
FINALE EPISODE: Happy ending


Chapter 76


Emily continued to plead for her innocence but they wouldn't listen to her.

They blamed her for taking the opportunity to bring him to a deserted area just to finish him off but that wasn't true.

Damien on hearing the news about Emily's arrest left everything and went to see her in the police station.

He didn't like the state she was in, her eyes were all red from crying profusely.

"I didn't do it. I didn't sho0t him" she explained with tears pouring down her eyes.

Damien feeling pity, placed his hands on hers providing her comfort.

" I know. I'll do everything to get you out of here" he assured.

" But what happened?"

Emily began to explain her whole delima and how she was kidnapped down to the point where Richard was shot.

"Don't cry, I promise to get you out of here" he said once more standing to give her a kiss on her forehead.

This was Emily's first time to be in a police station.

Her mother along with Tr
Authoress Evelyn

Thank you everyone for staying with me through this wonderful journey of Damien and Emily's love story. Without your active participation, I wouldn't have come this far in the story. I hope to see you all in the next onešŸ„°šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

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