All Chapters of His Poor Heiress: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
24 Chapters
Chapter 1: Let’s divorce
My husband hasn't slept at home for the past few weeks because he has been working hard at the office. A new project he said. I missed him. I missed having him beside me at night. His warmth holding me through the cold night. Today he called again telling me he can't make it back for dinner as he will be working late. That would make it five nights in a roll. The sharp feeling of disappointment I felt was something I couldn't shake off even if I tried. I know Tim is working hard to provide for us, and I do not begrudge him that, but most times I wish that he would prioritize us. While I sat in the kitchen contemplating my marriage, an idea struck my mind. I have never done it before, so I was a little nervous. Tim has never loved surprises but I wanted to have dinner with him. I missed seeing him across me in the dinning table, and the whole house feel so empty without him. Being a housewife with a hardworking husband can be lonely at times. Without letting myself talk me out of th
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Chapter 2: Five years later
Five years later. I came down from my family jet to have my grandfather employees waiting for me all dressed in suit with two black SUV waiting. I made my way to pops head of security and when I stood in front of him I took off my sun glasses. “Hello, Samuel,” I greeted warmly. “Welcome home. Ms Cartwright,” the tall ruggedly handsome head of security greeted politely. “Ruby,” I corrected with a smile. He nodded his head even though we both knew he wasn't ever going to use my name. The people in my grandfather's employ are always professional. He took the little carryon in my hand and turned to head to the car where the other security detail waited. I didn't follow but instead allowed myself to take in the air of the states. I have been away for five years and have missed home desperately. Words can't explain how happy I felt to be home. A lot has changed over the years. I was no longer the broken woman who left home five years ago. I slide my glasses back on and made my way elegan
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Chapter 3: A trip down memory lane
A trip down memory lane.We are back at the restaurant and Tim is sitting across from me presenting me a divorce paper that left me shocked and cold inside, stating that he was done in the coldest voice that I have ever heard him use. My head was full of questions that I wanted to ask. And one of them was how long has he been planning this. Because honestly this came as a shock. I know things hasn't been great between us but divorce? Where did that come from. "Why?" I asked calmly, even though inside I was breaking apart. Holding it together took everything in me. I wanted to rage, to scream at the unfairness of its all. He was the one who cheated, but at the same time I wanted to beg him to stay. He was all I had. The only family I have left. I was terrified of being alone. I have been alone and it doesn't feel great. Which is why I wanted my marriage to work. "I have found someone," he answered cooly not looking at me. He pretended to eat his meal. I don't know if he was using it
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Chapter 4: A gift with teeth
After my bath I made my way to Sapphire where my grandfather was waiting at the dining table. He was reading a newspaper when I walked in, but dropped it on the table when he caught sight of me. "Anything interesting?" I asked pulling out a seat for myself. He shook his head. "No. It is the same thing over and over again." His tone was gloomy as if he was done with the troubles that plagued the world. "Are you alright, pops? I asked worriedly. He nodded. "Don't mind me. I am just being an old man." "You old! I haven't noticed," I teased, eliciting a smile from him. There was plenty of food laid out on the table that is more than enough for an army. My first night here when they served this plenty food I had thought us hosting a party only to learn that it was just a meal for my grandfather and I. My grandfather is very rich. One of the richest man in the city, and as his only living relative that makes me the sole heir to all his riches. Yes, I am a heiress now. "So what is your
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Chapter 5: The stunning stranger
The part of me getting back at my ex husband sounded delicious to my ears. Pops made a winning argument. Robbing to Tim's face how much better I was doing without him. How happy I am, and how much I have moved on. To let him see that breaking our marriage is the best thing that he has ever done for me. That had a nice ring to it.But I had another worry. In order to make my ex husband eat his action I need an accomplice. To truly show him that I have moved on, I need to be with someone. The only problem is that I wasn't dating anyone, which Pops seems to have a solution for. To rent a boyfriend.I had laughed uproariously when he said it thinking he was being hilarious but he had been hundred percent serious. And had the perfect someone in mind. That made me a little suspicious. The whole thing made me suspicious. But I ignored the doubts in my mind if it meant showing Tim up. I haven't met my rented boyfriend yet. Grandpa said he will be picking me up today from work. We will be hav
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Chapter 6: Can I buy you coffee
My hand in his this time felt much more different than when he held it as he pulled me from the coffee shop. Here there was tension surrounding the touch as we stared deeply into each other's eyes, neither of us making any move to let go. It felt as if our stars were aligning in the universe. Corny. I know, but I have never felt thus kind of intense connection with another person just from holding hands, and he is sex on two wheels. Whew! Did I lock out and win a lottery or something. Please can someone break out the air condition because I feel so hot right now. “Excuse me!” someone said very close to us, but the words felt as if it was coming from a distance as Hassan and I continued to eat each other with our eyes. Everything else forgetting. I didn't even remember that I was planning on leading by example today by showing up early. If there was something called work my brain totally forgot it. “Excuse me!” The words came again, this time louder and a bit inpatient which finally
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Chapter 7: My Ex
Can someone really be prepared for meeting their ex, especially when the said ex hurt them badly. I lost count the number of times I simulated my reaction if and when I run into Tim, and despite my plenty preparation I was still taken unawares by his appearance on the other side of the elevator. Everything I practiced flew out of the window. He too was facing the same problem as me. At least I knew the possibility of running into him, but he had no clue and if I wasn't thrown by his sudden appearance I would have found the expression on his face comical. He was the first to snap out of his shocked spell, and while I still battled myself for what to say he spoke. “Ruby.”He said my name softly, like it was something precious, and any other time in the past I would have been glad to hear him call my name like this, but a lot of things has happened to us, and he has lost the right to whisper my name like this. The seconds it took for him to address me gave me time to compose myself an
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Chapter 8: Is this a joke?
Mr Jones stood for me to take my seat at the head of the table. I did that elegantly with confidence that I lacked in my early years, especially being married to Tim. I let him lead, and detect everything I did with my life, because then I had believed myself so in love with him. I made myself seem less so that he doesn't feel challenged. But not anymore. I looked around the table taking in the shocked faces of the the heads of the company. Watching as most came to accept what is in front of them even though they don't understand. The only one who looked like he was insulted by the new development was my ex husband. In his face was anger, and disbelief. Like it was wrong for a woman who he deemed nothing without him to be the head of his company. He flew to his feet intent on making his displeasure known, like that matters. “I don't understand what is going on here. How can she be the new head of this company. A woman who dropped out of high school. Mr Jones if this is a prank stop i
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Chapter 9: Getting into it with him
I looked away from Tim back to the entire room. They all still looked in shock. Maybe it wasn't a good idea dumping all these on them, but again when you tell your side of things you control the narration. As the new boss it is certain that questions and rumors will erupt about me in the office. Talks, I don't mind, but if they are going to talk about me, they will at least do it with the facts. On the topic of ex husband, I chanced another look at Tim, he looked a little unease. Adjusting himself on his seat like he had ants in his pants. He was worried I was going to reveal his infidelities. He needn't be. That is one part of our story that I intend to keep a secret, but which I know isn't going to be possible, unless Tim was sensible enough to hide his indiscretions from the office. I doubt it. Tim ego rules more than his common sense, and it would have been a stroke to his ego if he could carry on with different girls while still married. The office doesn't know me, they could ha
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Chapter 10: Tall drink of water
He stopped mid stride as if shocked that I would threaten him so boldly. I immediately resumed speaking to the room like his action was a matter of no consequence, like his absence made no damn difference and it didn't. Tim might be good at what he does, but there are thousands out there who are also good, and even better. Firing him won't be a loss in this company and I wish he wouldn't tempt me. The loud bang of the door made all heads turn in the its direction including mine. He didn't. He just did. I shook my head in my mind at a typical Tim calling me bluff. Well, he is going to learn the hard way that I am no longer the woman he married years ago. I don't bluff. The whole table turned in unison to look at me. I could see their expression speaking. Asking what I am going to do now? I turned to look at Mr Jones who sat to my left hand side. It was an eye communication in which the older man understood everything I wanted. “It will be done,” he said with a solemn expression on
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