
Penulis: Alice Mitchell

Chapter 1

Bella's POV

The sun was just beginning to set as I stood nervously in front of the grand entrance of the luxurious Bennett mansion. The opulent surroundings seemed alien to me, a stark contrast to the dilapidated neighborhood I grew up in. My heart raced with a mix of excitement and trepidation, unsure of what awaited me inside.

As the large wooden doors swung open, I found myself face to face with Victoria Bennett, Xander's formidable mother. Her piercing gaze seemed to size me up, examining every inch of my humble attire and worn-out shoes. I squared my shoulders, determined to hold my ground.

"Miss Rodriguez, I assume?" she inquired, her voice laced with an air of superiority.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, trying to steady my voice.

"Come in, then," she gestured, leading me through the grand foyer adorned with marble floors and intricate chandeliers. The whole place exuded wealth and power, a stark reminder of the vast difference between Xander and me.

As I followed Victoria through the mansion, my eyes took in the luxurious furnishings, the lavish artwork on the walls, and the breathtaking view of the city skyline from the expansive windows. It was a world so far removed from my own, it felt like I was stepping into a dream.

Finally, we reached a study, where Xander Bennett was waiting for us. He sat behind a massive mahogany desk, his piercing blue eyes meeting mine as I entered the room. The tension was palpable as our gazes locked, and I couldn't help but notice the faint lines of weariness etched on his handsome face.

"Isabella Rodriguez," he said, his voice low and commanding. "I trust you understand the terms of our arrangement?"

I nodded, mustering all the confidence I could. "Yes, Mr. Bennett. I understand."

"Good," he replied, his tone dismissive. "This is a business transaction, and I expect you to fulfill your end of the deal."

"I will," I assured him, determination coursing through my veins.

Victoria interjected, her voice dripping with disdain. "You must understand, Isabella, that my son is entering into this contract marriage purely out of convenience. His reputation is at stake, and we expect complete discretion."

I clenched my fists, not wanting to show any signs of weakness. "I understand, Mrs. Bennett. I have no intention of causing any trouble."

Xander leaned back in his chair, studying me intently. "Good. You will move into the guest wing of the mansion tomorrow. We'll have our lawyers draw up the necessary paperwork, and the formalities will be completed soon."

The weight of the situation settled heavily upon me as the reality of my decision sank in. I was about to embark on a journey that would forever change my life, trading my freedom for financial stability.

Before I could dwell on my thoughts any further, Victoria's voice cut through the tense silence. "I trust you won't disappoint us, Isabella. Remember, failure is not an option."

Her words hung in the air, a warning and a challenge all rolled into one. I straightened my posture, refusing to let fear consume me.

"I won't let you down," I vowed, my voice filled with determination.

As I turned to leave the room, Xander's voice stopped me in my tracks. "Isabella, one more thing."

I glanced back, meeting his intense gaze.

"This is purely a business arrangement, nothing more. I expect you to keep your distance," he said, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

I swallowed hard, my heart sinking. "Understood, Mr. Bennett."

With that, I made my way out of the study, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and apprehension. Little did I know the tumultuous journey that awaited me, one filled with unexpected twists, heartbreak, and a love that would test the boundaries of our contract marriage.

The next day, as I moved into the guest wing of the mansion, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just stepped into a gilded cage, where appearances were everything and love was just a distant dream. But as I unpacked my belongings and prepared for the days ahead, I vowed to myself that I would make the best of this arrangement, not only for the sake of my mother but also for the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, true love could find its way into our fragile bond.


The following morning, the sun bathed the grand hallway in a warm glow as I made my way to the mansion's lavish dining room. My footsteps echoed against the marble floors, emphasizing the unfamiliarity of my new surroundings. As I entered, I found Xander already seated at the head of the long table, engrossed in his morning newspaper.

"Good morning, Isabella," he greeted without looking up, his voice cool and detached.

"Good morning, Mr. Bennett," I responded, attempting to inject a hint of warmth into my voice. It was clear from his demeanor that he intended to keep his distance, and I respected his wishes, though a part of me longed for something more.

We ate breakfast in silence, the only sound accompanying us being the clinking of silverware against porcelain plates. The atmosphere was laden with tension, the weight of our contract marriage ever-present. I couldn't help but steal glances at Xander, his handsome features illuminated by the soft morning light. There was an undeniable magnetism about him, but his guarded demeanor held me at arm's length.

As we finished our meal, Xander finally set down his newspaper and looked directly at me, his piercing blue eyes searching mine. "Isabella, I have a business event to attend tonight. I expect you to accompany me as my wife."

I swallowed hard, taken aback by his sudden announcement. "I-I understand, Mr. Bennett. I'll be ready."

"Good," he said, rising from his seat. "I'll have my driver pick you up at 7 p.m. Don't be late."

With that, he left the room, leaving me to contemplate the evening ahead. The prospect of attending a high-profile event with Xander filled me with a mixture of excitement and unease. It would be my first taste of the elite world he belonged to, a world I never thought I would step foot in.

Throughout the day, I busied myself with preparing for the event, choosing a sophisticated yet understated dress from the limited wardrobe I had brought with me. As I stood before the full-length mirror, adjusting the neckline of my dress, doubts crept into my mind. Would I be able to hold my own amidst the influential and influential attendees? Would I be able to portray the image of a confident and content wife? I took a deep breath, reminding myself of the promises I had made.

At precisely 7 p.m., the sound of a car pulling up to the mansion reached my ears. I nervously descended the grand staircase, my heart pounding in my chest. As I reached the bottom, Xander stood by the open front door, dressed in a tailored black suit that accentuated his commanding presence. He looked at me briefly, a flicker of something I couldn't quite decipher crossing his eyes, before he stepped aside to let me pass.

The drive to the event was filled with an uneasy silence, broken only by the hum of the car's engine and the occasional distant honking of horns. The anticipation grew with every passing minute, and I wondered what awaited me behind the doors of the extravagant venue.

As we arrived at the event, the vibrant lights and lively chatter enveloped us. The grand ballroom was a spectacle of luxury and elegance, adorned with sparkling chandeliers and an abundance of fresh flowers. Waiters floated through the crowd, offering glasses of champagne to the distinguished guests.

Xander guided me through the room, his hand resting lightly on the small of my back. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, but I reminded myself that this was just for show, a façade we had to maintain. We exchanged pleasantries and smiles, navigating the sea of familiar faces and influential individuals. I tried my best to project an image of confidence, to blend seamlessly into this world of privilege and power.

As the night progressed, Xander became engrossed in conversations with business partners and acquaintances. I found myself occasionally drifting away from his side, observing the crowd with a mix of curiosity and a tinge of loneliness. It was in one of these moments of solitude that I noticed a man, his eyes locked on me from across the room.

His intense gaze made my heart skip a beat, and before I could fully comprehend what was happening, he was approaching me, weaving his way through the crowd. He was tall and impeccably dressed, exuding an air of confidence and allure that was hard to ignore.

"Isabella Rodriguez, isn't it?" he asked, his voice low and smooth.

Startled, I nodded, momentarily forgetting the charade I was meant to maintain. "Yes, that's me. And you are?"

A charming smile played on his lips as he extended his hand. "Damien Blackwood. A pleasure to meet you."

I hesitated for a moment before accepting his handshake, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down my spine. Little did I know that this encounter would set off a chain of events that would shake the very foundation of our contract marriage, and test the limits of my own desires and loyalties.

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