
A Night Of Passion With The Billionaire
A Night Of Passion With The Billionaire
Author: Michael Green


The cold liquid ran down my throat, the flavor lingering against my tongue for a few more moments before fading. I sat alone at the dimly lit bar, my fingers tracing the patterns on the chilled glass of my cocktail. It had been another long week at work.

Sighing, I leaned back. All around me, there was the hum of conversations and the occasional roar of laughter. It was all distant and muffled. It all made me feel both isolated and strangely connected to the world around me.

Twirling my cup, I took another sip. I’d probably crash for hours when I got home. My day at the office had been long and draining, with my schedule still weighing down on my mind. It was a job that paid the bills—barely—but I was nothing more than a cog in a corporate machine, yearning for something more meaningful.

If only I had it better.

I glanced at my phone. It was past eight p.m., yet Diana wasn’t around yet. Diana was one of the lucky ones—a supermodel who dazzled on billboards and in ads. She was a different person without makeup, though. Her wild nature usually made me wonder how she could handle two very different extremes naturally.

But here I was, at the bar for a brief respite, waiting for her. I grimaced. She probably had another shoot today. The bar stool behind me remained empty.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of the bag. 


“Where are you?” I didn’t waste any time getting to the point.

“I’m so sorry, girl! This freaking shoot is running later than I imagined.”

I winced. I knew something like this would happen.

“Does that mean what I think it does?”

“Yeah. I might not make it tonight.”

My heart sank at the realization that I would be spending another evening alone, trapped in my thoughts.


“Bummer. So I guess I’ll see you at the apartment?”

“You bet. Have fun!”

I could almost picture her winking as she said that. But fun was the last thing on my mind.

“I’ll try.” I sighed. “Have fun as well.”

She giggled before ending the call. I dropped the phone and took another swig before noticing it was the last. Signaling to the bartender, I ordered another glass of my cocktail and picked up my phone, scrolling through it while I waited.

It wasn’t much fun for me. At that moment, my cocktail arrived. I nodded at the burly barman and took a slow sip before surveying the eclectic mix of patrons around me. A group of boisterous men in baseball jerseys cheered at the TV screen, their laughter ringing out through the room. It would be fun to be so lively. My gaze darted around. A couple in a dimly lit corner booth whispered sweet nothings to each other, their fingers intertwined.


“You must be waiting for someone.”

I turned. It was the bartender, wiping down glasses with the efficiency of a seasoned pro. My gaze drifted down to my reflection in the polished wood of the bar. The dim lighting softened my features, but I guess it couldn’t hide the lines etched on my face.

“I was.”

“Damn. Well, enjoy your drink.”

I nodded before turning away. I’d try to enjoy it, alright. I didn’t get many nights like this. It was hard enough to try so hard, just like my mother did. My thoughts turned to her—a single parent who had worked multiple jobs to provide for me. She had sacrificed so much for my sake, and I wished I could give her a better life to repay her for all her efforts. Maybe someday, but not now.

Lost in thought, I barely noticed when the bartender approached me. He placed a fresh cocktail in front of me with a smile on his lips.

“On the house.”

That was when I realized my glass from earlier was empty. So soon? I nodded my thanks, touched by the gesture, and took a sip of my drink.

“Is this seat taken?”

A rich, intoxicating baritone of a voice jolted me out of my reverie. I turned, and my breath caught.

This man was a reincarnation of some Greek god.

His long, dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and I got an alarming urge to run my fingers through those silky strands. The warm, amber glow of the bar’s lighting caressed his chiseled features, highlighting his striking good looks. His ocean-blue eyes stared directly into mine, sending my nerves tingling.

A hesitant smile crept onto my lips, and my chest fluttered. It wasn’t every day that such an attractive stranger willingly walked up to me. He motioned to the bartender and ordered a drink, then turned his attention to me, still standing.

Coming to my senses, I shook my head. My heart pounded slightly.

“No, it’s not taken. Please, have a seat.”

He nodded his thanks and flashed me a smile that made my face warm.

“Thanks. I’m Dan.”

“Faye,” I said, willing enough willpower not to stammer.

Dan’s gaze lingered on me for a moment, his eyes searching mine.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I raised a brow. “Why?”

“It might be me, but I noticed you seemed... blue.”

I blinked, waving it aside. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

He leaned in slightly, his eyes locked on mine. “Sometimes it’s enough therapy to talk about what’s bothering you, even with a stranger.”

“It’s nothing.” I paused. “Just another long day at work.”

His lips curled up as he twirled his glass. “I get the feeling. I guess we’re here for similar reasons.”

I didn’t know this Adonis of a man, yet I was already aching to talk to him. It wouldn’t hurt to talk to him for a while.

“Long day at work for you as well?”

“Kinda.” He glanced at the ceiling. “Something big is coming up at work, so that’s double work for me.”

“Sorry about that.” I gave him a good stare. “You don’t seem tired.”

“I am. Maybe I’ve learned to hide it.”

“Impressive. I’d love to learn that.”

“The first step is easy.” He flashed me that nerve-tingling smile once more. “Just smile. You’re beautiful enough already. Imagine how you’d look while smiling.”

I blushed so furiously. I’m sure he’d have noticed. Then I turned away.


Someone this hot, flirting with me? Yes, please. A part of me wanted to just tell him I wanted him straight up. My dating life was non-existent, but a little fun here and there wouldn’t be bad, would it?

Impossible. I couldn’t do anything. So for that moment, I settled for leaning back and sipping my cocktail as I watched him talk about how stressed he got sometimes. But my mind had wandered. I mentally pictured him doing something other than talking. I didn’t know why, but I wanted so badly to run my hands under his turtleneck sweater and feel the muscle I was sure was rippling beneath.

Thankfully, I still had restraint.

Dan and I moved to other mundane topics, like the best ways to let off steam. He entertained me with stories about him traveling to different places, like the Bahamas one time. I had to admit I was jealous. He seemed cultured enough.

As we chatted, I found myself stealing glances at him. His confident mannerisms were balanced by a genuine interest in what I had to say, and his warm smile put me at ease. He had an air of mystery about him, but the combination of his rugged charm and striking demeanor got me intrigued.

“Enough of me. What about you? What’s your ideal way of letting off steam?”

I tugged at a strand of my hair. “Well, mine is quite simple. Hang out with my best friend. Maybe get a drink or two. I’m not the most fun person to be around.”

“Maybe you just need to let loose more. That might help.”

Oh, I’m aching to. “Yeah. Maybe. Can I ask you a question?”

“Hit me.”

“Why did you choose to sit next to me tonight?”

He leaned in closer, his voice low. “I saw this lady sitting alone, lost in thought, and I couldn’t resist the urge to come over. And I’m really glad I did. Call it a hunch. Instinct. Now they’re whispering something else.”

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I smiled.

“And what would that be?” It was a miracle I had the boldness to continue in this. Perhaps, the booze?

He turned away for a few moments, staring at his glass. Then he turned back to me, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

“It’s telling me you don’t have anything else planned for tonight.”

I burst into laughter, besides myself. When I calmed down, he cleared his throat.

"Do you?”

His gaze was straight. He wasn’t kidding. I took a moment to consider his question. The truth was, I had nothing else on my agenda. But I know what the question meant.

Should I give in? The evening had taken an unexpected turn, and to be honest, I wanted to see where it would take us.

“No.” I shook my head. “I don’t have any other plans.”

A slow smile spread across his face.

“Well then,” he said, his tone deeper than before, “how about we continue this night elsewhere? Somewhere a bit more... private.”

My heart was already racing. Dan’s proposition was bold and intriguing—too bold for me on a normal day. But something just made tonight different. I nodded.

“Sure. Why not? I’m up for it.”

With that, we settled our tab and made our way out of the bar. The cool night air washed over us as we stepped onto the sidewalk. Dan hailed a taxi, and as we sat side by side in the backseat, he cleared his throat once more.

“The Vine.”

Wasn’t that a hotel?

“What’re we—”

What happened next stole my breath. He leaned in closer—so close his lips brushed against my ear.

“Going to do in a hotel?” He chuckled. “Wouldn’t you love to find out?”

I turned to him, studying him. His darkened gaze was unreadable.

It was heady. It was reckless. It was dangerous. It was exciting.

“Yes.” I could have sworn that the near whisper wasn't my voice if I hadn't caught Dan's smirk immediately.

Oh, Faye, there's no turning back from this. 

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