There is a secret about Freya’s birth, and everyone around her has worked hard to keep it from her.
As a hybrid werewolf with powers never seen before, she is the best in her field with only one task; to kill. When her newest assignment turns out to be her mate, her life is thrown into chaos. She is determined to kill him and prove that she is worthy, but not even she is powerful enough to resist her mate’s calling. Freya may just have found a man worth submitting to, but three men? It must be the goddess’ cruel joke!
Shadows of the past whisper their secrets and the biggest conspiracy surrounding her blood and the dangerous power it possesses may yet be unraveled. Freya will need an army at her side to face her demons, but first she must find a balance between her mates and stop them from killing each other before she can save the world from the dark forces that intend to break it.
Join me on this exciting journey of exquisite love, dangerous lust, dark jealousy and possessiveness, and betrayals from the people you least expect it!
Chapter: The End.“Shinay, what have they done to you?” Geoffriane asked when she stopped in front of him. “You are not yourself.”“No.” She replied. “I wasn’t myself for the longest time. I just found myself again.”The rest of the Wild Hunt rode to stand behind him and he shook his head. “No, we had a vision. It was meant to be.” Said Geoffriane. “We waited for you for a hundred thousand years. You are the only one that can save us.”“I still believe in the vision.” She said as she stepped forward and tentatively touched the Ghost Rider’s cold face. “You have suffered for too long, thanks to merciless gods that use us only for their amusement.”“So let’s kill everybody. It’s the only way we can get eternal rest.” Geoffriane pleaded. “There’s another way.” She pointed out. “I would never leave you to continue suffering eternally. If the world won’t die for you, then you die for the world. It is time for the Wild Hunt to end.”He reared back and away from her, drawing in a shocked breath. “What you
Last Updated: 2024-12-22
Chapter: Saving herThe force of Shinay’s dark magic shoved all three of them back, but she tensed, unable to finish the last step of ending their lives completely. “Freya, remember yourself.” Adrian said, stepping forward despite the heatwaves of Shadow magic that she was exuding. She shook her head and pushed him back harder and he groaned with pain as her magic started to sear his skin right off his bones.“I’m not Freya!” She snarled. “Yes you are.” Zeldaurus replied, pushing forward. He also tried to step forward but he couldn’t take up to two steps before her magic forced him to a stop.“We are not your enemies.” Zeldaurus said. “”We are here to help you.”Tears streamed down her eyes and she kept her hands up, her magic up. “No, you are my enemies.”She had no idea what they had done to her brain, why it felt like someone had broken her head open and was scooping out the contents with a scalding hot spoon. Only her enemies would curse her to feel this pain, to see the painful memories that u
Last Updated: 2024-12-22
Chapter: The great war The Wild Hunt opened the door to the next realm and Shinay lead them into it. Everywhere they went, screams started then blood started to flow. Death was no longer inevitable, it was here. She was drunk on the dense trail of Death they carved. Death was the beginning of the world and it was the end. She didn’t remember who she was before, what she was before, and she didn’t want to. Whoever she was before was weak, now she was exactly as she was meant to be. The screams had started afresh and she smiled coldly as she raised her face to the sky and sent thunderbolts down into the realm. The realm inhabitants were magic wielders and they tried to defend themselves with it. But how could you kill what was already dead? Behind her, the army of the Dead rode, screaming their rage as they rode to avenge their misfortune. Her eyes turned a solid black as she prepared the dark storm that would destroy every living entity in the realm. Her eyes caught a sudden shimmering in the air, a por
Last Updated: 2024-12-22
Chapter: The council memberThe She-wolf glanced up when Riordan shattered the door and she paled quickly. "Who the fuck are you?" The male that was inside her snarled and she hissed. "Shut up."'She said and climbed down from him. Riordan folded his arms and watched as she took her time covering herself with a robe, before grabbing a glass of wine and pressing it to her lips."Leave us." She told the man. "Leave the building." He advised him and the man sent him a dark look before shutting the door behind him. "I wasn't informed you were in town." Said Aria. "If I were, I wound have made some preparations in advance.""I like to be discreet." Riordan replied, watching as she sashayed to her bedside and perched on her bed, crossing her leg. "I appreciate a discreet man, especially when they are so caring as to check up on a lonely She-wolf.""You sent the Council dogs after her." He growled and she forced a smile to her lips. "You should really engage in the act of small talk, it can be quite engaging and
Last Updated: 2024-12-22
Chapter: AdrianFor the umpteenth time, Adrian found himself pacing.“You’re going to wear a path in my rugs.” Rooke growled. “One more word and I’ll torch the damn rug.” He growled in reply but he did sit his ass down. M“I’m not good at this, sitting on my hands.”“There’s nothing more you can do.” Rooke said patiently. “You already tried going after her but you cannot penetrate Faerie’s security.”“But how was it possible that she made it in and I didn’t?” He pondered aloud and Rooke shrugged. “Perhaps she has Fae blood in her ancestry. Regardless, there’s nothing more you can do but wait now.” Rooke said calmly, trying to appeal to his rational mind but Adrian’s mind was spinning a thousand terrible scenarios, all preventing him from relaxing even a little. “What if my portal went rogue and threw her into another realm?” “Adrian!” Rooke snarled, standing. His childhood friend looked like he was on the verge of strangling him. “You said yourself that you felt your portal open into Faerie. Yo
Last Updated: 2024-12-22
Chapter: The threatFaerie was first. The sky darkened suddenly, and all of the Fae glanced up at the ominous sign. Fariee weather never changed, and never before had they seen the sky darken with heavy clouds and the clouds roil with lightning and thunder. They all looked to the sky as the Wild Hunt emerged."Take back your power." Geoffraine urged and Shinay cast a perusing glance at the realm spread out before her. There, something called to her from deep inside the Winter court. She rode her horse for the piece of her that called to her."Ah. There she is." The female remained unconscious and inside her was the source of her ailment. Shinay thought she looked familiar but she didn't care to know why. Her power was a roiling ball of darkness in the female's chest, sucking up all of the female's energy and leaving her comatose. That was what Shinay wanted. "Come." Shinay crooked a finger and that ball eagerly lifted. It was never meant to be inside the female, there was no one alive that could cont
Last Updated: 2024-12-22

My Secret Triplets for the ALPHA king
Sapphire’s greatest regret came from fucking a stranger she met, a stranger that went on to ruin her life.. But how could she hate him when he gave her three beautiful babies? Her babies must survive so she ran, hiding them from their father with everything she had.
Damnation looms for the conqueror alpha king and he must chase after his runaway mate. Unaware of his three babies, he fights to claim her heart. She wlll not make it easy for him.
She would bear a hundred whippings rather than be wed to that shameless old wolf that dared to covet someone younger than all of his daughters! She saw red and imagining his face, she threw the nearly empty bottle.
The stranger moved so fast he grabbed it in his fist.
She drooled at the sight of the most handsome, broad-shouldered stranger she ever saw in her life! When he changed direction,, she found herself rising to meet him.
“I’ve never had a woman stone my face in our first meeting before.” .
Even his voice was incredibly sexy. She giggled, staggering and he caught her. Their proximity thrilled her and when she stared up at him, she could swear his eyes were alive with lust as he stared at her lips.
“I do other things other than stone faces. Want to go upstairs and find out?” She hit a sultry pose but suddenly staggered drunkenly.
“You are drunk.”
“Very. My clumsy fingers will need help getting out of this tight top. You’ll lend a hand won’t you?” She batted her lashes at him, surprised at her own provocativeness. .
He smirked and pulled her in. “As you wish, my lady.”
Even before they could get to the room, his taste was in her mouth and...
Chapter: Chapter seven”Killian!” Sapphire gasped, her heart lodging in her throat. “What are you doing here?!”He lifted a sardonic brow. “It’s the weekend mate, where else would I be but at an amusement park?”She seethed. The icecream vendor was asking her for her order but she could barely hear him. “Yes, but this particular amusement park?!” She asked him in a furious whisper. “Why does it have to be when I’m here? Are you following me?!”He scoffed. “Look at you jumping to conclusions. It’s an amusement park meant for everyone. We just happened to run into each other.”“How fucking convenient.” She gritted out, her mind racing. Her kids! She had never imagined her kids and their father would be within such a short range. There was no way he saw them right? She watched his every expression with anxiety. “That’s a lot of icecream you were ordering just now, are you here with someone?” He asked her and she released her breath shakily. He didn’t see the kids. He didn’t know about them.“Mind your own d
Last Updated: 2024-02-07
Chapter: Chapter sixThe gun seller eyed her suspiciously and she slapped her permit down. “A 9-mm glock to be exact.” She added. “What’s a pretty girl like you needing a gun for?” He asked conversationally and she scoffed. If he was going to have reservations about people using it then a gun business is obviously the wrong business for him. “Self defence. My house is becoming plagued by vermin.” She replied. “Vermin you say? Why not get a hunting rifle and kill them the old fashioned way?” He asked. “Here, lemme bring the rifle.”She slammed a hand down, startling him and forced a smile out between her teeth. “Glock. Now.” She repeated through gritted teeth. “Coming right up.” The man said and disappeared. She would be hunting alright, but it had nothing to do with vermin. There were no lengths she wouldn’t go to to protect her kids, and a certain hairy-assed bastard might taste the bite of her silver bullet before he realised that. ...“How’s it going?” Damian, his beta asked through the mind-l
Last Updated: 2024-02-06
Chapter: Chapter fiveSapphire turned around and startled, holding her chest as her heart took a lurch out. “Jeez you’re going to give someone a heart attack popping up like that!” She chastised Nika. “The boss is calling you.” The gothic girl said tonelessly. “Why?” She asked, annoyed. “Beats me.” Nika replied and went back to her scribbling. Sapphire sighed and headed to his office. Dealing with Mr. Delarien was tedious on a good day. He was the owner of the fashion agency she worked for and a spectacular pain in her ass. Considering how shitty a day she had been having with thoughts of the barbarian king prowling her mind, she was hoping to avoid him completely today. “Sir, you called for me?” She asked, pasting a smile on her face. He swivelled his chair around and met her gaze beneath bushy caterpillar brows. “Miss Legolith! Just the woman I was looking for. I have something for you, over there.” Her boss pointed. She took the envelope carefully, eyeing him mistrustfully. Her eyes widened with
Last Updated: 2024-02-04
Chapter: Chapter four“Ouch!” Rose yelled as Sapphire pricked her for the seventh time today. “I’m so sorry!” She said shakily. “What is up with you today? I’m bleeding from a dozen different cuts already! And it’s just the first fitting.” She complained. The dress was done. She had brought the exotic actress’s dream to life with this ball gown, but she wasn’t getting anywhere with this fitting. Thoughts of the barbarian on the loose plagued her mind and her hands shook as she worked, something that never ever happened!“I’m so sorry Rose. I was so preoccupied but I promise it won’t happen again.”Rose staggered away from the pin in her hand, shaking her head. “No, I’m sore all over and I love you to bits but I’m beginning to see double meaning in the way you’re holding that pin. We’ll continue this tomorrow. I’m famished.”She couldn’t do anything as Rose stepped out of the dress and patted her back. “I hope you’re back to yourself tomorrow.” She said merrily and was on her way. “Ughhh!” She threw h
Last Updated: 2023-12-16
Chapter: Chapter three”What’s this new job you’re talking about?” Sapphire asked one of her more famous clients, Raven. “It’s more of a gig. You’ll be meeting with someone for an hour. It’s about a sponsorship program that I thought would be beneficial to you. Strange thing is he said you’ll be paid for the meeting. I think it’s one of your admirers.” Raven said and wiggled her brows, making Sapphire laugh, however she was still confused. “I don’t get, is this a meeting with an admirer, a gig or a sponsorship program?”“Who cares? A shitload of money was wired to me to arrange the meeting, I don’t think it’s a big deal to give him one hour if you can get that too yourself.”Unfortunately, Raven’s weakness was money. She needed money to pay for her costly addictions and so she made money to feed the unending addictions in a vicious cycle but the public did not know that. Sapphire did not share the pressing need to make quick money but she admitted she was intrigued. Someone was paying a shit load of mon
Last Updated: 2023-12-16
Chapter: Chapter two“What’s going on?” She asked the bartender who was hurriedly packing up his stuff. The bar was also empty, a strange sight any time of the day. “Go! Hide away girl! The barbarians have taken over!”It took her panicked brain a second to understand the man’s babble. Her body grew cold and she lurched forward and grabbed his arm, shaking him violently. “What are you saying?! Make some sense old man. How did the barbarians take over?”He shoved her off him and continued his hurried getaway. “Go get yourself killed if you don’t want to hide. The barbarians are everywhere, and they will soon be here for you.”No. He must be wrong. The age-old feud dragged on before she was born and would continue to drag on even after her death. It did not end the barbarians’ invasion. Father would not let it.She practically flew as she burst out of the motel and ran home, praying desperately to the goddess that the bartender was wrong. Even as she saw the streets in chaos as werewolves of her pack fou
Last Updated: 2023-12-16