
A Surrogate Baby For The Alpha
A Surrogate Baby For The Alpha
Penulis: Violetta


Emily's POV

My heart was arching, my body in pain, and my eyes red and swollen. The only thing I wanted to do right now was cause myself greater pain and stop feeling the pain that was making my heart ache. I watched them cuddle each other, and watched as she giggled pretending to be all soft and girly.

I wanted to walk in, but then I couldn' because my legs were stuck to the floor.

I was jerked back to reality when the ringtone of my phone started ringing. "Shit!"

I hurriedly brought out my phone, but then they realized I was standing right in front of the door.

"Emily." Ethan called my name, trying to put on his clothes. I ignored him and began running. I was heading towards my car, but I wasn't fast enough. I simply came because I had something important to talk to Ethan about.

"Emily, wait."

He grabbed my hand and made me stop running. Tears were rolling down my eyes and it was simply unstoppable. I couldn't control it, and what I had seen back there kept replaying in my head over and over again because I just couldn't believe it.

This was Ethan. He was the guy who loved me so much and promised me the earth when we were younger. Ethan and I had been dating for more than 5 years now, but I couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, I averted my gaze to her. Mia. She was standing behind him with a duvet covering her nakedness. I despised the sight of this so much more. She smirked at me, making me understand that she had wanted this all this time. She had always wanted what was mine.

She had wanted Ethan and she got him exactly where she wanted him. I was the fool all the time for trusting such a thing would never happen even when I was warned countless times.

Ethan turned around.

"Mia, get the hell inside." He yelled at her, knowing that her presence was only making things worse and getting me so angry.

Well, it would not change the fact that I was never going to forgive him for what he did to me.

"There's no need for that, she can stay." I said

He stared at me. "Emily, I can explain. Let's talk."

I was forced to raise my hand and slap him so hard on the face. "Who the hell do you think I am? Do you take me as a fool or someone cheap? You cheated on me with this slut and you tell me you're sorry?"

"I can explain, please Emily."

I wanted to slap him again, but I refrained myself from doing so. There was no need to because it would not make the pain any less. It was simply only making me worse because I couldn't do anything.

"Let me go. Let me go Ethan!" I yelled at him and forced my wrist out of his grip.

"I don't ever want to see you. I don't ever want to see your miserable face because you're dead to me. You're fucking dead to me." I yelled out loud.

As I turned to walk away, I heard him scoff aloud.

"Do you think you can just walk away from me? Do you think you can survive without me? You'd be nothing without me, Emily, so walk out that gate and it's over between us, forever."

I was shocked. I chuckled a bit trying to tell myself I had not heard right. I turned around to face him only to see a smirk on his face as he was trying to manipulate me. Of course Ethan was so wealthy and powerful, and he gave me everything.

I once thought I was the luckiest woman on earth with a man like him, but not anymore. Today, I was done believing in true love and the fact that it exists.

I stared at the car keys in my hand and scoffed, then I handed it over to him.

"This is yours. You can have it back." I said and threw the keys at him. I sniffled and began walking away. Ethan has told me if I crossed that gate, I should never return back. That's what I wanted. I was never going to return back because he fooled me completely. It just had to be with my best friend Mia.

As soon as I got out, I halted. I didn't know whether to walk back in or not, but I would be a big fool if I turned around and walked back in.

I had watched them make love to each other, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I squatted on the floor and began to cry again.

This was really the end of the road for Ethan and I, and I had to admit that it hurt so much more than I expected. Everything was easier said than done. I walked out of that gate and ended everything, but I had no idea if I was regretting it.

The only thing I wanted all my life since I was little was to be showered with real love.

I'm Emily, but without a last name. I have no idea who my real birth parents were and why they left me all alone in a cruel world to suffer.

I grew up in an orphanage and when I turned 10, I was adopted but then my adopted father is in jail right now. I was never showered with love by him or anybody until I met Ethan 5 years ago, and I thought everything changed.

Ethan showered me with the love I had always dreamt of, but I should have known good things never last for long. I continued walking down the street clutching my bag so tight and wondering the turn and the changes my life would take after today.

I felt like an unlucky bitch. Who was I really?

I halted and sniffled. An idea suddenly popped right into my head.

The one thing I had always longed for was love. To love someone and to be loved by someone.

I needed a baby of my own. A child that I would give all of my love and heart to, and would get the same in return. I was done being fooled by people who claim to love me. It was one big bold step, but I had to take it for myself.

I took in one deep breath and halted a cab. After all this is done, I would leave this town for good and go somewhere far away from Ethan.

As soon as the cab stopped, I paid the driver and walked right into the hospital. I was directed to the doctor's office. She was a lady in her early 40's judging by her looks.

I was given a seat, and afterwards, our discussion began.

"Do you have any idea what you're about to do right now?" She questioned me.

I nodded my head immediately, but underneath the table that separated us, my hands were clenched so tightly. "Yes. It's my decision. All I need is a sperm donor and that's all"

She nodded her head. "Alright, first of all, you'll have to go through various tests and your signature would be needed too. We'll find a sperm donor and contact you as soon as it's ready."

"Alright, thank you." I rose up on my feet and picked up my handbag.

As I shut the door behind, my hands were still stuck on the door knob. I wasn't afraid of anything because this was what I wanted, but then I had just a little doubt if this was the right choice.

The decision came so quickly, but then there was nothing. It was just a stranger sperm and I would have a baby of my own. He would never be in the life of me and my child.

A few hours later, I got out of the hospital and headed back to my apartment to bury my face on my bed and continue to think about my decision.

If all I ever wanted was love, then no one deserves to give me that except for a baby of my own.

Two days later, I received a call from the hospital. Because I had been expecting this for so long, I hurried over there and found my way to the doctor's office. Everything was making me a bit nervous, but I wanted to get everything done as soon as possible and get pregnant.

For two days, I had been avoiding Ethan so badly. Mia even had the audacity to come to my apartment and laugh at my face for causing me so much pain.

"Good day Miss Emily, please have a seat." I was told.

I became even more nervous. What if something goes wrong, or she tells me it's impossible to get a sperm donor. This process was my life and I needed it so badly.

She opened her drawer and pulled out something from it. "Here, have a look at those photos and you can choose whose sperm you would want."

There were pictures of five men, and I had to study them so carefully. Finally, I picked the photo of a handsome looking young man with deep brown eyes, and handed it over to her.

After making the payment and everything, it was now time for the insemination.

I was taken to a room, and allowed to sleep on a soft bed. I shut my eyes waiting for the process to get done and over with.

"Alright, we're all done."

That was so quick. I opened my eyes afterwards and stared at the doctor.

"Miss Emily." She called my name and stared at me with her moon shaped deep blue eyeballs.

"Do you have any idea that you had limited eggs and you were suffering from fertility problems?"

I arched my brows in surprise. "How?"

"It's hard to explain for now, but thankfully, you made the right choice with the decision of yours. You should come back to the hospital in two week's time so we can confirm the success of the insemination."

I rose up on my feet and began heading outside, but if only I knew that my decision would not only cause havoc in my life, but would also put my life and my future in the hands of a mysterious and ruthless man himself.

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