
A Werewolf Guardian Got Prank Gone Wrong
A Werewolf Guardian Got Prank Gone Wrong
Penulis: BluerthanBlue

April Fools

In the cold and benign twilight in the middle of the woods, my circle of so-called friends, mostly my classmates, and I were having a bonfire nearby the sea. The plan is to grab some bottles of beer, have a few encouraging talks, and to get unwind.

At first, I already declined the invitation when aside from the fact that my wolf hates being surrounded by more than five humans, I still have my work as one of the werewolf guardians of the Moonlight Shadow pack.

My job as one of the werewolf guardians is to keep an eye on the city I got entrusted to, maintain peace and order, and keep records of our daily reports before delivering the cases to our alpha pack once every end of the month or earlier if necessary.

Our jobs were most likely similar to the cops who keep roaming around day and night, but the only difference is that we are not after human crimes but with supernatural beings like vampires, witches, and werewolves. We don't use guns or handcuffs as well, but sharp claws and elongated fangs.

But, I was dragged by one of my close friends when they believe the night camping would not be perfect and enjoyable without me. They claimed that I am the main reason the female students were eager to join the said event.

My name is Melvin Parker. And my wolf just turned nineteen two weeks ago. Through profound dedication and hard work, my wolf and I managed to achieve my well-built enticing six-pack abs and 6'4 ft. tall that every woman on our school campus could not stop drooling every time they see me.

There is nothing more to share about me, actually. Aside from that, I grew up with no family on my side to support my dreams and my seventeen years have been very tough and unfavorable in that humans and werewolves can barely imagine.

The only good thing that happened to me and my wolf is getting enlisted as one of the werewolf guardians which gives me another reason to live, especially when I found Jelian Spencer, my fated mate. Our ongoing relationship is currently in the middle of getting intimate.

"Guys, I think we don't have beers anymore." says one of our classmates and flips over the storage box where we set our drinks. And it's empty. That means, he is already wasted.

"Can someone get some? I have a few bottles in the car." offers one of our male rich classmates.

Everyone then pointed their blurry and spinning gaze at me. "Just don't ask further questions, dude." exclaims my human best friend, Jackson. "Among us here, you're the tough guy, remember?"

Most of our female classmates suddenly cheer and whoop for me even if I haven't agreed or said something yet. I was supposed to be just their guardian for the night, not their server or chaperone.

In the end, my hands were holding the car keys and started trekking to the cars where we park them. Werewolf blood run through my veins, so my wolf will not find it hard to locate the car despite the utter darkness.

Rays of the flashlights are not necessary for me either when I could see things better with my glowing eyes. Halfway through, I suddenly felt my entire body has started burning.

The feeling was like the beast inside me wanted to take over my human body. So, I lifted my head to the sky and was taken aback after seeing the full moon is about to rise.

"Shit," could not help but grit my teeth. "I should have known tonight's the full moon. Why am I not aware of that?"

As soon as the bones throughout my body started cracking like hell, I plummeted to the ground. Part of me wanted to scream because the pain was already unbearable but I couldn't because if I do that, all my classmates could hear me.

Once they hear me scream, everyone will probably rush in my direction and might see me in the middle of the shift. The worst part of being a wolf is that I am not good at controlling the urge to kill.

And there were twenty-three innocent but intoxicated humans waiting for my wolf to get stained by their fresh drops of blood. It will not be hard for me to do that when every one of them was already wasted and could barely fight.

In the middle of my shift, my wolf suddenly senses six humans standing behind those dense bushes on my left side and three on the right. All of them shared the same scent - alcohol.

My wolf senses can feel their overflowing excitement. It's all over the cold wind that smashes my burning skin. I don't know what they were up to, but my instinct is telling me that it has something to do with me.

Two seconds later, they made these howling sounds and shake the trees and bushes around me. After knowing I am not scared of their continuous howling, they throw eggs on all parts of my body, including my face.

Little did they know, everything they are doing only helps my transformation elevate when extreme outrage dominated my entire werewolf system.

Five more seconds after that, the six of them moved out from the bush and screamed - "APRIL FOOLS!!!" Then they pointed their flashlights at me.

Unfortunately, it was no longer my human image that was exposed by the rays of their flashlights but a hungry and furious wolf who was preparing to attack the lucky one whoever is the nearest human being from my spot.

As soon as they all catch a glimpse of my glowing eyes, everyone screams and runs at the speed of light as far away as possible from me aside from one of our female classmates whom I believe is the closest to my spot.

Her name is Karen Stanford. As far as my knowledge serves me right, I was a year older than her. She's sweet, kind, and gorgeous. She prefers to sit in front of the class so her one-of-a-kind beauty can be seen by everyone.

Aside from that, she comes from a wealthy and powerful family, her dad simply owns the school and had a few large and well-known businesses within the city while her mom is the current mayor.

Meanwhile, Karen's body has started trembling like she experiences prolonged convulsions accompanied by racing heartbeats. She felt a rising tide of fear from head to toe.

She wanted to say something but the only sound her mouth can produce was hushed cold air. And she tries to get tough but her pouring tears tell me the other way around.

"Kill her!" to my surprise, a female wolf is rushing in Karen's direction. Behind her is also a male wolf following her command.

"N-O-O-O!!!" I lifted my feet as fast as possible before my fated mate, Jelian, and her twin brother, Julian reach Karen's spot.

Before Jelian could grab a bite of Karen, my wolf managed to bite her first and pinned her to the ground. It goes the same thing with Julian.

"That human already sees your wolf, Melvin!" exclaims Jelian in a furious tone.

"No, you can't do that here," my wolf insists. "Not in my sight. The two of you are in my territory. So, please, go. Let me handle this case."

"No," Julian's expression suddenly changed. Compared to Jelian, I sense the extreme urge to kill coming from his wolf.

When he was about to jump on top of her, I jumped as well and greeted his body. The two of us fell to the ground in unison next to Karen.

"R-U-N!" I uttered to her while holding Julian's body by force.

Luckily, she rolls her eyes finding the way out. When I growled at her, she lifted her feet and evacuated the place like thin air.

So, I followed the road she took because she dropped her flashlight. To my surprise, she was heading not to the rest of our classmates, but to the end part of the beach - a cliff.

I remove my grasp from Julian's body and flash in Karen's direction before she could jump into the cliff. Julian and Jelian followed me to make sure one of them could get her first instead of me.

But I'm not gonna let them do that. As I suspected, Karen runs like she was aiming for the first prize in a running competition until her feet no longer touch the ground.

Her boisterous cream made me shift back into a human and shove my naked body on the rocky and pointed surface of the ground while holding her hands.

"Please, don't let go of my hands!" I uttered followed by a prolonged moan when my shoulders and chest were already bleeding after being shoved onto the rough surface of the edge of the cliff.

"Just let her go already, Melvin," orders Jelian in a worried tone after seeing me having a hard time holding Karen's hands.

If I'm not gonna let her go, there will be a huge possibility that the two of us are going to fall into the cliff. The worst part is that the blood in my body is about to get drained.

"Please, don't let me go. I don't want to die," utters Karen while holding my hands as hard as she can.

"No, I'm not gonna let you go, Karen. I promise. Please, hold on tight. I'm gonna pull your body up, okay?" I hate promises but I just did to her.

"Just let her go, Melvin. You're breaking your arms already!" yells Julian. But I simply ignore him. Instead, I crawl my legs to defend our weights combined.

"At the count of three, I'm gonna pull you up, okay? Use your feet to support your body from falling, is that clear?"

She nodded shortly.

"Okay. One... Two... Three!" I put all my strength into my shoulders and legs, thinking it was enough to pull her up.

Unfortunately, both my arms got bent sideways as soon as half of Karen's body reaches the edge of the cliff. Knowing, my arms could no longer support her weight, I used my fangs and stabbed them into her shoulder.

Komen (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Lena Tanz
so much interesting for the wolf jelian and julian..
goodnovel comment avatar
Doryne Comayas
interesting! excited to read this more...

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