
Chapter Forty

Ronin blinked once, nostrils flaring before he launched himself over the table. His claws were just shy of Derith’s throat before he was dragged back by his ankle, the wooden surface splitting open in several places. Those sitting directly at the table shot from their seats to put a safe distance between themselves and Ronin–whose eyes were pitch black.

“Calm down cousin,” Lucien kept a firm hand on his shoulder. “We don’t want another dead wolf today.”

“Let me go, Lucien. Before you become my dinner.” Ronin seethed.

“Oh please. You wouldn’t dare, not even in this state.”

“So it is true. You really are a demon wolf.” Odys' eyes widened slightly, which was more reaction than Ronin had seen from the Alpha in years.

“Yes. Thanks to Saberlon’s so-called father, who killed your Sovereigns before me. That’s what this is all about. He’s come for revenge because I tore his monster of a father to pieces–after he killed my mother and brother and sister!”

“That has nothing to do with me,” Derith
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