
Ch 0007

In the hushed ambiance of the standard luxurious suite where soft rays of blocked sunlight filtered through the deluxe curtains into the room, Zoe lay in a peaceful repose on the plush bed, sprawled tiredly on every part of the bed.

The soft sheets cradled her body into a gentle sensation of warmth and comfort, with her head buried into the huge pillows that decorated the bed in an opulent decor. And for hours since dawn, her eyes had been wide open and staring at the white ceiling. She couldn't sleep further no matter how she tried.

The distant hum of the air conditioner was the only thing that she could hear in the deep silence that settled in her room, and it wasn't like the way she had lived her life in the past two years with constant buzziness. She tossed endlessly to the other side of her bed and shut her eyes tightly to find some sleep, but nothing was helping matters even if she tried and wished.

Her sleeping pattern had become haphazard ever since she got married to Malco
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