
Chapter 5 – Resonate


Threading through MacTire’s hallways, making my way down to the main floor, I can’t help but look down at my hands. Turning them over and inspecting the deep lines and rough skin.

I felt different this morning. Strong. Complete. There was an exultation in me that hadn’t been there for the last three years. I knew what the answer was, why I was feeling more me than I have in years.

It was Lamia.

I had felt the anger and rage inside me simmer when I was with her. The defeat and shame had melted away with her touch.

She was right. We were stronger together. I could only see that now. Before, when I had idiotically decided to face Aodh and dragged Finn into it, I was deluded by my own mind to think I could defeat him without my queen.

Lamia’s absence had weakened me. Not physically as such, but mentally and that weakness smeared itself all over me. This caused me to think just because I was the King of Alpha’s, that I could take on a god.

I didn’t have fears. I am the biggest and worst of them all. Shifters feared me and my power. I had never feared a single entity in my life. Yet, Aodh had beat me within an inch of my life.

I can see still his face behind my eyes. Those red eyes glaring down at my broken body, the smirk on his face as he took in the state, he had left me in.

‘Never again. We were weak. We are not now’ Arcas’s voice filters in the back of my mind. Even he seemed stronger, more confident. ‘We can kill him now.’ He huffs.

‘Maybe’ I reply to my beast still a little skeptical.

I knew the time would come when I would have to face Aodh again. I would not cower or shy away. I would stand and face him whether it meant my life or not. I would fight for this realm's future. For the future of our kingdoms and for the future of my children.

My thoughts sidetracked and immediately an image of Seneca was formed. The confidence inside me waned as I thought of the little girls who didn’t know me. My daughter.

Sadness. A melancholy feeling began to sink in, overriding any other emotion. My heart suddenly picked up as I thought about the blonde-haired, pale green-eyed tiny child.

I hadn’t even held her yet. She had paid me no mind. I watched her as she slept that first night and though I knew she was mine, Arcas and I felt no connection to her.

I grip my chest as a sharp pain shoots through me with the thought. It’s quick to dissipate just as easily as it formed. However, the feeling of rejection still lingers.

“King?” My daze of thoughts is interrupted by the soft voice of Tala.

Adjusting my sight from my hands to take in the redheaded queen, I give her a smile in an attempt to hide my true emotions. “Tala,” I reply acknowledging her.

Over the past several years Tala and I had become somewhat close. At least as close as I let anyone get. But we shared a tragedy, we had both lost our mates. Both our marks had burned off and the emptiness inside us was familiar to each other.

We had become friends in our efforts to bring back our mates.

Tala grabs my arm in a sudden action and hails me into a side room, which happens to be a cleaning closest.

I frown down at the tiny werewolf confused as to what exactly is happening.

“Shh.” She says just as I open my mouth to ask what she was playing at. “Kellen isn’t, well he isn’t Kellen.” Her brows furrow as she rushes out the words as if trying to make sense of what she is saying.

“I know.”

With surprise, Tala looks up at me, her expression turning from concern and worry to questioning me. “What do you mean you know?” She huffs crossing her arms, now demanding an answer.

I raise a brow at her demand as Arcas slithers beneath my skin fully aware that even if Tala is considered a friend, she should still mind her tone.

“Remember, it’s not what you say but how you say it.” I caution Tala, closing my eyes and reigning in my beast before he demands respect and makes her submit.

Swiping a hand down my face I turn from the tiny queen, “They are both… different. It is like they have merged with their spirit animals and their wolves are now their past lives. Lamia talks about holding all of Inanna’s memories, she says they are one. I suspect Kellen is the same way?”

I barely hear the gulp from Tala and only turn in time to see her nod her silent agreement.

“Goddess Mathias, I don’t know what to do.” Throwing her hands up in the air in defeat and then sliding down the wall, Tala covers her face with her palms. “He was up all night with Seneca. I found him sleeping with Connor and Seneca in his arms this morning. He didn’t come to bed.” She sadly says.

I glance at her neck to see if they had mated and marked again, but her long red hair was covering the area.

I didn’t want to tell her Lamia and I had re-bonded last night while her mate took care of my child. Though I remember stirring from a deep sleep to find Lamia gone in the early hours of the morning. I couldn’t even say what time she had returned, just that I knew she had left. As she has done since the first night she returned.

“Explain something to me,” I say thinking out loud. “Does Kellen wake up at odd hours and disappear?”

Tala nodded and I could see a thought forming on her face. “He does, but even more odd is sometimes he just sits there and stares out the window.”

“And if you notice he has left the room, do you go back to sleep?”

“Yes?” She replies questioningly. “Where is this going?”

“Just humor me for a second. Lamia does the same thing, once upon a time if she was to even stir in the middle of the night, I would be all over her, worried about what she was up to, wondering where she had gone. My beast wouldn’t let her sneak off in the middle of the night. But now…”

“You spirit animal is content and accepts the change? He isn’t worried?” She asks as if she already knows and is just confirming that she is not alone.

“Exactly,” I say pointedly. “My only question is, where has she been going? What has she been doing?”

“Have you tried asking her? You two have reformed your bond.” I frown wondering how she knows when she smirks and says, “I can smell it. Plus,” She points to my neck, “I can see her mark.”

“But you?” My eyes roam her face knowing I too would have smelt the change in her if she and Kellen had repaired their broken bond.

“No.” she sadly says. “I’m trying to have patience, but my wolf is confused as much as I am.”

Again, a sharp, invisible pain stabs my chest. Lifting my hand, I rub the area in an attempt to soothe the confusing affliction.

‘The immortal.’ Arcas informs me from the back of my mind, his inner voice laced with concern.

“Where is Seneca?” I question Tala who looks up at me with confusion, then reads my serious expression.

“With Kellen…” She starts.

I cut her off, ripping the door open and striding through the hallways to the wing where was staying with the returned king.

Piercing screams reach my ears the closer I get to their suite. My steps quickened until I reached the door where my estranged daughter was screaming like she was being hurt.

Without thought, I kick the door in and barrel into the room, looking around like a madman until my eyes land on Seneca.

She sits there screaming, cradling her ears, rocking back and forth as Kellen tries to calm her. “Seni, baby you need to calm down. You are safe. Tell Papa Kellen what the matter is.”

My first instinct is to beat the living shit out of whoever has made my child cry like this. Natural Instinct kicks in, and the urge to destroy and kill evaporates as my eyes lock with the little girl whom I didn’t know I had.

Striding across the room, I stoop and pick up the crying child cradling her against me. Suddenly the pain in my chest stops and Seneca stops crying.

Tiny hands press into my cheeks, and I look into those pale eyes.

The whole realm shifts in this moment as our eyes lock and unspoken words pass between us. As father and daughter form a bond, as beast recognizes and claims the tiny child as his. As he already should have.

‘Special.’ Arcas whispers in awe. “Special,” I repeat aloud as I truly see my youngest child for the first time.

“You special.” My tiny girl says, pinching my cheeks. A smile forms over her tear-stained cheeks. “You make the noises go away.”

“The noises?” I cock my head questioning Seneca’s choice of words.

“I don’t think our bodies have formed to this realm yet. Seneca was born in another realm, so it’s harder for her. She is more sensitive.” I look at Kellen briefly as he explains. His brows furrow as he watches my daughter and I interact for the first time. “Yet, you seem to calm her.” A look of confusion settles across his face.

I wasn’t sure what to say and held my tongue, mulling over his words and relishing the feeling of my daughter as she snuggles against me for the first time.

“Papa Kellen, Daddy takes the bad noises away. I like Daddy.” The sweet thing in my arms says, crushing her cheek against my chest. Her little arms trying to pull herself against me tighter.

If I were a crying man, tears would be streaming down my face at the joy I felt with her in my arms. “Daddy will always protect you little one,” I tell her softly and honestly.

“Will Both of you protect me? Just like Papa Kellen?”

“Both?” I hear Kellen ask from behind me just as Tala comes through the door.

“My big bear,” Seneca giggles. He has a beast like you Papa, just bigger!” She says with glee.

“Yes, we both will. Always.” I answer for Arcas who mentally beats his chest.

Moons, the feelings running through me were overwhelming. I had come in here ready to skin someone, anyone, alive. Any remains of those disturbing thoughts had flown out the window the moment I had locked eyes with Seneca. From the moment she had touched me, I felt as if I could conquer the realm. Take on anyone or anything.



One of the most beautiful things happened right before my eyes. I struggled to keep the tears at bay. Not just from witnessing Mathias finally bond with his daughter after days, but also watching Kellen let go.

I could see how difficult it was for Kellen to let Mathias hold the child. The war in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. That he would be a part of this child's life until his dying breath. I could also see the struggle of him knowing the child didn’t fully belong to him.

He may be her protector, but he is not her only protector.

The selfish part of me was happy that I wouldn’t lose my mate and father of our son to someone else’s child. The compassionate side of me understood if the roles were reversed and my wolf, Mora, had bonded with a child, she and I would find it hard to part from them.

The thought reminded me of Lyric and Mike, and their son Zane. Zane was neither of theirs, yet he was. He was their son, maybe not by blood, but by design and love.

And the love I see shining in both these men’s eyes was beautiful. It gave me hope. Hope that things, one day, will be as they should, and no dark overcast would be hanging over our heads.

Mathias walks by me almost crushing Seneca to his chest and offers up an unusual smile. Not one he paints on his face as a mask. But one he wears with pride. One that is reflected in his eyes.

Connor moves from his crouched position on the other side of the room, now coming to his father's side. He raises his hands and Kellen lifts him up.

It’s as if a tension or burden had been lifted. The air seemed breathable my mate seemed calmer. His demeanor became more at ease suddenly. A reflection of the old Kellen briefly shone through.

“Daddy she was loud!” He exclaims with a huff. “I thought Angel was loud but that cousin, she is really loud.”

I pinch my lips closed tightly, concealing the laugh, but not the humored smile. “Connor, give her time to adjust,” I say to my little prince.

“Zane said she vibrates differently. You do too Daddy.” Both Kellen and I cock our heads and purse our lips.

“Zane said this?” I ask, curious that Zane would be telling a toddler such things.

“No, he told the one with weird eyes and pale skin. You know the one with spikey hair.” He flippantly tells us.

I assume he is talking about one of the Changelings. I just didn’t know which one or why Zane would even be talking to them.

I open up a link to Lyric and once established relay the information to her *You may want to ask Zane which Changeling he is talking to. Connor overheard him and one of them speaking.*

*My Zane?* A surprised Lyric links back.

*Is there another?* I deadpan with a hint of sarcasm.

*That little…* She cuts the link but not before I could sense her distress.

It was no secret that Lyric couldn’t stand, nor did she want anything to do with the Changelings. Not after what Senko had done to her sister and the hand they had in it. Plus, one of them had killed her friend.

I too was not so keen on them. However, they had been taken in by Oliver, my cousin. Even if no one else trusted him, I did. And if he said they could be trusted then I would find in my heart to forgive and understand their position in this realm.

He had explained to Rhett, then to me personally, that they had had no choice but to follow Senko’s orders. They were bonded by blood magic. Controlled by the same thing.

I had always believed that people deserved second chances. The Changelings were no different really. They had been created. Designed. They didn’t ask to be brought into this realm. They weren’t asked to become a new race. They were just created and used as pawns.

“Kellen,” I gently call out to him from my position by the door and cross the room to where he and our son stood. “It’s only been a few days but…”

“We have work to do.” He sighs. “Aodh must be confronted. The sooner the better.”

“Yeah, the sooner the better.” I gulped down the words. Just the thought of what the Underworld God had done to our realm already twisted my gut.

Now Kellen and Lamia were back, there was hope again. Unfortunately, that hope came in waves, and nothing was certain.

Comments (13)
goodnovel comment avatar
It’s so nice to see Mathias and Seneca’s bonding. So far the book is progressing great. Loving it. Thanks Jess.
goodnovel comment avatar
thank you Helen. x
goodnovel comment avatar
helen troy
Actually I am finishing the seventh book and I can’t wait to read this one too. But I will await for u to finish it before I read it. You have done an amazing job author. Congratulations

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