
Chapter 2

Althea staggered back in shock and almost fell in the process but had to hold herself from falling, it felt like the blood in her body dried up when she heard what her father said.


“We are sorry, I didn’t plan for this, our kingdom would have being attacked by the king of Westland if not for the Baron that stepped into the matter and stopped the king from bringing this kingdom to ruin and now asking for your hand in marriage is what he is asking in return for saving me 3 years ago”

“You……you mean you got involved with the people of the West!!” tears rolled down her eyes “why would you get involved with the devil father!!”

One nation that people feared to go to was Westland since it is a nation filled with werewolves and other kinds of shapeshifter, Westland was a kingdom secluded from the rest of the world but everyone feared them and was afraid they will get attacked by them, but how could her father have gotten involved with not just anyone but the king of Westland and the Baron also who was the devil himself.

Although Westland was far far away from them, they have all heard about the treacherous things that the Baron has done. He is the devil himself; everyone in Westland feared him more than the king of Westland.

The Baron is the second in command after the king of the West, while the king is the head of the nation he was the head of the affairs of the nation.

How could such a man come to ask for her hand in marriage? She is not going to accept it.

How can her life go from bad to worst

“So he is here in the castle?”

Her mother nodded “he is sitting in the throne room as we speak waiting for you to approve so the wedding rites can commence.

Althea clenched her fist hard “I can’t”

The king shaked his head “As much as I don’t want you to marry him but you can’t refuse, if you refuse he will take you by force that is what he said and I will not be able to stop him because as you well know this people are not ordinary people, they are beast in human form, so there is no way our army can over power them even if we try to fight”

Althea lost her balance and fell on the floor, her parents rushed to her but she stopped them from coming closer.

“Why me” she murmured to herself, she has stayed hidden away from the rest of the world outside the walls of this castle so how did the Baron know she wanted to marry her?

The same question was also in the minds of her parents, when they received the Baron and he told them about wanting to marry their 7th daughter they were shocked and wondered how he had known about her including her name since Althea has stayed hidden all her life but they arrived at the conclusion that there must be a spy in the castle.

She is not just going to be marrying the Baron but a beast in human form and the devil himself. This makes them scared for their daughters life, if there is a way they could prevent this, they would.

For the first time, king Frederick felt powerless

Althea came into a conclusion and looked at her parents “I will prepare for the wedding, you can go inform him”

Her parents were surprised that she was quick to make the decision but unknown to them she planned to do the opposite.

When her parents left her chamber, she was rushing to her room when she bombed into Luis, her personal knight.

Althea stared at him with tears rolling down her eyes

“ I eavesdropped on your conversation with the king and queen and I will gladly help you escape, I will not sit back and watch you end up with the devil himself”

And then that was how Luis helped her escape, he wanted to come with her but she pleaded for him not to so nobody will know he had helped her to escape.

And that was what happened that led to her running, she was surprised at how they knew immediately that she had escaped.

Back To Present

Althea got to the lake and parted the water on the lake then ran through it.

She looked behind her and opened her mouth in shock when she saw the army chasing after her, she slowly closed the part way to prevent them from passing through.

She got into the forest and kept on running, this time she could no longer here the series of foot steps chasing after her nor could she here the sound of horses anymore.

Her heart became overjoyed now that she had lost them but her joy lasted for just a minute when she felt the presence of someone chasing her behind.

She turned but could not see anyone and then turned back and kept on running only for her whole surrounding to turn peach black for a split second she thought she had gone blind since she could no longer see her surroundings, she stopped running and felt suffocated and was about to fall to the ground when a strong arm held her. The scent of the person filled her nostril which made her breathing become stable again.

She tried to struggle away from the person's hold but the person was way stronger than she was.

“Let me go”

The person raised her up in bridal style but she kept on struggling “Let go” she tried to see the person's face but everywhere was peach black.

She inhaled a different kind of scent that came from nowhere and that made her dizzy.

“Relax Althea” was what she heard from the person who held her before she passed out.

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