

Malcolm dropped the receiver into place and stood.

"you can not do this," Guisan shouted. "I will not have it."

Malcolm placed a hand on his old friend's shoulder. "This is my choice, Guisan. It will save the lives of my friends."

"I am the best swordsman among us." Van Nilsen's eyes flashed an icy blue. "I demand to go in your stead. It is my right."

"Don't worry, Van Nilsen." Malcolm gripped the Frenchman's shoulder. "You taught me well. Wasn't I the one who delivered the fatal blow to Vladimir?"

Van Nilsen scowled at him. "Only because I was watching your back."

"You are no' thinking straight," Guisan insisted. "You are too distraught over that Mayhem woman leaving you."

Malcolm swallowed hard. Was there any truth to Guisan's claim? If Aya were here, would he be so willing to risk himself? Still, he wasn't trying to kill himself. He certainly planned on winning.

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