta was compensating for my lack of conversation, chattering on about her latest dose of medication. Something about how she had hallucinated about a boy she had a crush on joining her in bed. Melena seemed to disregard her, while Amilia reprimanded her for her foolishness. The pecking order within this group seems to shift between Amilia and Melena being on top. I can’t decide what’s going on between them.“Did you hear about the two girls in the gym room this morning?” Etta asks excitedly. Those deep blue eyes often gleam, I’ve noticed, when she’s gossiping. “Bot
~KeziThe sound of dull buzzing and faint clicking greets me into consciousness.It takes a bit of scrambling for me to realise what has happened. I feel marvellous, as if untouched by any harm. As my eyes crack open, I’m reminded of the harsh white ceilings, and the crisp sheets that cover my body. Sitting up is difficult, the amount of tubes wrapped around me near ridiculous.Everyone in the room turns, noticing my movement. Cian is gone, a distant memory in the back of my mind. Now, instead, I’m looking at a nurse, a doctor and Alpha Alden.
~KezziahI’m frozen.Time seems to have that ability. To chill my blood and cool my skin. Every inch of me is suddenly fridged, the brittle atmosphere within the room wanting to step right out. Not that I have much of a choice in doing that. If Time want’s to speak to you, then he will. That’s how he branded me in the first place.He twists something on his finger as he stares at me. A ring. It’s golden - like his eyes - and adorned with brilliant glinting diamonds. Its lavish, pertaining to whatever has been filling his time with recently.
~KezziahSermon woke me the next morning, appearing at the door, but not passing the threshold.The expression on her face told me something isn’t right. She seems wary, peering into my room as if someone, or something, would jump out and attack her. It takes my groggy, waking mind a few moments to piece together why she might be anxious about stepping into this room.Time.I’m not sure what it means to me if she saw what happened last night. The memory seems to dip in and out of my conscious, but what I do remember, are those pierci
~KezziahI can’t predict what is going to happen tonight.Three days has past from Cian’s proposal. He will keep me safe, and in return, I will attend this party on his arm tonight. I’m not particularly fond of the idea, and I’m unsure of what will happen as a consequence, but I need this. If he keeps me safe, I can escape, find freedom, and Avia. I can finally right everything.“I picked out your outfit for tonight,” Cian tells me, turning around with a dress in hand. “Since you don’t exactly have the resources to get yourself one.”
~KezziahI’m not sure what this revelation should mean to me.Part of me immediately feels sorry for the oblivious girl out there who doesn’t know who the two mates arguing over her. One, a powerful immortal who belongs to a group of sins who want nothing more but for this world to burn. And an Alpha, who runs a Pack created of secrets, and what I’ve gathered, a sort of protection against the immortals.Having either of them as my mate would be too much for me. So to know there is someone would there perhaps about to realise who their mates are, I can feel nothing but sympathy.
~KezziahNine months later.Today, things are falling into place.The house Alden and I have been working on for months has finally been completed. It’s a beautiful home we created in a small village just on the border of the Wisdom Pack. We could have moved into Alden’s own home, however, I didn’t like how isolated it was, and I wanted a fresh start after this past year.Alden had agreed. Recently, his sickness has been triggered, and he’s been deteriorating. It’s been painful to see, but now, he has a home he can be where he has no issues. And I can be here with him.“Fina
~KezziahTime raises his eyebrow at me skeptically.He might be trapped behind a magical barrier within a cave like prison, however, it hasn’t yet scared him beyond a small irritation. He knows he has more power than us. Maybe it’s equal to his brothers, but he has confidence. I’m going to sit here in the cold until I can see all that confidence seep away into nothing.“Take away the brand and lose all connection to you?” Time says, tilting his head to the side, mocking confusion. I roll my eyes, knowing he couldn't care less about that. “You know I like you so much, Kezziah.”Alden steps up, close to the barrier, but not close enough to step over
~KezziahThe plan has been decided without me.Luckily, Alden gave me another night with him before he approached me with it. Clearly Thought had been to visit him after I was taken by Time. The immortal would have informed my mate on the perfect plan to get Time alone to admit defeat and remove the brands from us, and hopefully everyone else.However, all I could care about that night was the feeling of my mate against me, his warmth, his scent, and the way he whispers comforting words in my ear. I told him about what happened to Rosie, and thankfully, he understood.By the time morning came, I was prepared for what need to be done. It didn’t take much to summon Thought, since
~KezziahTime greeted me in a local bar once I had thanked Rosie and left.It is almost empty in here considering the time of night. Once man sits in the corner of the room, sipping on his drink drunkenly. Time sat in a booth, holding a drink filled with a bronze liquid full of froth. He raises a dark eyebrow at me expectantly, waiting for me to share with him whether I succeeded or not.“It’s done,” I mutter, falling into the otherside of the booth tiredly. I’m empty after doing that, after seeing her in person and commiting what would normally be a heinous crime were it not for an Immortal like Time.“Thank you,” he murmurs, taking a sip of his drink.
~KezziahI know Time is insane. But this insane?Looking at him, I’m trying to judge how serious he is being. His expression is stern and solemn, as if he is regretful for this decision. However, it is such a wild request I can’t imagine it being anything other than a test. Unless of course, I gave Time the benefit of the doubt once, but now I see the monster he truly is.“I’m not killing someone for you,” I growl under my breath. I’m starting to shiver under this cold. I wasn’t prepared for it at all, as it melts into my shoes and pants. “I’ll find another way to get rid of this matebond.”
~KezziahIt didn’t take Time less than a second to grab my hand and vanish us away.Shutting my eyes, I prayed he would take me somewhere safe. Somewhere I have a chance of escaping from. Because right now, the last thing I’m wanting to do is cling to Time’s arm, being completely at his mercy. How did he even find me? He must have been waiting to track me the moment I stepped off of Alden’s property. Damn it.As the world builds itself back around us, the transportation coming to a close, Time lands gracefully on the ground, while I stumble a few steps before he grabs my arm to stop me. The moment I notice his assistance, I jerk away from him.“For a mom
~Kezziah Naturally, Cian got invited in. He sauntered into the house, shoulders back, gait triumphant. Sitting down on the couch, he motions for us to sit in front of him, that smirk touching his lips not fading for a moment. I’m nervous about why he is here, however, I sit down regardless, curious about what he is going to reveal. I have a feeling it’s going to ruin my life. Beside me, I can feel Alden’s tension. He doesn’t like having an immortal sitting in his home; especially a Sin. I can tell he is as curious as me, though. He’s been looking at me strangely, wondering why Cian knows I exist. “Well, is someone going to sa
~KezziahAlden and I stumbled to bed around midnight.Giddy and glowing, I fall into the sheets alongside my mate, still warm inside from talking to him all night. We spoke about a million things from Pack politics to our own personal philosophies. Whatever magical force deemed us worthy to be together did a good job, considering how well we seem to get along.If only we could continue this cycle forever, not having to worry about all the drama with Time and with Alden’s sickness. Any moment it could trigger and I could lose my mate. It takes all of my willpower to shove that thought down and not consider it.
~KezziahIt felt good sleeping next to Alden.Sunlight streams in through the curtain, rousing me gently from my sleep. Stretching out, I bask in the feeling of warmth and comfort, feeling better than I ever have waking up before. When I glance over, I see Alden and his glistening navy blue eyes looking down at me, admiration and affection reflecting off them.“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say drowsily, realising last night I had snuck into his room, unable to help myself. I just wanted to see what it would feel like to have my mate by my side. And after Thought visiting, I’ve been nervous to spend the night alone. “I didn’t mean to