
Two Years Later

[Ayla’s POV]

I pretend to sleep, listening carefully as Aera sneaks around looking for his clothes. The sounds of him getting dressed drift around me, along with the scent of the cigarette he had just smoked, while I wait until the moment I can stop my act.

"Thanks for the fun," he murmurs once he is finished dressing. "Hopefully, we never cross paths again."

No such luck, I think to myself. Maybe if we had just fucked for funsies, I would leave him alone, but since he did it because of a bet, there was no way I was going to let him get away with it. I was going to haunt that bastard's life until I was all he could think of, and then I would crush him like a fucking bug.

Fighting the smile that wanted to spread, I wait until the sound of Aera moving around downstairs reached my ears before finally opening my eyes and sitting up.

Sighing, I take in his lingering scent as it hangs around me and decide that I need a shower.

Once I finish, I throw on some sweats and a black tank top, then make my way downstairs to grab some food. After such a vigorous workout, I was starving, but I didn’t want to venture outside, where the twins’ birthday party was still in full swing.

I was sure that Aera was probably out there somewhere looking for the one who had made that bet with him. In a way, I wanted to sneak out and track him to see who exactly it was that did it, but then again, I didn’t give a shit. It would just take a few phone calls to have his phone hacked to get the messages between the two.

Feeling my stomach grumble, I begin to rummage in the fridge until I find some grapes. Pulling them out, I plop down at the kitchen table so I can have the perfect view of the party just outside but enough distance to not be overwhelmed by it.

From what I could see, things were really starting to rev up, and most of the guests were dancing. I was sure Isabella and Celia were somewhere in the middle of the crowd, grinding against some hotties that they would most likely end up bringing to their rooms later, or maybe they would even find their mates.

Huffing, I pop a grape into my mouth and try to ignore the sting I suddenly feel due to the thought of a mate.

As an oddity of our world, we weren’t even sure if I would end up with a mate. Although, I was still young and had plenty of time to find the one meant for me, I didn’t think I actually wanted to find him.

"You’re a freak."

"You’ll end up turning and killing him."

"You shouldn’t have been allowed to live."

The voices began to whisper due to my momentary lapse of control. Hissing in pain, I push against the darkness that threatens to erupt.

"Deep breaths, Ayla," I whisper, sucking in air and letting it out. "You’ve got this."

With each breath, I can feel the darkness creeping away until finally it’s gone and I’m alone with my thoughts.

Collapsing against the table, I bury my face in my arms and let the cool wood beneath me settle my nerves. 

"That was close," I puff.

"What was?"

Tensing, I snap my head up to find Aera leaning against the kitchen counter, watching me with amusement in his dark eyes.

"Why the hell are you here?" I snap, not bothering to be nice. "Were you spying on me?"

"Not spying," he responds, kicking off the door frame so that he stands at his whole six feet, something odd inches, and begins to make his way toward me. "I forgot to mention something."

Mention? What the hell was this dude going on about? What could he possibly have to say?

Thank you for the fuck?

You were horrible in bed?

Let’s do this again?

None of that shit sounded appealing, and I honestly began to wonder if I should just leave before he could speak. However, before I can make up my mind, he is grabbing my seat and twirling me around so that he can pin me between him and the table.

"What are you doing?" I hiss, fighting the urge to pummel him simply because of his position in his pack. "You’re invading my personal…"

"No one else," he says before I can finish.


The fuck was he about to say? I knew it couldn’t possibly be what I was thinking it was, because that would be absurd after a one time thing.

"You heard me," he smirks, leaning in close so that we are eye to eye. "You aren’t to let anyone else touch you."

A bark of laughter escapes me before I can stop it, causing Aera’s already stormy gaze to grow even darker to the point where I can’t tell where his pupils end and his iris’ begin.

Shit, he was actually being serious. He totally expected me to heed his ridiculous command.

"You think this is a joke?" he asks, clearly testing me.

"Even if it wasn't, do you really think I’d listen?"

I didn’t know who the hell he thought he was to even say such a thing to me, but I wasn’t some bitch that he could control. I would do whatever I damn well pleased.

"Probably not," Aera agrees, his smirk growing broader. "But if you’d like to test my patience, then feel free."

"And what exactly do you plan to do?" I challenge, not backing down. "Are you going to throw me in some cell to use as you see fit? Or are you going to stalk me day and night to make sure I listen? I don’t think you have that much free time, and I sure as hell know you don’t care about me enough to bother keeping me close."

I was pushing, I knew I was pushing, but my temper was getting the better of me.

"Let another man touch you and see if he still exists after," he whispers close to my ear, sending a chill down my spine. "I don’t like to share with others."

Share… Ha! Did he really think that we would ever see each other again? Once this damn encounter was finished, I… Planned to haunt him like the plague, but not physically. I guess that meant that we would, in a sense, see more of each other, but what happened tonight would never happen again.

"Should I take your silence as understanding?" Aera asks, snapping me back to the present. "If you understand, then I can..."

"I won’t," I announce, shoving him away from me. "And if you think you can stop me, bring it on. I’m a grown ass woman who can do whatever the hell she pleases, and ain’t no man going to tell me otherwise, got it?"

I wait as he processes what I've said and tries to come up with a retaliation, but it never comes as the scent of vanilla reaches my nose and draws my gaze toward the kitchen doorway.

"Celia," I gasp, realizing how bad this may look. "Since when have you..."

Before I can finish my question, Celia's lip quivers and tears spring to her eyes.

"I..." she tries, taking in a shaky breath. "I'm sorry."

Letting out a sob, she turns and rushes away, leaving Aera and I staring in the direction that she had just been.

"Dammit!" I hiss, shoving past Aera. "See what you did!"

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