

Jaxxon POV.

I make my way down. Trying to think of everything I could say to her. Was I wrong? Or was she?

Hell! We both were.

‘You stupid’ Pyro spits out. ‘You angry for mate. She know nothing because you was weak to fight for her.’

‘Pyro she had a chosen.’

‘Because you too stupid. If you claimed the first time, she come to you. She always loved you. She have good heart.’

“Pyro, i know…..’

‘If mate reject me. I kill myself and leave you’.

Damn. Did my wolf just threaten to leave me.

Searching for the scent of my mate who was no longer on the dance floor. Both Sierra and Sienna were still dancing.

“Hey Alpha Jaxxon. Want to dance with us? Sierra asks.

“Haha. No. Where’s your sister?” I asked her. And she pouts and points at the bar. And I see her with her back facing us. Watching her take a few shots back to back like something is bothering her.

“She looks hurt out of no where Alpha Jaxxon. She was fine when we left home but then when we got here…. Her mood, it changed dramatically like she was ready to leave.” This time it was Sienna who spoke and looked concerned for her older sister.

“It’s ok. I’ll go talk to her. Don’t neither of you dare leave this place without one us!” He says looking more at Sierra as she has a very mischievous smile on her face.

I turned to walk towards my mate as Alex blocks my path. What’s wrong with this dude? Glaring at him, “Move!”, I commanded. Alex is a strong warrior and probably one of the Northern West Territory top warriors and I understood why he was picked to protect my mate. No matter how strong this warrior was, he couldn’t avoid my command. Seeing him try to fight it and struggle with it, “She’s my mate.” I let out and he finally nods, and step aside. I knew internally he wasn’t going to let that go.

As I got closer, I notice she had maybe 10 shot glasses lined up. Walking up, seeing as she was about to grab another, my hand flew to grab the shot in front of her. I gently brush her hand and the sparks flew threw my arms, right to where my junior was. Calm down boy! I tell myself.

‘’claim her’ pyro breathes.

She jumps. I can feel her turning to look at me as I down the shot. Her heart rate skyrocketed. I place the shot glass down as a stare at her beautiful eyes. She has always been so perfect. ‘Mine’ pyro claims

“Hi Amaly.” I say without knowing what to really say. All the sudden I felt shy.

She looks at me, like there’s a battle in her eyes. She stands to walk away and I grabbed her hand and yanked her towards me.

It was at this exact moment when all the stories that our parents tells us about the mate bond to your fated, that the sparks ignites your soul. i wrapped my arms around her. My left hand on her back and my right hand against the back of her head. I held her close and sniffed her hair. She was so intoxicating. She felt so perfectly right in my arms. I didn’t want this fo end.

All the sudden, I felt a brush of power as she pushed me away. She took off to run away from me. What was that?

As I chase her out, some bimbo tries to stop me as I am trying to chase after my mate. I yanked her off and gave her a look of disgust before I continued to follow the path Amaly took. How I ever gave these females a piece of me was disgusting. I haven’t thought of anyone else. It’s been a long time since I’ve been intimate with anyone. I’ll continue this way until I have my mate next to me. I wanted to make love to her, not just to fuck. Although I don’t mind that, but I rather show her what I have to offer as her mate..

Rushing outside to see where she went. Her scent was everywhere.

“Why did you let her embarrass me like that Jaxxon” and I turned so quickly to see Tiffany walking towards me to stop a few feet away.

“What the fuck Tiffany?! You brought that upon yourself. When I told you it was over, I meant it. I don’t even find you attractive to even be with you anymore.”

“I have loved you all this time Jaxxon”

“Alpha Jaxxon. I will not correct you again. I have never loved you Tiffany. Get that through your head. Quit wasting my time”

“Tell me what your looking for then? Was it me?”

As she walks closer and tries to touch me. I hear a growl coming from the side. We both turn our heads, and see Amaly barring her teeth in a stance ready to attack.

No, that’s Akira on the surface. She’s knows!

“Stay away from Alpha before I kill you slut!” Akira says

Tiffany backs away, and looks at the princess confused. “I’m sorry princess!”

“You no sorry. You fuck mate not yours! Go away!”

Tiffany turns to me and shakes her head to walk away again.

When I turn to see my mate, she starts shaking profusely and then her eyes roll to the back of her head and she started to tumble to the ground. I catch her just in time so that her head doesn’t hit the ground. To the side, Marcus, Olivia and Alex are walking out the club doors as if they were searching for us. They take off running towards us once they realize Amaly was in the ground.

“What happened?” Olivia asked me.

I honestly didn’t know.

“I don’t know if it’s from all those tequila shots or her threatening Tiffany.”

“What the fuck! We’re you out here with Tiffany?” Yelling at me.

“No Liv, I was searching for Amaly and Tiffany came up to me. Only for Akira, not Amaly, threatening Tiffany. As soon as Tiffany was gone, she started shaking and blacked out. I’m going to take her home. And let the pack doctor see her”

“I can take her home Alpha Jaxxon” Alex speaks up as I glare at him.

“Over my dead body will I let you touch her. She’s my mate and I will kill you if you touch her.” Pyro on the surface as he laced his tone with mines.

Alex steps back, and you can see the conflict in him of letting go of the person who he was assigned to protect.

Olivia nods. “Take care of her Jax. Don’t loose her again.” Nodding at my sister, knowing her concern for both of us. “Alex, she’ll be ok at our pack house. Don’t worry. I’m sure Alpha King David will be ok with this.”

“Marcus make sure to let her brother know of the situation and make sure Sierra and Sienna leaves with you” I made sure to have her sisters taken care of just in case.

“I’ll make sure SIENNA, and Sierra gets home safely,” as I could her Sienna name emphasized and spoken differently from Alex’s mouth, “just make sure the princess is ok.”. He turns to walk back inside to take another glance at me at the doors before walking back in.


Driving home to my pack house, I mind linked Dr Anniston to meet me there. I also linked my parents to make them aware of the situation.

As I pull up, the pack house lights were on inside. Tiffany is also there, in the front of the pack house, shocked to see that I was carrying the princess in my arms.

“Why did you bring her home?” Tiffany says with a jealousy laced tone.

“Tiffany go home. I told you that you have no business here”

“But Jax…”

“Alpha Jaxxon!! You dare disrespect me, my mate, or anyone in my family again. I will banish you and turn you rogue. Now go home.”

“Mate?… you… have… a mate?”

“Tiffany, please take yourself home. It’s too late to be out alone at this time.” My mother says from the stairwell with my father by her side. I turned to see my mother’s eyes on my mate.

“And if the Alpha has instructed you to stay away from him, don’t think I will banish you myself. Stay away from my son child. I don’t have much patience with you.” My father clearly says in a thick fine tone. Threatening for her to go against him.

“Yes, alpha, Luna” she turns to me hoping I would save her, but I don’t and walk towards the stairs with Dr. Anniston behind us.

“What happened son?” My parents asked concerned.

I get to my floor and head straight to my room, as my mother rushes to open the door to let us through and I lay my mate down gently on my bed. I let Dr Anniston do his job.

“I don’t know if the mate bond snapped into place or not. At least for her. Pyro went crazy. When I tried to speak to her she took off to only find Tiffany trying to seduce me in the parking lot. Which now I forgot, she walked in on Tiffany trying to lock lips with me…”

“Son, why would you make out with her knowing she”, looking at my mate on the bed, “would be there?” My mother asked annoyingly.

“Mom. It happened so fast. I was just sitting there talking to David and she came out of no where and plopped on top of me and just went straight for the kiss the same time Amaly walked up. From the moment on, I can tell she was fighting Akira. But when Tiffany walked away, Akira just started shaking with her eyes rolling back. I caught her on time before she hit the ground.”

“Hmmmm..” Dr Anniston says looking at my mate.

“I forgot to mentioned that she probably took about 10 shots of tequila back to back. Wait, 9 because I stole one from her” he smirks looking at his mate.

Crouching down beside her, he holds her hands and cradles it. Kissing the top of her hands.

“I told you to stop messing with these she wolves. They are no good” mother said annoyed, “I never liked that girl. They tend to think that once you stick your dick in them that they are closer to having the title of your Luna. I will never accept a chosen mate for you. Only your true destined fated mate!” She says sternly as she looks at my mate.

I know my mother always had a soft spot for the princess. She would always call Amaly, her other daughter. Now I’m beginning to believe that she knew it our whole lives.

“Mom, believe me. There has been no others since the moment I knew of my mate bond with Amaly.”

“So the things is….” Dr Anniston starts, “it seems she’s a bit in shock. Internally hyperventilated and fighting for control and going against the mate bond can be quite exhausting.”

Wait.. She was going against it?

“It seems to me that her and her wolf were fighting for control of the bond with Amaly taking full control. This typically happens during an emotional shock. Something has triggered it, and caused her body to overreact. She needs rest Alpha. Plenty of rest. When she wakes, she will be very powerful because of her bloodline. The power store inside the first born of the Alpha King will ignite them. She will be deadly and stronger. Now that she has found her mate, it’s going to take some work winning her heart. Unfortunately, the first born, we have a very magnificent set of twins that both together are very powerful set.”

I’m looking at him confused like she is already powerful.

“And alpha, don’t forget when her powers come into play, her unique ability will help who she is and those around her.”

The doctor leaves and my parents both hug me before heading back to their quarters. I call some of the omegas to change her in more comfortable clothing. I didn’t want to violate her by undressing her. Knowing Pyro, he’ll want to have his way with her.

While they changed her, I went to the bathroom and showered. The omegas changed her in some of my clothing and she looked so peaceful. I crawled into the bed and cuddled next to her to feel her touch. This feeling…. it was so peaceful. I began to feel relaxed as my eyes grew heavy.. if I wasn’t at ease before her, now I was with her next to me. She has been the first she wolf I have ever let lay in my bed and sleep here. And she will be the only one ever to grace this bed.

If I’m going to feel her raft, I’ll guess we deal with it tomorrow.. I’ll take every bit of her raft to have her here with me.

Sleep came naturally as my eyes closed.

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